KAT Training - Week 3 - Lesson 3 - The A, B, Cs of Lead Management

Lead Management

Lead Processing and Weekly Lead Report Assessment

Version 1.0 2016

Lead Management is one of the most time sensitive Lifebushido Teams. Lead processing takes place 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Due to the sensitivity of these items, once you request the Login Information for Top Producer (TP), you will have 24 hours to complete and submit your finished reports. Do not request login details until you have the time to complete this task within the 24-hour timeframe.

Top Producer Details - Top Producer Website: www.topproducer8i.com

·  You will use Best Agent Business Top Producer Client account owned by Steve Kantor.

·  Email Lead Management Recruitment/Testing ATL for login details.

Rating A (90-100%), B (80-89%), C (70-79%) - This evaluation will determine whether you can follow basic written instructions. Some screen shots are included. Because programs change, your screen shots may or may not look exactly like the ones contained in this document. If they appear different, it is okay. Screen shots are to be used as a guide or aid but not as the set rule for following instructions in completing this task. Use Top Producer’s Help section to address your questions or find a particular screen shot if needed. Your rating is based upon the following criteria:

Your rating is assessed based upon a 100% scale, your rating will be based on the following criteria:

45% Evaluation #1

45% Evaluation #2

10% Complete tasks and submit within the 24-hour time frame.

Bonus Impress us by creating the Contact Summary Report in a spreadsheet format as well as the pdf!

Send your completed Assessment to:

your mentor, CC

Subject: Test - Lead Management - Best Agent Business - FirstName LastName

Body: (Put a Summary of your answers/reports)

Evaluation #1:

-  Itemize name of attachments

Evaluation #2:

-  Name of reports and number of records per report


Lead Processing Overview

1.  Login to Top Producer.

2.  Process Lead.

3.  Create PDF Summary of Contacts Report (aka Contact Summary). This is required.

4.  Extra credit – create same report in Excel format.

5.  Submit completed report(s).

Sample Lead Email- Below is a sample lead you will use for the Lead Processing evaluation. This is an actual email as sent in from a Client. For this task, we will pretend the client is Steve Kantor.

From: To:

Date: Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 9:47 PM Subject: Buyer A

Name - Jimmy Gaspard 702.808.6785

Address: 123 Any Street, Bethesda, MD 20817 Sign Call

Notes: Just spoke to him he wants to buy a home on Gaŵŵela…froŵ sign call. Agent - BAB

Buyer - A

NCD: Tomorrow

Lead Processing – How-to Steps

1.  Log in to Top Producer.

2.  Search for Contact in Top Producer (TP)*. There are two different options for performing a Contact search.

Option 1: Search for contact by clicking on Contact Tab at top of screen. In drop down menu, select Contact Summary. Click on the appropriate letter of the CoŶtact’s last name. In this case, it is the Letter G. This will pull up all the contacts in alphabetical order based upon that letter. Note: If you wanted to search for Anderson, you would click on the letter A. If you wanted to search for Smith, you would select the letter S.

Option 2: Search for the contact by clicking in the Contact section on the right hand side of Top Producer’s home page. Enter your search criteria (First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone, etc.), choose your criteria field (First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone, etc.) then click go.

For this Task ONLY: If the contact already exists in Top Producer, you need to delete it so you can start fresh. This lead is probably from the previous tester and has not been cleared out. This entry may or may not have been done correctly. To avoid errors on your report,

delete this contact and enter your information from scratch or scrutinize the entry for accuracy. Remember, your rating is based upon what you submit to us for review. Proceed to step 3.

*Note: Regardless of the program used by the client, you always search for a contact before adding a new one to eliminate the possibility of duplicating entries.

3.  Click on the Contact Tab along the top and select Add Contact from the drop down options. Complete as many sections as possible based on the information provided.

Your screen should show the following: Name Details, Contact Notes, Lead Management and Qualification, Primary Property and Buyer Preferences

4.  Name Details. Make sure to pay attention to the Contact Types. Each client will have their own set of Contact Types. Contact Types are ways a client can further narrow down a group of contacts by search results and what we use to generate our Weekly Lead Reports. So it is important to have any and all Contact Types correctly associated with each lead. General standards include the following Types for client classifications

Standard Contact Types:

•  Agent – Name of agent

•  Buyer – New Lead, A, B or C

•  Seller – New Lead, A, B or C

•  Client – A, B, C, Active, or Under Contract

Generally, a lead starts out as a Buyer or Seller – New Lead unless the client specifies otherwise. Once the client contacts the lead, it will change to Buyer or Seller A, B or C. When the client designates A, B or C, the New Lead type should be removed. A Buyer or Seller should never have two contact types within the same category (example: Buyer A and Buyer B).

