Broomlands Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs Michelle Matthews Broomlands Primary School

School Office Tel No: (01573) 223070 Ednam Road

Nursery Tel No: (01573 228152) Kelso Roxburghshire TD5 7SW

October Newsletter


As you are aware Mrs Gibson has been appointed to post of Depute Headteacher which leaves a Principal Teacher post vacant. This post has now been advertised with a P7 teaching commitment. We hope to interview early in November with the successful candidate taking up post in January. We will continue to keep you informed with the progress.


As you may have noticed we have started sending letters home by e-mail to cut down on costs and also so that letters arrive home rather than being left in trays or in the bottom of school bags. If letters require consent or parent helpers the letter will still be sent by paper. Letters will now be available to read on the school website, either under Newsletters/Letters if the letter is for the whole school or under the class page if the letter is only relevant to one class.

The newsletter is now printed in a dyslexia-friendly format.


After the October holidays the grab bag option will no longer be available for pupils to order unless they are going on a school trip. If you order this option, pupils will be given soup and sandwich. Please order lunches before 8.00am so that numbers can be passed to the cook.

Colder weather

Now that the weather is getting colder please send your child to school with appropriate clothing and footwear.

School Logo Consultation

Thank you to everybody who took part in this consultation. This has now closed and responses are being collated and discussed with SBC.

Absence, Attendance and Punctuality

It is important that your child arrives at school on time to ensure they do not miss important information and instructions. Any child arriving after the classroom door has closed will be marked as late. If your child is absent please contact the school office by 9.00am. If we have not been informed of an absence the office will send a Groupcall to ascertain the reason for absence. If we do not get a response to the Groupcall we will then contact emergency contacts. If we are still unable to establish a reason for the absence we would have to contact partner agencies such as Social Work and Police. This procedure is in place in all Borders schools and is to ensure the safety of our pupils.

We constantly monitor attendance and punctuality as this has an impact on pupils’ learning, attainment and achievements. Parents/Carers whose children’s attendance or punctuality falls below a set level will receive a letter and improvements will be expected. These will continue to be monitored and if concerns continue the matter could be passed on to the Children’s Reporter. We are delighted to report that this term punctuality has been much improved on last year. