Dear 6th - 8th Grade Parents/Guardians,

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be taking place onFriday,February 17, 2017. Conferences will begin at 8:20 AM and end at 6:50PM. No conferences will go past 7:00 PM. Conferences will be held in the classrooms of your child’s content teachers. You are welcome to have a 10 minute conference with each teacher and will rotate between each subject. There will not be sign up times; instead conferences will be on a first come first serve basis. There will be chairs outside of each of the teacher’s rooms. If a teacher’s door is closed, please wait outside of the room until the teacher is available or rotate to another one of your child’s teachers. You may also visit your child’s specials teachers (Fitness, Technology, Art, Spanish, and Music) in their classrooms for conferences as well.

Teachers will be taking short meal breaks by content area and will be unavailable for conferences during the times below:

Lunch Break:

6th – 8th grade Science10:00 – 10:30

6th – 8th grade English Language Arts10:30 – 11:00

6th – 8th grade Social Studies 11:00 – 11:30

6th – 8th grade Math 11:30 – 12:00

Teacher Dinner Times:

6th – 8th grade Science4:00 – 4:30

6th – 8th grade English Language Arts4:30 – 5:00

6th – 8th grade Social Studies 5:00 – 5:30

6th – 8th grade Math5:30 – 6:00

Teacher / Subject / Classroom / Teachers leaving early
6th Grade
Ms. Stark / Science / Room 124 / Will be leaving at 4:00 PM
Mr. Karn / Math / Room 147
Mrs. Simpson (Nord) / English Language Arts / Room 143 / Will be unavailable for conferences
Mr. Wozniak / Social Studies / Room 145 / Will be leaving at 1:30 PM
7th Grade
Ms. Erickson / Science / Room 114
Mr. Kampa / Math / Room 132
Mr. Thompson / English Language Arts / Room 144
Ms. Pugh / Social Studies / Room 146
8th Grade
Ms. Feldman / Science / Room 116
Ms. Koerner / Social Studies: Feldman’s and Brossart’s Homerooms
(6th Grade Homeroom teacher and Intervention) / Room 139
Mr. Brossart / Math / Room 134
Mr. Thompson / English Language Arts:
Feldman’s Homeroom / Room 144
Ms. Pugh / Social Studies: Murley’s Homeroom / Room 146
Ms. Murley / English Language Arts:
Murley’s and Brossart’s Homerooms / Room 142

***If you would like to meet with one of the teachers that are leaving early, or not attending conferences, and cannot make it before they leave, please contact that teacher to set up a phone conference.

We look forward to meeting with you on Friday.

The 6th-8th Grade Team