Kings Fork High School PTSA

351 Kings Fork Rd

Suffolk, VA 23434-7151

Meeting Minutes

December 18, 2012Members Meeting

PTSA President Molly Crow called meeting to order at 6 p.m. A quorum was established with 14 PTSA members in attendance. A sign in sheet was provided with the following members in attendance:

Tyla D. Holloway, Sandra Holloway, Molly W. Crow, Thomas Chapman II, Toni Chapman, Keena Dickerson, Uriah Dickerson, Tonya Bangley, Audrey Batchelor, Suzanne Rice, Ida A. Thompson, Bob Stephens, Fletcher Stephens, Kennee Townsend.

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes approval postponed until the arrival of the Secretary Ida A. Thompson arrived with meeting minutes.


Audit is currently in process. VAPTA sent a representative to handle an audit of the books prior to a new treasurer being appointed. Molly stated the current commitment by the state is the end of the year.

Membership Committee

It is the goal of the membership committee to have 100 members signed up by the end of the 2012/2013 school year with representation from each educational department. Still need representation from the school staff of the science dept. and the fine arts dept.

Reflections Committee

The Reflections Committee Chair- Tonya Bangley announced the winners. Further reported was that KFHS students placed in every category which the students entered.


The PTSA worked the coral/band concert by hosting a reception on Dec. 13. Five new members were subscribed. PTSA also launched a Chick-Fil-a Calander fundraiser. Five calendars were sold at the reception.


Membership is hereby notified that our current Treasurer Toni Chapman has resigned. It is asked of the current membership if any member would carefully consider volunteering for the position. The 2012-2013 National PTA guidelines were read from the President’s Quick Reference Guide page 16. It was noted by member Bob Stephens that any member considering the position should consider the fiduciary responsibilities that this position carries. This is the only position that cannot be appointed by the board. Tonya Bangley noted that it is imperative that a treasurer be nominated quickly. Without the quick appointment of this position, the PTSA will be disbanded.


Membership inquired regarding status of the committee appointments. Per Molly, Membership Chair, Jodi Morse provided the board with a committee list, however, the list was not presented to the members. Tonya Bangley suggested being appointed to Chair the fundraising committee. Ms. Dickerson volunteered to join the fundraising committee. Dr. Rice stated that fundraising should be started up ASAP. Sandra Holloway asked that the committee disburse to the membership the committee list that Jodi created. Tanya suggested that the President release committee chairs and that a special meeting be held. In the absence of the committee list the membership agreed that the committee chairs be appointed as follows:

Membership – Jodi Morse

Hospitality – Tonya Bangley

Fundraising- Tonya Bangley

Scholarship and Essay – Keena Dickerson

Communications - Sandra Holloway

Meeting Minutes

General meeting minutes from November 20th were read to the membership. Floor opened for question, corrections or comments. Keena Dickerson motioned to approve minutes. Sandra Holloway seconds the motion. Membership approved minutes unanimously.

Board meeting minutes were read to the members. Floor opened for questions, corrections or comments. Sandra Holloway asked if request for dues extension was approved by the National VAPTA organization. Molly confirmed that the request was denied. President Molly Crow paid dues with personal funds and it is now noted that the KFHS PTSA will reimburse Molly Crow out of KFHS PTSA funds once the audit of the current Treasurer books have been completed by the state representative. Sandra Holloway then stated that as per the board official meeting minutes, any fund disbursements and expenses by the KFHS PTSA be tabled at this time. Sandra Holloway motioned for meeting minutes to be approved with an amendment to a type-o error correcting the 990 tax form to read as such. Bob Stephens seconds the motion. Membership approved the motion unanimously to approve the board meeting minutes with amendment.

PTSA Scholarship/s

President Molly Crow opened up discussion whether the membership would like to consider offering a KFHS PTSA scholarship as has always been traditional. Sandra Holloway asked President to detail the scholarship requirements. Molly requested that the scholarship committee create an application for the membership to review and approve. Various members requested the PTSA board consider “setting a date” in lieu of committing to awarding a scholarship, should funding become an issue due to the PTSA establishing late in the school year. Dr. Rice stated fundraising become the priority goal for the PTSA. Sandra Holloway reiterated that per the board meeting minutes any expenses as this time be tabled until sufficient funds could be raised at which time the board membership could consider offering the scholarship. Ms. Dickerson inquired, should funding be raised and available, what amount would the PTSA consider offering? Dr. Rice stated previous school year PTSA awarded a $500 scholarship to two students. Ms. Dickerson again asked if practical in lieu of making a commitment, could a “Save the Date” be considered. Bob Stephens noted that a budget should be created before a scholarship should be considered. Dr. Rice then noted that once a budget is created and a scholarship is inclusive that any budget proposed and approved by the membership becomes a committed expense. Mrs. Rennee Townsend requested that the board please table any expenses until a budget could be created and approved. Dr. Rice agreed that a budget is imperative before expenses should be considered. Bob Stephens motioned that the scholarship be tabled until the 2013-2014 school year. Ida A. Thompson seconds the motion. Membership majority agreed to table the scholarship at this time.


Dr. Rice announced there will be a Career Readiness Fair on Feb. 2nd from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Kings Fork Middle School. This fair is to assist Middle School students to prepare for high school and High School students to prepare for college or the workforce. Dr. Rice asked the PTSA to assist in communicating to the students and parents the importance of attending this fair. Jan. 22nd is the next KFHS PTSA meeting at 7 p.m. Tonya Bangley volunteered to provide any form of support by the membership to the administration at whatever capacity.

Questions/ Comments

Tonya Bangley addressed tragedy in Connecticut and the heightened security in the City of Suffolk. Bob Stephens stated that there increase in security was not new but advised that the PTSA work towards offering support and extend a partnership role to the current administration. Dr. Rice interjected that over time the schools become relaxed with security procedures but when tragedy strikes it is a reminder as to the importance of school administrators taking the lead in diligence.

Bob Stephens “Thanked” all the parents that have volunteered to keep the PTSA engaged and the board members for stepping up through leadership. He asked that the board please take into careful consideration the fiduciary responsibilities of their leadership roles. Dr. Rice kindly requested that the PTSA please handle the money correctly. Mrs. Holloway asked that the members please communicate with one another and continue to exercise patience as the membership grows. It was also commented that the committee chairs please step up and help get the members involved so as to keep members actively engaged and encouraged to continue to grow the organization.

Meeting adjourned at 7: 34 p.m.

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