Árbol de la Familia

TEST GRADE. This project is due Thursday, Sept. 22nd (B) & Friday, Sept. 23rd (A)

You will create a family tree with at least 15 people. You may use real pictures, printed pictures, or you may (neatly!) draw the pictures. Each person must be labeled with their name and their relationship to you. If you do not wish to do a family tree of your own family, you may do a fictional family.

Elena Barrera

Es mi hija.

Your family tree MUST include parents, grandparents and aunts and/or uncles. If you wish to include extra people, you may look up the vocabulary that you need.

In addition to your beautiful family tree that is NEAT and has COLOR, you will write at least 10 sentences (of 8 words each, minimum) about a maximum of 5 members of your family. This should be written NEATLY on a sheet of notebook paper (no torn edges, no crumpled paper) or typed. If you type, you need to include accent marks. Your sentences can be in a list.

*Write at least 2 sentences about each person. You can write more sentences about a single person if you choose – you need a total of 10.

ej. Elena es muy bonita, dulce y es pelirroja. Ella es estudiante en Doss y tiene 8 años. 2 great sentences about my family member!

Attach the sentences to the BACK of your family tree. Please do your family tree on card stock or a ½ sheet of posterboard.

Your grade will be based on the following:

15 family members with photos/pictures, including name and their relationship to YOU: 60 points

10 gramatically correct sentences with at least 8 words each: 30 points

Neatness, use of class time: 10 points

Late work: -15 points/day

Crumpled, dirty or extremely messy work will not be accepted. You will be asked to re-do it. Please do your best work and turn in something that you are proud of.

Nombre: ______

______/6015 family members with photos/pictures, including name and their relationship to YOU

______/3010 gramatically correct sentences with at least 8 words each: 30 points

______/10Neatness, use of class time

Late work: -15 points/day

Crumpled, dirty or extremely messy work will not be accepted. You will be asked to re-do it. Please do your best work and turn in something that you are proud of.

Nombre: ______

______/6015 family members with photos/pictures, including name and their relationship to YOU

______/3010 gramatically correct sentences with at least 8 words each: 30 points

______/10Neatness, use of class time

Late work: -15 points/day

Crumpled, dirty or extremely messy work will not be accepted. You will be asked to re-do it. Please do your best work and turn in something that you are proud of.

Nombre: ______

______/6015 family members with photos/pictures, including name and their relationship to YOU

______/3010 gramatically correct sentences with at least 8 words each: 30 points

______/10Neatness, use of class time

Late work: -15 points/day

Crumpled, dirty or extremely messy work will not be accepted. You will be asked to re-do it. Please do your best work and turn in something that you are proud of.