International University


Brief Yoga & Hypnosis for Prevention & Control of Pain

for Health WorkersEveryone

Edited by: Lady Camie Hall & Dr Bob Boland

Draft for Publication Version 19 - July 27, 2010

Simple 20 minute training, text, photos and audio/video demonstrations in home, office,

supermarket, factory, school and for young and old,

and even for handicapped peopleat home in a chair or even in bed, for:

Neck & shoulder pain

Knee & leg pain

Arm & hand pain

Back & hip pain

Head & eye pain

Chest & Abdominal Pain

FootToe Pain

Copyright: RGAB/CH/2010/19

Available by download to all health care workers from , and as a low cost paperback book ($10) and download from www.



The YOGAHYP volume briefly present some brief 20 minute practical applications of Yoga reinforced by Hypnosis, for prevention and control of pain.It is designed toencourage a healthy life style and to reinforce health workers and everyone, old and young who seeks to achieve the best health care – self-care!

Yoga has been accepted as a health care treatment for centuries and it uses very traditional relaxation and exercise techniques.

Hypnosis, is not a treatment, but a very powerful reinforcement with positive mind-body attitudes for preventive and curative health care. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. You are always in control.

The combination of Yoga and Hypnosis in YOGAHYP, provides efficient and effective health care, when the individual understand it, believes in it, and expects it to work well, for him or her, at every age.

The volume providesYOGAHYP pain prevention routine and specific pain control routines. The DVD and website provide audio and video demonstrations to support and reinforce the learning..

Each treatment routine takes only about 20 minutes and involves:

1. Empathy with a professional YOGAHYP trainer (and for recall by the individual)

to understand the specific pain problem to be resolved.

2. Clinical self-hypnosis for relaxation and positive mind-body activation.

3. YOGAHYP prevention of pain routine of eight exercises.

4. YOGAHYP special routine for the specific pain area with sixspecific exercises.

5. Self-hypnosis to reinforce pain prevention and control.

After the initial training experience, the individual has the confidence to do the YOGAHYP routines for pain control alone, or with a partner, without supervision. Suggestions for further study (Appendix 1)

Contributor advice freely available on request.The key objective of the book is to make basic YOGAHYP freely and easily available to everyone, in local language for primary health careand self-care, in both developed anddeveloping countries.


Chapter Page

  1. Introduction 4
  2. Pain Prevention Routine 7
  1. Specific Pain Control Routines:

Neck & shoulder pain 12

Knee & leg pain 13

Arm & hand pain 14

Back & hip pain 15

Head & eye pain 16

Chest & abdominal pain17

Wrist & Finger pain 18

Foot& toe pain 19

4. Self hypnosis to reinforce the learning 20

  1. Conclusions 22


  1. Further study 23

2. DVD/web site support 26

3. Contributors and contacts for help 26

  1. Brief notes on Yoga 28
  2. Brief notes on Hypnosis 31
  3. Alternative self hypnosis routines 32
  4. Brief Glossary of Yoga & Hypnosis 37

8 . Yoga exercises 1- 35 40


This is YOGAHYP project is designed to achieve recognition and acceptance of combined yoga and clinical hypnosis for pain prevention and control


Yoga and Clinical hypnosis are similar and well established. They both start with building empathy and defining health care goals and outcomes. Both provide relaxation and give suggestions to guide the patient to achieve the target health care outcomes. Both use a form of self hypnosis as a frequent part of almost all treatment.

Best practice in clinical health care begins when health care professionals help every patient to reduce anxiety and pain, and to regain and build self control.

The advanced health worker thinks of the patient as an active member of the health care team, not as an object of treatment. Hypnosis can help to create a cooperative Yoga healing relationship, to the benefit of both patients and health care staff.


Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice. It is a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation, practiced for more than 5,000 years.

While Yoga evolved as a spiritual practice, in the West it has grown popular as a form of purely physical exercise. Some Western practice has little or nothing to do with Hinduism or spirituality, but is simply a way of keeping fit and healthy. This differs from the traditional Eastern view of yoga.

Yoga was first introduced to American society in the late nineteenth century by Swami Vivekananda, the founder of the Vedanta Society. He believed that India has an abundance of spiritual wealth and that yoga is a method that could help those who were bound by the materialism of capitalist societies to achieve spiritual well-being.

There are numerous opinions on what the goal of Yoga may be. Goals can range from improving health and fitness, to reaching Mksha.

Hypnosis in various forms has been known as long as societies have existed. The ancient Greeks and Egyptians employed curative hypnosis in sleep temples”.

