/ Weekly News
March 10 /
Reading:Big Idea: Face a challenge helps us to grow. Essential Question: Why do authors write different kinds of text? We will read Aero and Officer Mike Police Partners, Kids and Critters,and leveled readers. The skills/strategies for the week are: author’s purpose, pronouns, verbs, prefix in/im-, words with ar/or/ore, summarizing, and accuracy. The vocabulary words are: lying, loyal, partners, shift, quiver, patrol, ability, and snap.
Math: We will be taking the unit 7 test today on extended multiplication/division facts, basic facts, and use of parentheses. The next unit focuses on: naming parts of a fraction, predicting outcomes with an experiment, fractions on a number line, equivalent fractions, comparing fractions, fractions greater than one, and fraction number stories. On Tuesdays and Thursdays in our homeroom students will be taking timed math fact tests at their level.
Writing: Today is the last day for the students to type up their descriptive essays. They are looking FABULOUS! It is a big accomplishment for the students to write a five paragraph essay. During the next writer’s workshop the students will write to narrate for an autobiography. The writing trait that they will focus on will be ideas.
SWITCH: Our class will be with me for the next two weeks for science. The students will be learning about the different parts of the solar system, the moon phases, and conducting a research project on a planet.
Notes and Reminders / Upcoming Events / Homework
Here is the prep schedule until April 17:
  • Monday, Day 4, Music(long)
  • Tuesday, Day 5, P.E.
  • Wednesday, Day 1, Music (short)
  • Thursday, Day 2, P.E.
  • Friday, Day 3, Media/Computer
Mrs. Briesemeister’s Monday class, Writer’s Workshop, your next writing sample is due on Monday, March 10. /
  • PIE, 7:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday,
    March 12, test in the computer lab for a study through the U of M.
  • March 21, Science Museum Field Trip
  • March 24-28 Spring Break
  • April 18, No School
  • April 22, 23, 24
MCA Reading Test
  • April 24, Science Fair 4:30-6:00 DES Gym
  • April 25 MCA Math practice on the computer.
  • MCA Math We will be assigned two days between April 28-May 3. As soon as I know the specific date, I will put it in the newsletter.
  • Math Homework: 7.7, 7.8, 7.9
  • Read your TFK, design a library and flyer for the opening of your library.
  • Spelling: Week 22. Students will first take the spelling test that goes along with the reading series, using words with –ar,
    -or, -ore. If the student gets less than 2 words correct, they will move to their colored list.
  • Each month students are required to take at least 2 AR tests. The next due date is March 31.
  • We are back to our yellow reading logs. The students are expected to read 20 minutes a day. Due date: Monday,
    March 17.

/ Please call or e-mail if you have any questions!
(763) 972-6200 ext. 4202
We are all growing into something beautiful!–Author Unknown
