Last updated: May2017


+ No additional students after term designated.
^ New students not admitted directly into this major. / College / Curriculum Code / Curr. Major Number / Restrictions / Notes
All Specials / A / AG S / 100 / Specials only
Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering (Ag LS) / A / ABE A / 199 / Graduates Only
Agriculture Certificate (Non-Degree) / A / AG C / Certificate Only
Agriculture Undeclared / A / AG / 103 / No Graduates
Agricultural Biochemistry / A / AGBIO / 104 / No Graduates
Agricultural Business / A / AG B / 105 / No Graduates
Agricultural Education and Studies / A / AGEDS / 111 / Graduates only
Agricultural Exploration / A / AG X / 106 / No Graduates
Agricultural Extension Education / A / AG EX / 112 / 2nd major only with other Ag major; / ^+F02No Graduates Discontinue F02, no new stdts
Agricultural and Life Sciences Education / A / AGLSE / 110 / No Graduates
Agricultural Studies / A / AG ST / 122 / No Graduates
Agricultural Systems Technology / A / AST / 132 / No Graduates
Agriculture and Society / A / AG SO / No Graduates
Agronomy / A / AGRON / 120
Animal Ecology / A / A ECL / 123 / No Graduates (F03)
Animal Science / A / AN S / 125
Animal Science (Pre-vet) / A / ANSPV / 126 / +F05No Graduates
Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular / A / BBMBA / 113 / Graduates only
Biology (Ag LS) / A / BIOLA / 137 / No Graduates
Culinary Food Science (Ag LS) / A / CUFSA / No Graduates / name change F2016
Dairy Science / A / DY S / 130 / No Graduates
Dairy Science / A / DYSPV / 131 / +F05No Graduates
Diet and Exercise (Ag LS) / A / D EXA / 186 / No Graduates
Dietetics (Ag LS) / A / DIETA / 138 / No Graduates
Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biol / A / EEOBA / 182 / Graduates Only
Economics (Ag LS) / A / ECONA / 135 / Graduates Only
Entomology (UG went to InSci F09) / A / ENT / 139 / Graduates only F09
Environmental Science / A / ENSCA / 176 / No Graduates
Fisheries & Wildlife Biology / A / F W B / 142 / +193No Graduates
Food Safety / A / F SAF / 179 / Minor Only
Food Science (Ag LS) / A / FS A / 177 / No Graduates
Food Science and Human Nutrition (Ag LS) / A / FSHNA / 145 / Graduates Only
Forestry / A / FOR / 154 / No Graduates(F03)
General Preveterinary Medicine / A / GENPV / 173 / No Graduates
Genetics (Ag LS) / A / GEN / 161 / No Graduates
Global Resource Systems / A / GLOBE / No Graduates
Horticulture / A / HORT / 162
Industrial Technology / A / I TEC / 198 / No Graduates / Moved from ED College 07/04
International Agriculture / A / I AG / 164 / No Graduates, / 2nd Major Only,With Other Ag Major
Insect Science / A / INSCI / +F13No Graduates / Grads ENT beginning F09; discontinue- current students continue, continue to be a minor
Landscape Management / A / L M / Ugrad Minor Only
Meat Science / A / MEATS / Minor Only
Microbiology / A / MICR / 151 / No Graduates
Microbiology / A / MICRO / 155 / Graduates only
Natural Resource Ecology and Management / A / NREM / 178 / Graduates only
Nutritional Science (Ag LS) / A / NS A / 157 / No Graduates
Plant Pathology and Microbiology / A / PLP M / Graduates only / grad dept renamed from Pl P 7/11 [F11]
Plant Health and Protection / A / PL HP / 174 / No Graduates / +05
Plant Pathology / A / PL P / 168 / Grad only / +111; grad dept renamed to PLP M 7/11 [1’11]; discontinue undergrad 1993
Pest Management / A / P M / 169 / No Graduates; 2nd Major Only / +93; Discontinued F06
Pre-Dietetics (AGLS) / A / P DTA / No Graduates
Pre Diet and Exercise (Ag LS) / A / PDEXA / 187 / No Graduates
Professional Agriculture / A / PROAG / 171 / Graduates Only / Discontinue F02 for undergrads
Public Service & Administration in Agriculture / A / P S A / 172 / No Graduates / renamed to Agriculture and Society AG SO F14
Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biol (Ag LS) / A / EEOBA / 182 / Graduates Only
Genetics, Development & Cell Biology (Ag LS) / A / GDCBA / 183 / Graduates Only
Seed Science / A / SEEDS / 185 / No Graduates; 2nd Major Only
Sociology (Ag LS) / A / SOCA / 189 / Graduates Only
Zoology (Ag LS) / A / ZOOLA / 195 / No Graduates
+ No additional students after term designated.
^ New students not admitted directly into this major.


+ No additional students after term designated.
^ New students not admitted directly into this major. / College / Curriculum Code / Curr. Major Number / Restrictions / Notes
Accounting / M / ACCT / 960 / ^
Business Administration / M / BUSAD / 962 / Graduates Only
Business Certificate (Non-Degree) / M / BUS C / Certificate Only
Business Undeclared / M / BUS U / 965 / ^ / No Graduates
Business Economics / M / BUSEC / 963 / No Graduates
Entrepreneurship / M / ENTSP / No Graduates
Finance / M / FIN / 970 / ^ / No Graduates
International Business / M / I BUS / 977 / ^ / No Graduates
2nd Major only
Logistics and Supply Chain Management / M / LSCM / 978 / +S10 / No Graduates
Logistics, Op & Mgmt Info Systems / M / LOMIS / 979 / +S10 / Graduates Only
Management / M / MGMT / 980 / ^ / No Graduates
Management Information Systems / M / MIS / 982 / ^ / No Graduates
Marketing / M / MKT / 985 / ^ / No Graduates
Operations and Supply Chain Management / M / OSCM / 986 / +S10 / No Graduates
PreBusiness / M / P BUS / 987 / No Graduates
Production/Operations Management / M / POM / 988 / ^+105 / No Graduates
Supply Chain and Information Systems / M / SCIS / Graduates Only
Supply Chain Management / M / SCM / 989 / No Graduates
Transportation and Logistics / M / TRLOG / 990 / ^+105 / No Graduates

+ No additional students after term designated.

^ New students not admitted directly into this major.


+ No additional students after term designated.
^ New students not admitted directly into this major. / College / Curriculum Code / Curr. Major Number / Restrictions / Notes
All Specials / C / DSGNS / 900 / Specials Only
Design Certificate (Non-Degree) / C / DSGNC / Certificate Only
Design Undeclared / C / DSGN / 905 / No Graduates
Architecture / C / ARCH / 920 / Graduates Only
Architecture Professional Degree / C / ARC / 919 / No Graduates
Art and Design / C / ART / 922 / Admin Only
(1’10 no ug admits to ART- admit to DSGN)
(remains teaching department)
(F12 grad students to new depts- remains course desg)
Art and Design (Bachelor of Arts) / C / ARTDN / 910 / No Graduates
Art and Design (Bachelor of Fine Arts) / C / ARTFA / 923 / No Graduates
Integrated Studio Arts / C / ARTIS / ^
(became dept F12)
Community & Regional Planning / C / C R P / 925
Critical Studies in Design / C / C S D / Minor Only
Pre-Community & Regional Planning / C / P CRP / No Graduates
Design / C / DES / No Graduates
(F’16 no ug admits to DES- admit to I DES)
(remains teaching department)
Design Studies / C / DSN S / 908 / Minor Only
Digital Media / C / DIGIM / 909 / Minor Only
Graphic Design / C / ARTGR / 929 / ^
(became dept F12)
Industrial Design / C / IND D / ^ / No Graduates
Interdisciplinary Design / C / I DES / +116 / No Graduates
Interior Design / C / ARTID / 928 / ^
(became dept F12)
Landscape Architecture / C / L A / 930
PreArchitecture / C / P ARC / 935 / No Graduates
Pre-Graphic Design / C / P GR / No Graduates
Pre- Interior Design / C / P ID / No Graduates
Pre-Industrial Design / C / P IND / No Graduates
Pre-Integrated Studio Arts / C / P ISA / No Graduates
PreLandscape Architecture / C / P LA / 938 / No Graduates
Sustainable Environments / C / SUS E / Grad Only
Urban Design / C / URB D / Grad Only

+ No additional students after term designated.

^ New students not admitted directly into this major.

Colleges of Education and Family and Consumer Sciences:

Codes have been moved to the combined College of Human Sciences. For reference of a code, please refer to the history.


+ No additional students after term designated.
^ New students not admitted directly into this major. / College / Curriculum Code / Curr. Major Number / Restrictions / Notes
All Specials / E / ENGRS / 200 / Specials Only
Engineering- Undeclared Only / E / ENGR / 205 / No Graduates
Engineering Certificate (Non-Degree) / E / ENGRC / Certificate Only
Aerospace Engineering / E / AER E / 210 / also graduates as of F03
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering / E / A B E / 211 / Graduates Only
Agricultural Engineering / E / A E / 212 / No Graduates
Bioengineering / E / BIOE / Minor Only
Biological Systems Engineering / E / BSE / 223 / No Graduates
Ceramic Engineering / E / CER E / 225 / ^ / No Graduates
Chemical Engineering / E / CH E / 230 / No Graduates
Civil Engineering / E / C E / 235 / No Graduates
Chemical and Biological Engineering / E / C B E / 233 / Graduates Only
Civil and Construction Engineering / E / C C E / 234 / Graduates Only
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engr / E / CCE E / 231 / Graduates only
Computer Engineering / E / CPR E / 236 / No Graduates
Construction Engineering / E / CON E / 237 / No Graduates
Electrical Engineering / E / E E / 240 / No Graduates
Electrical and Computer Engineering / E / E CPE / 238 / Graduates Only
Engineering Applications / E / E APP / 242 / ^ / No Graduates
Engineering Operations / E / E OP / 242 / ^ / No Graduates
Engineering Science / E / E SCI / 245 / ^ / No Graduates
Engineering Sales / E / E SLS / Minor Only
Engineering Studies / E / ES T / 246 / +F12 / Minor Only
discontinue F12, current students can finish
Energy Systems / E / E SYS / Ugrad Minor Only
Industrial Engineering / E / I E / 250 / No Graduates
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering / E / IMSE / 251 / Graduates Only
Materials Science and Engineering / E / M S E / 252 / Graduates Only
Mechanical Engineering / E / M E / 255
Materials Engineering / E / MAT E / 254 / No Graduates
Metallurgical Engineering / E / MET E / 260 / ^ / No Graduates
Nuclear Engineering / E / NUC E / Graduates Only
Nondestructive Evaluation / E / NDE / 267 / Minor Only
PreAerospace Engineering / E / P AER / 272 / ^ / No Graduates
PreAgricultural Engineering / E / P AE / 273 / ^ / No Graduates
PreCeramic Engineering / E / P CER / 274 / ^ / No Graduates
PreChemical Engineering / E / P CHE / 276 / ^ / No Graduates
PreCivil Engineering / E / P CE / 278 / ^ / No Graduates
PreComputer Engineering / E / P CPR / 280 / ^ / No Graduates
PreConstruction Engineering / E / P CON / 282 / ^ / No Graduates
PreElectrical Engineering / E / P EE / 284 / ^ / No Graduates
PreEngineering / E / P ENG / 268 / ^ / No Graduates
PreEngineering Science / E / P ESC / 288 / ^ / No Graduates
PreIndustrial Engineering / E / P IE / 290 / ^ / No Graduates
PreMechanical Engineering / E / P ME / 292 / ^ / No Graduates
PreMetallurgical Engineering / E / P MET / 294 / ^ / No Graduates
Software Engineering / E / S E / 299 / No Graduates
Systems Engineering / E / SYS E / 269 / Graduates Only
Wind Energy / E / WND E / Ugrad Minor Only

+ No additional students after term designated. ^ New students not admitted directly into this major.


+ No additional students after term designated.
^ New students not admitted directly into this major. / College / Curriculum Code / Curr. Major Number / Restrictions / Notes
Human Sciences Certificate (Non-Degree) / H / HSCIC / Certificate Only
All Specials / H / HSCIS / 091 / Specials Only
Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management / H / AESHM / 002 / Graduates Only; title change S12, from Educational Studies to Events
Apparel, Merchandising, and Design / H / A M D / formerly AMDP and T C
Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production / H / AMDP / 081 / +1’10 / No Graduates; rename A M D 4/10
Athletic Coaching / H / ATHCO / 014 / Minor Only
Athletic Training / H / A TR / ^ / No Graduates
Athletic Training / H / ATHTR / 016 / ^+F02 / Minor Only; discontinue F02
Child, Adult and Family Services / H / CH FS / 008 / No Graduates
Community Health Education / H / C H E / 018 / ^+F02 / No Graduates
Culinary Food Science (H Sci) / H / CUFSH / No Graduates; Renamed F2016
Curriculum and Instruction / H / C I / 019 / Graduates Only; Stop dept F12- merged w EL PS into SOE- grad students housed in EDUC; remains graduate major and course designator
Diet and Exercise (H Sci) / H / D EXH / 020 / No Graduates
Dance / H / DANCE / 024 / Minor Only
Dietetics / H / DIETH / 027 / No Graduates
Early Childhood Education / H / ECE / 025 / No Graduates
Early Childcared Education and Programming / H / E C P / Effective F15
Educational Computing / H / EDCOM / 003 / +F11 / Minor Only; Discontinue F11, rename to LRN T
Education / H / EDUC / Graduates Only; C I and EL PS merged into SOE F12- grad students housed in EDUC
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies / H / EL PS / 029 / Graduates Only; Stop dept F12- merged w C I into SOE- grad studends housed in EDUC; remains graduate major and course designator
Elementary Education / H / EL ED / 030 / No Graduates
Event Management / H / EVENT / No Graduates
Exercise and Sport Science / H / EX SP / 031 / ^ / No Graduates; to HHP F02
Exercise Science (undergrad minor only) / H / EX S / Ugrad Minor Only
Family and Consumer Sciences / H / FCS / 007 / Graduates Only
Family and Consumer Sciences / H / FCEDS / 053 / Ugrad Only
Education and Studies / Went to UgradStdts Only after 108
Family Finance, Housing, and Policy / H / FFHP / 074 / No Graduates; Stop F13-Renamed F C P
Family Resource Management and Consumer Sciences / H / F R M / 023 / +105 / No Graduates
Financial Counseling and Planning / H / F C P / Undergrad only; renamed from FFHP F13
Food Science and Human Nutrition / H / FSHNH / 044 / Graduates Only
Food Science / H / FS H / 059 / No Graduates
Foodservice and Lodging Management / H / FLM / 064 / +110^ / Graduates Only; Stop after 1/08; formerly HRI, undergrad HRI still exists; rename HSP M 4/10
Health and Human Performance / H / HHP / 032 / ^
Health Studies / H / H S / 035 / +F02^ / Minor Only; Discontinue F02, no new stdts
Health Promotion (undergrad minor only) / H / H PR / Ugrad Minor Only
Hospitality Management / H / HSP M / formerly HRI and FLM
Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management / H / HRI / 063 / +110 / No Graduates(F03); renamed HSP M 4/10
Housing and the Near Environment / H / H N E / 026 / +105No Graduates
Human Development and Family Studies / H / HD FS / 090 / Graduates Only
Human Sciences Undeclared / H / H SCI / 001 / Undergrads Only
Kinesiology / H / KIN / Graduates Only; added undergrad minor only S12
Kinesiology and Health / H / KIN H / Undergrads Only
Learning Technologies / H / LRN T / Ugrad Minor Only; from EDCOM S12
Nutrition / H / NUTR / 054 / Minor Only
Nutritional Science / H / NS H / 028 / No Graduates
Pre-Athletic Training / H / P ATR / No Graduates
Pre-Dietetics (H SCI) / H / P DTH / No Graduates
Pre Diet and Exercise (H Sci) / H / PDEXH / 033 / No Graduates
Sport and Culture / H / SPCUL / Ugrad Minor Only; discontinue F11, to SP R
Sport and Recreation (undergrad minor only) / H / SP R / Ugrad Minor Only; from SPCUL
Textiles and Clothing / H / T C / 075 / ^+110 / Graduates Only;Stop after 108; renamed A M D 4/10


