Top Scientist Says New Solar Wobble to Prolong Global Cooling

May 31, 2011

John O'Sullivan

Our Climate Changes with Solar Gravity – NASA

As a new solar minimum takes our planet towards global cooling an increasing number of scientists give credence to a new theory blaming our Sun's wobble.

It started in 2007 when scientists saw that gravitational forces in our solar system may have a huge impact on Earth's climate. Professor Ivanka Charvátová, CSc. from the Geophysical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, explains why there is suddenly so much interest in her theory in an exclusive interview with

Professor Charvátová calls it Solar Inertial Motion (SIM) and she claims it will have serious impacts on our climate. She says a predictable "wobble" of our Sun called barycenter shift alters Earth's weather patterns. Few climatologists have yet studied this phenomenon. But the evidence supporting Professor Charvátová's SIM theory is becoming ever more compelling.

Our Wobbling Sun

Increased international interest in the SIM 'wobble effect' began after Australian scientist Dr. Richard Mackey published a paper addressing the effects of the barycenter shift in The Journal of Coastal Research in 2007. Mackey drew inspiration from the work of the late Rhodes Fairbridge.

Fairbridge was one of the first English-speaking experts to appreciate the significance of Professor Charvátová's findings. The Czech expert had suddenly stolen the limelight because, as she says „I was the only one in the whole world who got the 23rd sunspot cycle prediction right."

She recalls, "Even before my major discovery came, Prof R.W.Fairbridge contacted me after I published an article about SIM periodicity in Paris." The publication was in her former name, Jakubcová.

Climatologists Accused of Ignoring New Science

When asked how much of this groundbreaking new science the UN's beleaguered climate panel, the IPCC, took into account in their global warming reports, she answered, "Nothing at all. They are allergic to SIM."

She explained that traditional thinking only considered science that supports the greenhouse gas theory which, in turn, attributes a substantial component of climate change to human influence. Professor Charvátová laments that the IPCC still fails to consider a whole range of climate forcing phenomena with any solar-terrestrial link, e.g. cosmic rays, geomagnetic, solar gravitational forces, volcanic activity, etc.

Despite the IPCC's lack of interest in the issue scientists have long known that the Sun's position in space moves about the solar system's center of mass (barycenter) in cycles that repeat themselves every 178 to 180 years. Records show that this increased shift occurred in 1632, 1811 and significantly impacted Earth's temperatures each time. We are now in the midst of another such period that first began in 1990 and will run until 2013.

The impact of this new SIM minimum could last until 2091 because of the 900-year "great inequality" of the motion of Jupiter and Saturn.

Referring to another respected SIM researcher, Theodor Landscheidt, Ivanka says, „We agree that in the first half of the 21st century the solar activity might be lower and even the temperatures might go down." Mainstream science is only now slowly waking up to SIM theory as reported by Govert Schilling's article, 'Did Quiet Sun Cause Little Ice Age After All?' (May 26, 2011) for's Science Mag.

Ivanka and her supporters fear Earth may even face climate calamity not due to heat but from global cooling as cosmic forces combine with increased volcanic and earthquake activity to plunge our planet into a repeat of 1816, the "year without a summer," a calamitous episode known to scientists and historians as "eighteen hundred and froze to death." Experts fear we may now be headed into extreme weather events that will be potentially far worse.

The infamous year of 1816 was beset with powerful changes in magnetism, major volcanic eruptions, and the wobbling of the Sun's position. It is believed that the coincidence of those powerful forces of nature propelled our planet into the widespread famine, drought, and destructive snows and rains that so many historians documented. Only recently have scientists thought to make the link with those corellated climatic events and solar "wobble" and come up with the SIM theory.

Greenhouse Gas Theory Disputed Among Independent Researchers

Among the biggest fans of this new science are skeptics critical of the UN's preferred theory about climate, the greenhouse gas effect (GHE), which tells us that carbon dioxide (CO2) among other atmospheric gases, traps solar heat. The UN insists the GHE is key to our planet's climate. But the predicted steep rises in global temperatures by GHE believers hasn't occurred this century. Also, the Climategate scandal shook confidence in the science surrounding the GHE after researchers were accused of fudging their data and refusing to disclose their calculations.

Asked about her associations with climate skeptics Ivanka replied she consulted many, "For instance Prof. O. Manuel, the former chief researcher of the Apollo project. They even published a book 'Slaying the Sky Dragon,' a book she says, that documents „the scandals of the climate change research and thus also the uncertainties in the temperature measurements of the last 40 years or so."

Professor Charvátová does gives us some hope that we will survive this new cooling period: "You may find it comforting that no matter how the Sun wiggles, every 179 years it comes back to a regular trefoil path."

Ivanka and other scientists insist that our sun, like most stars, has much variability and climate science must now begin to properly account for this. She cautions against blaming human emissions of CO2 when a previously ill-considered natural cause is more likely the key to our further understanding.


Fairbridge, Rhodes W.; Shirley, James H., 'Prolonged minima and the 179-yr cycle of the solar inertial motion,' Solar Physics (ISSN 0038-0938), vol. 110, no. 1, 1987, p. 191-210.

Mackey, R., 'Rhodes Fairbridge and the idea that the solar system regulates the Earth's climate,' The Journal of Coastal Research (2007) (Australia ISSN 0749.0208).

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