Total No. of Pages: 2 / 5887
Register Number:
Name of the Candidate:


(Vocal, Veena, Violin, Mridangam, Flute & Nagaswaram)


740. ACOUSTICS(Common with B. Dance)

Time: Three hours / Maximum: 50 marks
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks / (510 = 50)
a) / Write the difference between transverse wave and longitudinal wave. / (5)
b) / Write the laws of transverse vibrations produced in stretched strings and explain them. / (5)
2. / a) / Prove the relation between the velocity vibration and wavelength of sound. / (5)
b) / Calculate the wavelength of a note which has the frequency of 512 Hz if the velocity of sound in air is 330m/sec. / (5)
3. / a) / What are beats? Explain. / (3)
b) / What is resonance? Write its uses. / (4)
c) / What is harmonic? / (3)
4. / a) / Draw the diagrams of Mridangam and flute. / (6)
b) / Explain how the Violin is played. / (4)
5. / a) / Write the characteristics of a musical sound. / (4)
b) / What are major tone, minor tone and semitone? / (4)
c) / What is harmony? / (2)
6. / a) / What is the difference between reverberation and echo? / (4)
b) / What are the requirements of a good concert hall? / (6)
7. / Write a note on any TWO of the following. / (10)
a) / Nagaswaram
b) / Human Ear
c) / Radio
d) / Music interval
vitnaDk; Ie;J tpdhf;fSf;F tpilspf;f /
(510 = 50)
1. / m) / FWf;fiy/ bel;liy Mfpatw;Wf;Fs;s ntWghLfis vGJf. / (5)
M) / ,Gj;Jf;fl;lg;gl;l fk;gpapy; cz;lhFk; FWf;fjph;t[ tpjpfis vGjp tpsf;Ff. /
2. / m) / xypapd; jpirntfk;/ mjph;btz;/ miyePsk; Mfpatw;Wf;Fs;s bjhlh;ig epWt[f. /
M) / xU Ruj;jpd; mjph;btz; 512 Hz vdt[k;/ fhw;wpy; xypapd; jpirntfk; 330 m/sec. vdt[k; ,Ue;jhy; mjd; miyePsj;ijf; fzf;fpLf. /
3. / m) / tpk;ky;fs; vd;why; vd;d? tpsf;Ff. / (3)
M) / xj;jjph;t[ vd;why; vd;d? mjd; gad;fis vGJf. / (4)
,) / ghpthu RUjpfs; vd;why; vd;d? / (3)
4. / m) / kpUj';fk;/ g[y;yh';FHy; Mfpatw;wpd; gl';fis tiuf. / (6)
M) / taypd; vt;thW thrpf;g;gLfpwJ vd;gij tpsf;Ff. / (4)
5. / m) / ,ir xypapd; gz;g[fis vGJf. / (4)
M) / nk#h;nlhd;/ ikdh; nlhd;/ brkpnlhd; vd;why; vd;d? / (4)
,) / Ahh;kdp vd;why; vd;d? / (2)
6. / m) / vjph;KGf;fk;/ vjpbuhyp Mfpatw;Wf;Fs;s ntWghLfis vGJf. / (4)
M) / xU ey;y ,irau';fj;jpw;Fj; njitahdit ahit? / (6)
7. / fPH;fz;ltw;Ws; vitnaDk; ,uz;oDf;Ff; Fwpg;g[ tiuf. / 5+5
m) ehf!;tuk;.
M) kdpjr;brtp.
,) thbdhyp.
<) ,ir ,ilbtsp.
