University Council

Thursday, September 10, 2009

3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

JCK 11th Floor - Reed Parr Room

Approved Minutes

Voting Members Present:

Rosalinda Barrera, Ron Brown, Stan Carpenter, Jaime Chahin, Russell Clark, Christopher Covo, Susan Day, Lucy Harney for Ann Marie Ellis, Debra Feakes, Ray Fisk, John Fleming, Carol Hazelwood, Sam Lee, Michelle Lopez, Joey Martin, Robert Moerke, Susan Morey, Lauren Morgan, Milt Nielsen, Michael Nowicki, Ivana Flowers for Kim Porterfield, Curt Schafer, Stephen Seidman, John McGee for Denise Smart, Vedaraman Sriraman, Dan Tamir, Angelika Wahl, Ruth Welborn, Michael Willoughby

Non-Voting Members Present:

Gary Beall, Robert Gratz, Michael Heintze, Perry Moore, William Nance, Rebecca Prince, Joanne Smith, Denise Trauth, Van Wyatt

I.Approval of Minutes–February 12, 2009

Minutes were approved as written.

II.Introduction of New Members

New members were recognized.

III.University Update – President Denise M. Trauth

President Trauth stated that a budget report will be given at the October University

Council meeting after the official fall enrollment is released.

Enrollment: President Trauth discussed several points regarding the increased

enrollment including the space and parking challenges.

Although higher enrollments create challenges, Texas State is fortunate in that it is not

experiencing the financial cutbacks faced by most universities across the U.S.

President Trauth has asked Dr. Moore to conduct a study of the new master’s degrees or

new concentrations to existing programs that should be added to meet the needs of central

Texas. President Trauth stated that the master’s degree has become the required

credential for many careers. Space, faculty, and other resource needs as well as potential

new students will be considered in reviewing requests for new master’s


SACS: President Trauth stated that the single most important event on campus this

spring will be the SACS visit scheduled for March 23 – 25, 2010. During the on-site visit

the reviewers will concentrate on a select group of standards and the QEP (Quality

Enhancement Plan). Our OEP plan is to establish a Center for Personalized Academic

and Career Exploration (PACE). This center will create an environment to enhance

freshmen success.

Pride and Action Campaign: President Trauth reported that we have had a very

successful campaign this spring and summer when we received several large donations.

She stated that we are engaging our students in the campaign so they will want to give \ back to Texas State.

Chancellor Charles Matthews: President Trauth informed the council that Chancellor

Matthews has announced his resignation as of February 2010. A search committee has

been appointed.

IV.Campus Master Plan – Ms. Nancy Nusbaum

Ms. Nusbaum presented a PowerPoint presentation on the master plans, 2005 San Marcos

Campus and 2003 Round Rock. The Campus Master Plans can be found at:

Click on Facilities Planning.

V.New Business

Dr. Moore gave a preliminary enrollment report. Texas State’s enrollment will be over

30,000. The Provost noted that we will be adding a significant number of new full time

faculty over the next two years. He also stated that Ms. Nusbaum is working with him to

build new faculty offices in existing space on campus.

Adjourned: 3:55