School: White PlainsHigh School Course:Health Education
Teacher: Mrs. Ifill-Roseau E-mail:
Health education instills in students the knowledge and skills needed to examine options for making responsible health-related decisions.
- Health Education is required for New YorkStatehigh school graduation
- The New YorkState Learning Standards for Health focus on: (1) Personal Health and Fitness, (2) A Safe and Healthy Environment, and (3) Resource Management.
- My goal is to facilitate lifelong learning and foster health literacy skills—effective communication, critical thinking, self-directed learning, and responsible citizenship
Topics Learning Experiences
Health and Wellness Differentiated & technology-based instruction
Mental Health Discussions/Blogging/Journals/Projects
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Guest-speaker/multi-media presentations
Reproductive Health Current events/games/cooperative learning
Global health, Nutrition, and Diseases Scrap booking/community service/research
Class Rules and Procedures Final Grade
Marking Period Grade 40% first marking period grade
20% project average 40% second marking period grade
20% homework average 20% final exam
20% test/quizaverage
40% class participation average
Quizzes/Tests Extra Help
Always announced in advance I am available to help as needed
Must be made upimmediatelyif missed Periods 1, 4, lunch, or by appointment
Student Responsibilities
It is your responsibility to obtain missed work! Do utilize my webpage regularly! Check for assignments and new information
5 points deduction each day work is late
Turn off any electronic device during class
Do attend class on-time and complete all work
Absences may affect your participation gradeUse the bathroom before class. Limited breaks
Do read required booksall reading materials Healthy snacks, fruits, and water are permitted
Dobring your notebook/binder to class Supplies: One medium three-ring binder
every dayand take good notes loose leaf paper, pens, and pencils
Scrapbooking supplies
Do follow class rules: I will…
Do the right thing even when no one is watching, listen attentively, treat others the way I would like to be treated, create an atmosphere of safety, respect, and tolerance, accept change and be open to new ideas, do what is necessary to maintain excellence, submit quality work, set a good example, make informed decisions, and think critically (adapted from taken on 12/31/07).
*Homework/Worksheet Heading
Make sure the following is included on all papers you hand in:
- Name (the most important item)3. Health Period
- Date4. Assignment
Please write CLEARLY in ink on (8 1/2 x 11) paper or do assignment on computer.
Key Points for Class Performance Rubric:
□ Respect for the rights and feelings of others□ Self-direction
□ Active participation in the learning process □ Demonstration of health literacy
4 = Self-directed; fully applies self to the learning objective; actively participates in daily class discussions and activities; willing to extend sense of responsibility beyond himself or herself by giving support to other students; promotes fairness; shows concern for the safety of others; respects everyone’s right to have a positive experience.
3 = Respects the rights of others; shows a sense of fairness; often participates in daily class discussions and activities; consistently attends to the learning objective; able to work without direct supervision.
2 = When under direct supervision, voluntarily participates in daily class discussions and activities occasionally or when called upon; shows respect for others and the learning environment; needs prodding to remain on task; behavior choices often interfere with student’s own learning.
1 = Unwilling to accept responsibility for own actions; does not participate in daily class discussion and activities—even when called upon; blames others or makes excuses for poor behavior choices; behavior choices interfere with own learning and the learning of other students; shows little interest in the learning process.
Sample Homework Rubric*
Criteria / Points4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Assignment Completeness / All items attempted. / 90% of items attempted. / At least 50% of the items attempted. / Less than 50% of items attempted.
Accuracy / All items are accurate. / 90% of items are accurate. / Between 50% and 90% of items are correct. / Less than 50% of all items are correct.
Demonstrated Knowledge / Shows complete understanding of the questions and key concepts. / Shows substantial understanding of the concepts. / Response shows some understanding of the concepts. / Response shows a complete lack of understand of the concepts.
Requirements / Goes beyond the requirements of the task. / Meets the requirements of the task. / Meets some requirements of the task. / Does not/minimally meet the requirements of the task.
Legibility / Legible handwriting or typing. / Marginally legible handwriting or typing. / Writing is not legible in places. / Writing is not legible.
* Adapted from
Student’s name (print) Period Parent’s signature Date
Parent’s name (print) Parent’s e-mail address and/or telephone number