How are Your Improvement Action Plans (PDSAs)?
Ideal Improvement Action Plans:
· come from input from all team members
· take current barriers into account
· are very specific change ideas to try (through ramps of PDSAs) that build to implementation and big rewards
· are assessed for confidence that they can be executed
· are reviewed on a regular basis to keep the action going
Your Action Plans Heat Score
1. Do you have an action plan (at least one proposed PDSA or ramp of PDSAs) in each component of the chronic care model? (Self-Management Support, Delivery System Design, Decision Support, Clinical Information Systems, Community, and Health-Care Organization).
Score: 3 degrees for each component of the chronic care model that has at least one bona-fide PDSA (or ramp of change).
Maximum score = 18 degrees
2. Is each member of your team in charge of at least 1 PDSA?
Score: 5 degrees for each team member who is responsible for executing at least one PDSA. Maximum score = 20 degrees per team.
3. Did your action plans (PDSAs) address barriers or challenges?
Score: 5 degrees for any PDSA that remembered to address perceived barriers or challenges to trying a new process.
(Example: “Setting a goal will take too much time in a visit” – time the process in your PDSAs)
Maximum score = 20 degrees.
4. Are you confident that you can execute your improvement action plans?
Score: 5 degrees for each team member who scores at least a 7 on a scale of 1-10, that all PDSAs or PDSA ramps will get started in the time frame given in your action plans.
Maximum score = 20 degrees
5. Do you have a way to keep the action going?
Score: 10 degrees if you have a team meeting or conference every week to study, act, and then plan next PDSAs. 5 degrees if there is a plan to engage senior leader or spread leader in a milestone review. 5 degrees if senior leader or spread leader is scheduled to come to any team meeting. Maximum score = 20 degrees.
Results: Add up your score, and place at the top of one page of your action plan (by team name).
Look at the back of this page to see how hot your action plan is.