+ No additional students after term designated.
^ New students not admitted directly into this major. / College / Curriculum Code / Curr. Major Number / Restrictions / Notes
All Specials / S / LAS S / 402 / Specials Only
Liberal Arts and Sciences Certificate (Non-Degree) / S / LAS C / Certificate Only
Open Option (LAS) / S / OPEN / 455 / No Graduates
Liberal Arts and Sciences (new music admits) / S / LAS / 404 / No Graduates
(LAS moved to OPEN 104)(LAS used as “pre music” 2011)
General Undergraduate Studies / S / GENUS / 451 / ^ / No Graduates
(moved to OPEN 104)
Advertising / S / ADVRT / 403 / No Graduates
African and African American Studies / S / AF AM / 417 / Minor Only
American Indian Studies / S / AM IN / 408 / Minor Only
Anthropology / S / ANTHR / 407 / dept. moving to WLC Summer2016
Astronomy / S / ASTRO / 409 / Minor Only
Biochemistry / S / BIOCH / 412 / No Graduates
Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology(Liberal Arts and Sciences) / S / BBMBS / 421 / Graduates Only
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology / S / BCBIO / 434 / No Graduates
Biological/PreMedical Illustration / S / BPM I / 416 / ^ / No Graduates
Biology / S / BIOL / 414 / No Graduates
Biophysics / S / BIOPH / 413 / No Graduates
Botany / S / BOT / 415 / ^ / No Graduates
Chemistry / S / CHEM / 425
Chinese Studies / S / CHNST / Minor Only
Classical Studies / S / CL ST / 426 / Minor Only
Computer Science / S / COM S / 428
Comunication Studies / S / COMST / 454 / No Graduates
Criminal Justice Studies / S / CJ ST / 424
Earth Science / S / EA SC / 433 / No Graduates
Economics / S / ECON / 435 / No Graduates
Economics (LAS) / S / ECONS / 436 / Graduates Only
English / S / ENGL / 437
Emerging Global Diseases / S / E G D / 438 / Ugrad Minor Only
Environmental Science (LAS) / S / ENSCS / 440 / No Graduates
French / S / FRNCH / 446 / +109 / No Graduates
Genetics (LAS) / S / GEN S / 447 / No Graduates
Geological and Atmospheric Sciences / S / GE AT / 452 / Graduates Only
Geology / S / GEOL / 450 / No Graduates
German / S / GER / 456 / +109 / No Graduates
Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biol (LAS) / S / EEOBS / 457 / Graduates Only
Genetics, Development & Cell Biology (LAS) / S / GDCBS / 458 / Graduates Only
History / S / HIST / 470
Intensive English and Orientation Program / S / IEOPS / 482 / Specials Only
Interdisciplinary Studies / S / INDIS / 479 / ^ / No Graduates
Journalism and Mass Communication / S / JL MC / 487 / ^
Latin / S / LATIN / 485 / Minor Only
Liberal Studies (Curriculum) / S / L ST / 488 / No Graduates
Linguistics / S / LING / 486 / No Graduates
Mathematics / S / MATH / 490
Meteorology / S / MTEOR / 496 / No Graduates
Military Studies / S / M ST / Minor Only
Music (Curriculum) / S / MU BM / 498 / No Graduates
Music (Major) / S / MU BA / 499 / No Graduates
Music Technology / S / MU TC / Minor Only
Naval Science / S / N S / 500 / Minor Only
Performing Arts / S / PERF / 526 / No Graduates
Philosophy / S / PHIL / 502 / No Graduates
Physics / S / PHYS / 510 / No Graduates
Physics and Astronomy / S / PHYSA / 521 / Graduates Only
Political Science / S / POL S / 506
Pre-Advertising / S / P ADV / 501 / No Graduates; discontinue F13, admits directly into ADVRT
Pre-Biological/Pre-Medical Illustration / S / PBPMI / 537 / No Graduates
Pre-Computer Science / S / P CS / 534 / No Graduates; discontinue S17; admits directly into COM S
Pre-Journalism and Mass Communication / S / P JMC / 524 / No Graduates; discontinue F13, admits directly into JL MC
Pre-Liberal Studies / S / P LST / No Graduates
Preparation for Human Medicine / S / P MED / 540 / No Graduates
Preparation for Law / S / P LAW / 545 / No Graduates
Preprofessional Health Programs / S / P H P / 538 / No Graduates--Degree is BLS
Psychology / S / PSYCH / 511
Public Relations / S / P R / Ugrad only
Religious Studies / S / RELIG / 503 / No Graduates
Russian Studies / S / RUSST / 529 / +109 / No Graduates
Social Work / S / SO WK / 515 / +196 / No Graduates
Sociology / S / SOC / 516
Spanish / S / SPAN / 518 / No Graduates; No new students 109
Speech Communication / S / SP CM / 522 / No Graduates
Statistics / S / STAT / 520
Technical Communication / S / TCOMM / 531 / No Graduates
U.S. Latino/a Studies / S / US LS / Ugrad Minor Only
World Film Studies / S / W F S / Ugrad Minor Only
Women's Studies / S / W S / 527 / No students after SS18 / No Graduates
Women’s and Gender Studies / S / WGS / No Graduates
World Languages and Cultures / S / WLC / No Graduates

