Matthew Penk

Prof. Cone


Student Health

1.  The goal of my assessment is to determine the percentage of kids that are out of shape in the school system, not just necessarily overweight. Very often childhood obesity is discussed and what can be done to combat that but I want to see the percentage of kids that don’t meet a certain standard of physical fitness. I’d like to see how the percentage of overweight children differentiates from the percentage of out of shape children.

2.  The program is designed for all kids, both male and female, from age 6-14 or from 1st-8th grade.

3.  The scale would be used as feedback to see what improvements need to be made in order to better the health of children in America.

4.  I’ve chosen to record the students BMI, their mile time, and how many pushups they can do. I decided to look at BMI to find out if the BMI of a student has any impact on their level of fitness. I wanted to look at 1 mile times to see if more cardio needed to be implemented into the child’s daily routine. Cardiovascular exercise has many benefits that tend to get over looked, many of these that could help a child. Pushups I felt were a good measure of physical strength as it is not advised for kids to begin weight training at such a young age.

5.  My scale would have three classifications as to where the students’ results fell. The three grades would be “Fail”, “Needs Improvement”, and “Satisfactory”. “Fail” would indicate that the student needs to spend more time on their physical fitness as they currently fall short of recommended levels. “Needs Improvement” indicates that the student falls short of the ideal fitness level but not by much. “Satisfactory” means that the student reaches all qualifications to be labeled as healthy.

6.  There aren’t any outside factors that would affect the results of the program. Therefore the instructor would just have to be able to look at the results of the students and put them in the category that they fall into on the rubric, “Fail”, “Needs Improvement”, or “Satisfactory”.

7.  The program would be used as a formative evaluation in order to point out where a student needs improvement in their health. If a student fails a note would be sent home to their parent/legal guardian notifying them that their child needs to start leading a healthier life and that they, the parents, need to help in this.

BMI / 1 Mile Time / Pushups
“Satisfactory” / 19-25 / 9:30 or less / More than 15
“Needs Improvement” / 26-29 / 9:31-11:00 / 10-15
“Fail” / “<18”/“30+” / Greater than 11 min. / Less than 10

Reference: Taylor, Andrew

-The website offered many different examples of rubrics/grading systems including ones for individual sports/activities.