Sunbeams Christmas News

Noah’s Ark Nursery will be taking part again this year in the St John’s Church Christmas Tree Festival. We are most grateful to Charles S. Winchcombe and Son who are kindly sponsoring our Christmas tree. Our theme this year will be ‘Noah’s Ark and the Animals’. The children will be making the decorations in Nursery time. The church will be open to the public from Monday 4th December to see the decorated Christmas Trees.

On the afternoon of Thursday 14th December we would like to invite you to our Christmas Christingle Celebration. All the children need to attend at 2pm – 3pm. If you would like to come, tickets are £1.00 per person which includes Mulled Wine and Mince Pies. Grandparents are warmly invited too.

The Christmas Hamper Raffle will take place on the same afternoon. The children will be bringing Raffle tickets home at the beginning of December.

This term we have been focussing on The Community and different Charities. We have been talking about people who are not as fortunate as ourselves and as a Nursery we would like to contribute this Christmas to the Devizes Food Bank. Please could all children bring into Nursery an item of Christmas Food such as Mince Pies, Chocolates, Sweets, Shortbread. Thank you for your support.

All the Nursery children are invited to the Christmas Party on the last day of term – Tuesday 19th December 9am – 12noon. Please wear something Christmassy! If this is not your child’s normal session please could we ask you for a £2.00 donation, thank you. The children will be having an Entertainer and Father Christmas will also be visiting!

Just a reminder Nursery closes at 12 noon on Tuesday 19th December.

Nursery re opens on Monday 8th January 2018 at 9am.

May we be the first to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Child’s name ______

We/I would like tickets for the Christmas Christingle Celebration at 2pm.

We/I enclose ______as payment for tickets.

Signed ______