May PTO Board Meeting

May 23rd, 2012

Attendees: Trish Franznick, Sheryl Belt, Vicki Marsing (BSF), Beckey Anderson, Sarah McCulloch, Jennifer Olsen, Jackie Broom, Susan Gace

Meeting called to order at 9:10 am by Trish

Mrs. Madison’s students (Max Doane, Daisy Amelang, Abigail Mikami, Edward Powers) presents their fundraising idea to the board. They will collect old crayons (up until the last day of school) to help raise money for the new school. Kids are requesting postage money from PTO to mail the boxes to the crayon company to be recycled. Board approves and will donate the postage expense: up to $140.

April meeting minutes reviewed and approved.

Volunteers of the Month: Meg Barjesteh and Amy Ryan for the efforts in organizing Staff Appreciation Week. Viviana Van Ness and Kristin Hammer for organizing the Science Fair. Wilkes canvas bags and latte chips will be given as thank you gifts.

Vicki Marsing (Bainbridge School Foundation):

·  47% of Wilkes parents currently donates to the BSF – need to find ways to increase participation.

·  BSF will pledge $500,000 to the district

·  BSF currently 40% behind on meeting budget goals.

·  BSF not receiving the strong response as last year – need to raise awareness among community (new & current parents) that BSF still needs support. Ad campaign to be revised.

·  Many local realtors have agreed to help spread the word to new incoming families about BSF.

·  Wilkes PTO will pledge $5,000 to BSF

Sheryl Belt (Principal):

Parents can no longer ask the Office staff to collect money for teacher’s gift. Alternatives will need to be made for next year.

Construction is still on time. School will not be completely done by start of the school year, but still functional enough for classes to start.

New Math adoption program currently being implemented for Woodward and BI High School students. Online Math textbooks and tutorial videos will be available for students to utilize at home.

Trish Franznick (President):

Spring Splash being organized by Trish and Beckey Anderson. Activities will be the same as last year – hula hoop contest, ice cream, music/dancing. Dan Rosenberg will MC the event. Need more volunteers to run event.

Nicole Retana (Treasurer): Balance sheet is reviewed. Budget for next year is discussed.

Amy Burton (Enrichment Coordinator): Amy is absent; Trish reads following memo to the group:

Final assemblies for the year: Story teller today (May 23) for 3rd graders – Lynn Ukich arranged. May 25th – 5th Ave. theater’s production of Klondike – 2 shows will be performed.

Budget – request for next year – this year we spent approx. $3300 on enrichment (programs plus travel costs. Amy is requesting an additional $1000 for a total of $4000 for next year plus $1300 for Lynn Ukich’s program offerings (this number is based on what Lynn spent this year). The hands-on science assemblies was a success this year and Amy hopes to organize a similar experience (hands on/applied theory) programs for 3rd and 4th graders going forward.

Fall assembly – Sheryl would like to add another assembly, Math Blast from Pacific Science Center, to launch the new school year and tee up math for the students. Amy notes that if this assembly cuts into next year’s enrichment budget and the budget isn’t increased to accommodate it (more than $3400), she will hold off on funding the assembly until she can discuss w/ Sheryl regarding mix of assemblies for 2012-2013.

After school enrichment programs – Many thanks to Sheryl, Susan Grace, Nicole and Becky for all of their hard work in making this a reality. Amy finalized the contracts with Parks and Rec and are firming up the fall course offerings. We are looking for variety in the courses, so offerings will change throughout the year.

·  After-school Lego League in the pipeline for next year. PTO will help finance initial material cost. Jennifer Olsen suggested Lego League name be changed due to possible trademarking violations. Board members all agree.

High level view/ framework for enrichment courses and course offerings: 5 sessions over the school year, 6-8wks each session. One or two course offerings each day. Strive for a 50/50 mix between offering programs that align/augment curriculum and expansive programs that expose students to things they might not have done before. Mix will also be between cerebral and physical.

The program also offers a means to self fund professional development for teachers should teachers want to facilitate a course. An example is the Lego league – teachers will learn about programming through preparing to facilitate this course. Program is designed is to make itself sustaining by keeping it simple for the PTO and school to administer. While there will be a bit of processing on the PTO treasurer and enrichment coordinators parts, the admin of this offering is meant to be simple and not time consuming. We achieved this through our partnership with Bainbridge Island Parks and Rec.

Parent outreach – Inquiry based learning at home. Greg Moncada has secured the Museum of Flight to facilitate this program to parents on May 30th. The training will include lecture and an opportunity to practice concepts.

Beckey Anderson (Communications): Next year, all requests for list serve emails will only be posted in the Wilkes Whales Express newsletter in order to reduce list serve emails.

Beckey is ordering sets of reusable, BPA free, plastic plates/silverware to be used in classrooms for parties, etc.

Voting of new 2012-2013 board members:

President: Jennifer Olsen

President Elect: Beckey Anderson

Secretary: Jackie Broom

Treasurer: Nicole Retana and Patricia Intihar

Enrichment Coordinator: Amy Burton

Volunteer Coordinator: Carrie DeFoe

Communications: Beckey Anderson

Site Council: Trish Franznick

Member at Large: Trish Franznick

All new members are voted in and approved @ 10:45 am.

Voting of 2012-2013 budget:

Approval on the use of Auction Funds for the upcoming school year is voted in @ 10:55 am by current board members.

-  Allocation of funds for Wilkes are reviewed and approved. An $8500 is leftover in surplus.

-  $8500 to be divided as follows: An additional $5,000 will be donated to BSF – to a total of $10,000 that Wilkes PTO will donate to BSF. $3500 will be donated to the Library Fund to help buy more books. Board approves the use of the surplus funds and votes @ 11:00 am.

Next board meeting is June 6th 2012. Meeting will be held at Doc’s restaurant at 11 am.

Minutes taken by Jackie Broom