Regd Charity No 291980


Minutes of the AGM held on 12th June 2012 in the Playing Fields Clubhouse,

starting at 7.30 p.m.

Present: Frank Crowdy, Paul Ray, Lorraine Ray, Jean Oke, Helen Griffin, Viv Birkby, Louise Kirkwood, Colin Walker, Nibby White, Matthew Giorgi, Ken Birkby, Laura Ewers, Stephen Turner

  1. Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  1. Apologies

Apologies were received from John Luckett, Jennifer Schram de Jong.

  1. Minutes of the previous AGM

The minutes of the AGM held on 7th June 2011 were approved unanimously.

  1. Matters arising


  1. Chairman’s report


  1. Finances
  2. Treasurer’s report

Thanks were expressed to John Luckett for his work as treasurer, and his report for the year ending April 2012. A correction was raised by LR: Vanda Goddard, Laura Ewers and Lorraine Ray were the organisers of the Fun day.

  1. Accounts for year ending 30th April 2011

Following JL’s excellent negotiations with the utility companies over the past twelve months, there have been no charges this year due to overpayment in previous years, partly due to meters being read incorrectly.

  1. Appointment of Auditor

Thanks were given to Myles Saker for auditing the CPFA accounts. VB proposed and KB seconded his re-appointment Unanimously agreed.

  1. Election of Association Council
  2. President

Frank Crowdy was re-elected. Proposed by CW, seconded by KB. Agreed unanimously.

  1. Chairman

Nibby White was re-elected. Proposed by KB, seconded by LK. Agreed unanimously.

  1. Hon Treasurer

John Luckett was re-elected. Proposed by LR, seconded by CW. Agreed unanimously.

  1. Hon Secretary

Lorraine Ray was proposed by CW, seconded by KB. Agreed unanimously.

  1. Representatives from village societies and clubs

The following were elected to the Council, unanimously:

Allotment Society / Laura Ewers
Bar / Nibby White
Boules Club / Matthew Giorgi
Cricket Club
Gardening Club / Jean Oke
History Society / Jean Oke
Parish Council / Matthew Giorgi
Sunshine club / Laura Ewers
Tennis Club / John Luckett
Tic Toc / Louise Kirkwood
Youth Drama
  1. General Council Members

Colin Walker
  1. Executive Council – tbc by Council members
  1. Youth Representatives

There were no volunteers.

  1. Appointment of Trustees

Matthew Giorgi was proposed by ST, seconded by KB. Agreed unanimously

Ken Birkby was proposed by LR, seconded by NW. Agreed unanimously

Nibby White was proposed by VB, seconded by LE. Agreed unanimously

Frank Crowdy and Will Slater resigned as Trustees of the CPFA. The Hon Sec will inform the Charity Commission.

  1. Date of future meetings

Deana Bates to confirm with LR that these dates are available.

  1. Council meeting

7.30pm on 17th July 2012, at the Playing Fields Clubhouse
  1. Executive Council – tbc by Council
  2. AGM 2013

7.30pm on 11th June 2013, at the Playing Fields Clubhouse
  1. Any other business
  2. Fete:
  3. It was agreed the car park could be used as usual on Fete day.
  4. CW will organise kids’ races.
  5. The Club will provide music and a pig roast in the evening
  6. CW agreed to mark lines for the school sports day.
  7. KB reported that the Dinton School building will be occupied again at the start of the Autumn term. This will reduce the usage of the playing fields and car park.
  8. ST: Thanks to Ben Clayton for his excellent job in repairing the equipment in the Children’s play area. VB to write to BC formally.
  9. NW expressed thanks to Carl Small for maintaining the fields in excellent condition.
  10. NW agreed to repair the roof in the dug-out.
  11. KB reported that the cables for the defunct lighting at the Aylesbury Road side were dug up when the boules piste was laid. KB agreed to remove the lights.
  12. LK reported that the field was often mowed on a Friday afternoon when the children from Tic Toc were playing outside, which could be a safety issue. Carl mows the fields at a time to suit the weather, cricket matches and his own availability. NW agreed to discuss this with Carl Small.
  13. Shed: NW and PR agreed to lift the slabs which are preventing the door from opening properly and replace.
  14. LK requested that the Chairman discusses with the Cricket Club their use of the shed, and the need for a representative on the CPFA Council.
  15. MG asked for permission to install a flat ‘locker’ between the sheds to house boules equipment. This would allow each boules club member to have a key for access (which is not possible for the shed itself as other equipment is stored in it).
  16. PR requested permission to erect a marquee on the playing fields for his son’s wedding in July 2013. Agreed.
  17. NW thanks VB for all her hard work as Hon Sec for the past three years. Seconded by CW.

The AGM closed at 20.14.

Draft minutes prepared by:

Viv Birkby 01844 292921

Hon Secretary

The Old Inn



HP18 0AW

Chairman’s report, for the AGM 2012


We will hear the Treasurer’ report later. The CPFA has purchased a replacement tractor mower, and the CPFA is very grateful for the donation from John Hockerday towards this.

The Boules club has been up and running for just over a year. It was agreed that their payment to the CPFA would be now be reviewed.

Fund raising

Yet again, fund raising activities are key to the future of the Playing Fields Association and Club. We have had a family fun days, bonfire and fireworks evening, quiz nights, a race evening and a wine tasting. If you have any ideas, please do get in touch with any of the committee, ideally with your list of volunteers to help stage the event.


In accordance with the Constitution of the CPFA, the CPFA Council must appoint trustees, no less than two and no more than four. There are two trustees of the CPFA - Frank Crowdy and Will Slater. Matthew Giorgi has expressed interest in being a Trustee. This is on the agenda for discussion later in this meeting.

Nibby White

Chairman, CPFA

115th June 2012