The Bible has sections that allude to hypnotic phenomena. The breathing and relaxation routines of hypnosis can relate directly with Buddhism, Acupuncture, Thai Chi, Yoga and traditional medicine

In 2010clinical hypnosis is recognized as a treatment by almost every national medical authority internationally and by NIH.


This book is designed to be quickly and easily absorbed. The specific objectives are to:

1. Practice basic Yoga and Hypnosis for efficient and effective pain control.

2. Encourage health care workers and individuals to use these techniques.

3. Provide text and exercises for 30 minute training workshops.

4. Support Yoga and Hypnosis as a routine part of the required syllabus

for every Medical and NursingSchool.

5. Encourage donors to finance necessary studies and Cochrane reviews on

Yoga and Hypnosis and training programs in developing countries

6. Motivate further application and study in the future.


Work with an instructor in a specific 30 minute training program. Study each chapter carefully, alone or better with a partner. Daily exercise and practice.

The book is a source of reference and new ideas. It provides step by step procedures for the applications. A health care worker can find many different ways to get value from the chapters presented.

The DVD provides audio/visual demonstrations which could also be downloaded directly from the web site.

For each pain problem: Do the prevention routine and then the specific routine gently.


For medical and nursing schools, the basic materials could be absorbed in one day programs with a professional trainer, and could become part of the required syllabus for every school.

The book may be used for individual study, but is probably more efficient and effective with a partner or small group.

Reinforcement is available from the suggested further readings (APPENDIX 1 & 3).

Copies of the book will be downloaded from the web site for general distribution to health care workers internationally and in low cost paperback book from There are plans to make versions available in multiple languages.

CHAPTER 2 Pain Prevention Routine

2.1Empathy with a professional YOGAHYP trainer (and for recall by the individual) to understand the specific pain problem to be resolved.

Instruction: Make notes here on:

1. The type of pain

2. The origin of the pain

3. What makes the pain worse

4. What makes the pain better

5. Other key physical and psychological factors

6. Progress

CHAPTER 2 Pain Prevention Routine

2.2Clinical self-hypnosis for relaxation and positive mind-bodyactivation.

Choose alternative A or B.


Some learners may be nervous, stressed or lacking in confidence to learn about pain prevention and control. A simple relaxation exercise will improve the quality of the learning. With self-hypnosis you are in complete control all the time.

At first it takes about three minutes, but as you become more expert at it, you can do it in much less time:

  1. Sit down and relax as you count to three.At one, look up toward your eyebrows; at two, close your eyelids and take a deep breath in; and at three, breath out, and let your eyes relax, and let your body float.
  1. As you feel yourself floating, permit one hand to float up just a little. It becomes your signal to enter a state of meditation in which you concentrate on the learning you are achieving and what it means to you.

3. Begin slowly and mentally ... to count down from 10 to 0 … saying …

deeper… deeper …

4. Imagine a beautiful white light ... coming from above your head ... cleaning

every part of you ... as it passes through your whole mind and body ... and

out of your toes.

5. Imagine a beautiful soothing golden fluid ... coming in from your toes ...

soothing and healing every part of your mind and body ... right up to the top

of your head...

  1. Then RELAX … as you make one or two … POSITIVE suggestions to yourself ... which help YOU … feeling better in MIND & BODY ... finding new strengths from within YOURSELF … handling YOUR problem of worry (or pain or stress or sleep) in YOUR OWN WAY … believing in the success of YOUR little health care team in which YOU are an important member … and feeling very deeply … that this is a wonderful world … with so many joys for YOU.
  1. Tell yourself that you are going to learn to prevent and control your pain. Think about it deeply to find strengths within yourself that you did not know were there. Take your time …
  1. Then when you are ready, bring yourself back out of this concentration, feeling well and very positive, by counting backwards this way.
  1. Three, get ready. Two, with your eyelids closed, roll up your eyes (and do it now). And, one, let your eyelids open slowly.
  1. Then, when your eyes are back in focus, slowly make a fist with the hand that is floating a little, open your fist slowly, and your usual sensation and control returns, with a happy feeling of floating.

By doing the exercise every one to two hours, you can, in just one minute … float into this state of buoyant repose, in which you addextra-receptivity to re-imprint the critical learning for pain prevention and control, and give yourself confidence deep in your mind.

Practice self hypnosis regularly. You will achieve control of your pain as you “re-program yourself” in mind and body with YOGAHYP exercise, which leads to gentle positive reframing of your problems. On we go …with YOGAHYP …

CHAPTER 2 Pain Prevention Routine

2.3Clinical self-hypnosis for relaxation and positive mind-body activation.

