Please read the following very carefully. We have listed instructions for completing your application, a brief explanation of the clemency process, and directions for contacting us. Do not attempt to fill in a scanned or downloaded copy of the application. The application you fill out must be an original issued by the Board of Pardons. These instructions apply to applicants who are not in prison.
How To Fill Out The Application For Clemency
1. Answer all 25 questions on the application. If you do not answer every question, your application will be rejected.
2. If the question does not apply to your situation, be sure to write in “N/A” for not applicable.
3. Answer the questions in your own words.
4. For all requests, you must include the following items with your original application: (Failure to include the required number of copies, photographs, or filing fee will cause your application to be rejected.)
§ ___ Ten (10) copies of your application. These copies must measure at least “8 ½ x 11”.
§ ___ Six (6) copies of all supporting documents (such as letters of recommendation).
§ ___ Five (5) headshot color photos. Approximate size “2 x 2”.
§ ___ $25.00 filing fee payable to Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Only the following methods of payment are acceptable: cashier’s check, certified check, money order or law firm check. This fee is not refundable. Please be advised that Personal Checks are NOT accepted.
§ ___ Two (2) copies of your Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record. The record can be obtained by using the enclosed SP4-164 form.
If your application is related in any way to restoring your driving privileges, you must include the following:
§ ___ Six (6) copies of your complete Driver Certification Statement. We will not accept three-year records.
o You can obtain your Driver Certification Statement by writing to the Department of Transportation, Bureau of Driver Licensing, P.O. Box 68695, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17106. If you have questions, call them at 717-787-2977.
o Include a request for your complete Driver Certification Statement, a $10.00 check made payable to the Department of Transportation, your name, date of birth, and your complete mailing address.
5. The original application must be submitted with the number of copies noted above. You must write or type your answers to the questions directly on the original application, issued by the Board of Pardons. If additional space is needed attach a separate sheet of paper, note the question number you are continuing, and complete your answer.
6. Do not bind these items together in a permanent way or by using three-ring binders or your application will be rejected. An application and supporting detail may be stapled, clipped or clamped together in a temporary fashion.
7. An applicant who fails to appear for a scheduled hearing without due notice will have the application withdrawn by the Secretary of the Board of Pardons.
8. Written notification must be given to the office of the Board of Pardons if you change your address, telephone number, place of employment or education prior to the final disposition of this matter.
9. If you decide to withdraw your application, you must notify this office immediately in writing at the address shown below under “How To Contact Us.”
What Happens Next?
When your completed application has been received, it will be filed, and you will be notified in writing. Agents from the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole conduct investigations for the Board of Pardons. They investigate the facts surrounding the crime(s) for which you are requesting a pardon, and prepare a report concerning what kind of person you are at this time. You will be contacted by a Parole Agent to arrange a meeting with you to gather information. This meeting will take place in your home.
The Board will grant a public hearing on an Application for Clemency if two of the five Board Members approve. (37 PA. Code Chapter 81, Section 81.231 (a). After all pertinent information has been compiled, the application will be reviewed for listing in a subsequent month's calendar. The applicant and the person representing the applicant will be advised whether or not a public hearing is granted, and, if it is, the time and place of the hearing.
When a hearing is granted, applicants must appear personally before the Board in Harrisburg. In every case, prior to the public hearing, a legal notice will be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or counties where you committed the crime(s) for which you are seeking clemency. The notice will include your name, conviction and the date and place of the hearing.
Please be aware that the clemency process is very complex and takes a long time.
How To Contact Us
Writing: / Telephone:Pennsylvania Board of Pardons
333 Market Street
15th Floor
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17126 / Voice (717) 787-2596
FAX (717) 772-3135
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