+ No additional students after term designated.

^ New students not admitted directly into this major.


+ No additional students after term designated.
^ New students not admitted directly into this major. / College / Curriculum Code / Curr. Major Number / Restrictions / Notes
All Specials / V / V M S / 600 / Specials Only
Veterinary Medicine / V / V M / 605 / All Undergraduates; will be 605
Biomedical Sciences / V / B M S / 606 / Graduates Only
Veterinary Clinical Sciences / V / V C S / 615 / Graduates Only
Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine / V / VDPAM / 616 / Graduates Only
Veterinary Medicine Nebraska Alliance / V / VM NE / 631
Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine / V / V MPM / 632 / Graduates Only
Veterinary Pathology / V / V PTH / 640 / Graduates Only

+ No additional students after term designated.

^ New students not admitted directly into this major.


+ No additional students after term designated.
^ New students not admitted directly into this major. / College / Curriculum Code / Curr. Major Number / Restrictions / Notes
Undeclared / U / UNDEC / 700 / Graduates Only
Undeclared Distance Education / U / UDIST / 701 / Graduates Only
Undeclared Transistional / U / UNDTR / 702 / Graduates Only
Applied Scientific Computing / U / A S C / Grad Minor Only
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology / U / BCB / 711 / Graduates Only
Biorenewable Chemicals / U / BR C / Grad Minor Only
Biorenewable Resources and Technology / U / BRT / 714 / Graduates Only
Community Development / U / C DEV
Complex Adaptive Systems / U / CAS / Minor Only
Diet and Exercise / U / D EX / 736 / Graduates Only
Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology / U / EEOB / 723 / Graduates Only
Emerging Global Diseases / U / E G D / Minor Only
Environmental Studies / U / ENV S / 725 / No Graduates / 2nd major only
Environmental Science / U / ENSCI / 721 / Graduates Only
Entrepreneurial Studies / U / EPRST / 726 / Minor Only
Genetics, Development & Cell Biology / U / GDCB / 727 / Graduates Only
Genetics-Interdisciplinary / U / GENET / 728 / Graduates Only
Gerontology / U / GERON / 730 / Graduates Only / UG Minor Only
Human Computer Interaction / U / HCI / 739 / Graduates Only
Immunobiology / U / IMBIO / 750 / Graduates Only / 1st semester only
Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies / U / IGS / 756 / Graduates Only
Information Assurance / U / INFAS / 758 / Graduates Only
International Studies / U / INTST / 757 / No Graduates / No New Students; 2nd major only
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology / U / MCDB / 768 / Graduates Only / 1st semester only
Neurosciences / U / NEURO / 761 / Graduates Only
Nutritional Sciences / U / NUTRS / 766
Plant Biology / U / PLBIO / 762 / Graduates Only / 1st semester only
Plant Physiology / U / P PHY / Graduates Only / to Plant Biology F08 (Moving)
Seed Technology and Business / U / STB / 767 / Graduates Only
Sustainable Agriculture / U / SUSAG / 772 / Graduates Only
Sustainability / U / SUSTN / Ugrad Minor Only
Technology and Social Change / U / T SC / 770 / Minor Only
Toxicology / U / TOX / 773 / Graduates Only / 1st yr only
Wind Energy Science, Engineering and Policy / U / WESEP / Grad Only
Women’s Studies / U / W ST / 782 / Grad Minor Only