ALTERNATIVE B - longer version

1. Suggestions for pain diminution

With every breath you take, breathing comfort in and tension or discomfort out, you can wonder how it is that you may be feeling more and more comfortable, right here and now. You may be pleased, of course, but you may also be surprised that it’s so much easier now to simply not notice uncomfortable feelings, to simply not pay attention to anything other than your comfort. So much easier to enjoy the relaxing, peaceful comfort of each breath. So simple, so natural, to attend to your breathing.

As we continue, you can enjoy discovering that the uncomfortable feelings just seem somehow to change. With every breath you take, you can notice how those feelings seem to become less and less clear, less and less strong… as if they are becoming farther and farther away…or smaller and smaller, taking up less and less space in your awareness.

You can trust that your unconscious mind will notice any feelings that you need to pay attention to. If your health requires that you notice any uncomfortable feelings, you will do so. It’s so nice, though, that any old, chronic discomforts can fade away, come less and less strong. You can picture putting these feelings in a box, and then putting this box in another box, and then putting this box in yet another box, and placing that box in a room down a long hallway. So that even if you are aware of these sensations at some level, it is almost as if they are buried…far away… so easy to ignore.

It’s so easy to feel the comfort of every breath. So easy to let yourself daydream about a pleasant place, maybe to remember a happy time in your life or maybe to imagine a happy time you’d like to have in your life. Letting yourself feel free, right now, to just let your mind wander…to wander over pleasant memories or to wander over a pleasing image of something you’d like in your life right now.

With every breath you take, breathing comfort in and tension or discomfort out, let yourself notice greater and greater comfort. Let every breath you take contribute to your sense of peaceful comfort and well-being.

As you breathe, and as you notice the sensations of each breath, notice, too, that any remaining uncomfortable feelings are less and less clear, less and less strong… as if they are becoming farther and farther away…or smaller and smaller, taking up less and less space in your awareness.I wonder if you’ll be pleased or surprised…or perhaps both…as you become more and more aware of feeling more and more comfortable.

2. Post Hypnotic Suggestions
All right, it is now time to extend any comfort and skills you have gained in this session intoyour daily life. Begin by closing your eyes, and taking a deep, comfortable, relaxing breath and hold it….hold it for a moment… and then let it slowly out. That’s right. Really feel the sensations of each breath.

Notice that breathing in feels different than breathing out. Now, I’d like you to imagine something with me. Imagine that you are breathing comfort in each time you breathe in… actual comfort, each time you breathe in… and imagine you are breathing tension or discomfort out each time you breath out. As you do so, maybe you already notice that you can feel relaxation and comfort washing over you, like warm water in a bath. As you allow yourself to relax more and more…

You can be aware that any time you would like to feel more comfortable, any time later today, tomorrow, or any other time you want to feel more comfortable, all you have to do is take a very deep, very satisfying breath and hold it.…hold it…and then, as you let it all the way out, let your eyelids close and focus on your breathing. Breathe comfort in and tension out, with each breath you take. Really focus your mind on each breath, and let each breath contribute to your comfort. When you do this, your mind will automatically select one or more of the skills you are learning, and you will be able to experience the benefits of these again.

Remember, any time you want to feel more comfortable, just rest back and take a very deep, very satisfying breath, and hold it … and then, as you let it all the way out, let your eyelids close and focus on your breathing. Breathe comfort in, and tension out with each breath you take. Really focus your mind on each breath. Let each breath contribute to your comfort.

Your mind will automatically use and practice the skills you are learning so that you will feel more comfortable and any remaining sensations will bother you less, and less. And the benefits will stay with you.

You may choose to practice for a minute or two every hour, or for several minutes just a few times a day. I don’t know how you will choose to do it, but the more you practice, the betteryou will feel, and the more your mind will be able to use these skills, automatically, throughout the day, so that you can feel more and more comfortable.

As you are practicing, when you need to end the experience, you’ll find that you’re sitting up automatically, your eyes are open, your mind is clear and alert…yet the comfort remains with you. No matter how clear and alert your mind remains, this inner comfort, this inner sense of ease, can remain with you and grow. Because this is your experience. And you can have it whenever you need.

The more you practice this, the easier it will be to keep the comfort with you.In a moment I am going to count from ten back to one, and as I do, come back up with me, feeling more and more aware and alert. When I reach the number “one” you will be fully alert, but still comfortable. The feelings of comfort, relaxation, and calmness you have been feeling, these feelings will stay and linger. And the more your practice, the better you will be at allowing yourself to feel comfortable, until this becomes automatic.