Worksheet 30 – Review for Exam 5
Supplemental Instruction
IowaStateUniversity / Leader: / Kirsten Karkow
Course: / Biol 211 - Wilsey
Date: / 4/16/2012

Define the following terms:

Ecology / Studies the interactions of organisms and their environment.
Biome / A major natural habitat (characteristic climate, flora, and fauna).
Ecotone / Transitional biome
Rain Shadow / Dry leeward side of a mountain

Indicate which of the following statements are true:

__F__ Climates are less variable inland.

__T__ Regions that get direct sunlight will be warmer than regions that get indirect sunlight.

__T__ Areas of tundra have too little moisture and sunlight to support tree growth.

__F__ Areas closer to the equator will have more dramatic winters and summers.

__T__ Equatorial areas have more consistent sunrise and sunset times.

__T__ Ocean currents can make coastal climates warmer or cooler than they would be.

Match the following biomes with their correct descriptions:

Tundra, Alpine Tundra, Chaparral, Tropical Grassland, Temperate Forest, Desert, Tropical Forest, Coniferous Forest, Temperate Grassland

Extremely wet regions with very diverse wildlife.TROPICAL (RAIN) FOREST

Cold areas with wet and dry seasons. Evergreen shrubs are common.CHAPARRAL

Dry, cold regions with conical trees.CONIFEROUS FOREST

Moderate areas with four seasons. Bison and elk are common. TEMPERATE GRASSLAND

Extremely cold areas occurring near sea level. Only dwarf plants may grow. TUNDRA

Very hot and dry areas.Grasslands with sparse trees.TROPICAL GRASSLAND (SAVANNA)

Extremely arid regions with CAM plants.DESERT

Regions with moderate-abundant rainfall. Deer and turkey are common. TEMPERATE FOREST

Very dry and cold areas occurring at high altitude.ALPINE TUNDRA

Where do brackish biomes or estuaries occur?Freshwater-ocean transitions.

Where do abyssal biomes occur? At the deepest ocean depths.

What marine biome contains the most diverse wildlife? Coral reefs.

Answer the following multiple choice questions:

  1. If you tag 100 cows, come back two weeks later, and find that 70 out of the 200 you counted have tags, what is the approximate population size of that herd?
  1. 140
  2. 210
  3. 285
  4. 305
  1. The distribution occurring when the negative interactions and positive interactions between members of the same species is…
  2. Uniform distribution
  3. Random distribution
  4. Clumped distribution
  1. Which of the following does not affect the reproductive rate of a population?
  2. At what age reproduction begins
  3. At what age reproduction ends
  4. Frequency of reproduction
  5. How many offspring are produced each time
  6. Trick question, they all do
  1. Which type of survivorship curve do humans display?
  2. Type I
  3. Type II
  4. Type III

Define the following terms:

Demography / Statistical study of populations. Includes birth rates, death rates, migration, sex ratios, and age structures.
Discrete Generations / Adults die before the next generation is born.
Overlapping Generations / When individuals of many generations are alive at once.
Growth Rate / R = B - D. Describes whether a population is growing (R > 0), declining (R < 0), or at equilibrium (R = 0).
Net Reproductive Rate / R0 = N2/N1. The average number of offspring an individual will produce in his/her lifetime. The population is growing if R0 > 1.
Intrinsic Rate of Increase / Rmax. Growth rate under ideal conditions (no environmental limits).
Carrying Capacity / K, the maximum population an environment can sustain.
R-selected Species / Display rapid initial growth, but unable to sustain N around K.
K-selected Species / Slower initial growth, but can sustain N around K.
Exponential Population Growth / J-shaped (unlimited, continually accelerating) growth. Occurs in density-independent or very small populations.
Logistic Population Growth / S-shaped (limited) growth. Occurs in density-dependent populations as N approaches K.

Which of the following is not an important determinant of density-independent population size?

  1. Depletion of resources
  2. Natural disasters
  3. Poor competition
  4. Disease
  5. All of the above
  6. A and C
  7. A, C and D