5.  Contact Notes. ALL notes start with BAB FirstName (Example: BAB Steve - ) followed by your note, this way it is easy to track who processed the lead. Always include the MLS# of the property of interest if provided. Remember, BAB -YOURNAME to every note added to a client’s account.

6.  Lead Management and Qualification. Select the Source, if applicable.

7.  Primary Property. Enter Lead’s address information, if applicable.

8.  Buyer Preferences. Enter applicable information.

9.  Click Save Add More Details at the bottom of page. Once you do this, the next screen will let you edit and add additional information.

10.  Additional Information. You will be able to edit the specific Contact Types and any additional info you have, such as birthday, gender, spouse, etc.

On the right hand side of the screen, there is a box with Next Call/Appt. Tab. Click on this Tab. Select the calendar icon on the same line as Call. Enter Next Contact Date (NCD) information.

11.  Save. Make sure to hit Save (if applicable) when you are finished – at the bottom of the page.

12.  Create PDF Contact Summary Report. No instructions are given on how to do this report to see if you can figure it out. Once the lead is completed in Top Producer, make a PDF Contact Summary Report of the lead. Bonus! - Create the same report in Excel format.

13.  Name report(s) using this format: ClientFirstNameClientLastName_ReportTitle_MMDDYY

·  Example: SteveKantor_ContactSummaryReport_103012

14.  Submit Report(s).


Rating A (90-100%), B (80-89%), C (70-79%) - This section will determine whether you can follow basic written instructions. Your rating is based upon the following criteria:

Weekly Lead Reports Overview

1.  Log in to Top Producer.

2.  Process each report according to instructions.

3.  Create PDF Summary of Contacts Report. This is required.

4.  Submit completed report(s).

Basic Screen Shots

Weekly Lead Reports - You will need to run the following three reports. The client is BAB.

·  Report 1 – Create a report for all the contacts with the tag Agent-Mary.

·  Report 2 – Create a report for all the contacts tagged Buyer A, B, or C

·  Report 3 – Create a report based on NCD for anything from April 2010 and prior.

Saving Reports - Use this format: ClientFirstNameLastName_ReportName_MMDDYY

  Example: BAB_BuyerABC_110112

Report 1 – Create a report for all the contacts with the tag Agent-Mary.

1.  Go to the Contacts tab and select Search for Contacts.

2. Under Search Criteria, select All Contacts.

3.  Contact Types - choose the exact Tags you are asked to filter results by. If you need Seller ABC, you will need to select all three Tags: Seller – A, Seller – B and Seller – C

a.  If you are asked to search Seller ABC for Agent – Judy only, you will need to add Agent –

Judy to as well.

b.  You should not need to fill out the rest of the info on the form.

4. Click the Search button at the bottom. The next page will have generated your results.

5. You need to choose all the entries, then go to the bottom and click Create Report button.

6. Unless told otherwise, you will select the Summary of Contacts option when promoted.

7. Select DONE and it will create a PDF report in a new window.

Report 2 – Create a report for all the contacts tagged Buyer A, B, or C

1. Follow the same steps as in Report 1.

Report 3 – Create a Next Call Date (NCD) Report based on anything from April 2010 and prior.

1.  Go to the Contacts tab and select Search for Contacts.

2.  For a NCD Report, you will use the Advanced Search. This tab is found underneath Search for Contacts.

3. Search For: In the pull down pick Activities

4.  Then you will want to pick the time frame you were given. Generally when we are asked to pull NCD’s for a set date that includes anything prior to that as well.

5. Continue to generate the report the same way as Reports 1 and 2 above.

NCD with a Contact Type Tag - If you are asked to run a NCD report for a specific tag, such as Agent – Judy, you will see a green link that says ͞add condition.͟ Click on the link to open up a form allowing you to enter a contact type tag. Then you would run the report as normal.

Saving Reports - Use this format: ClientFirstNameLastName_ReportName_MMDDYY

vExample: BAB_BuyerABC_110112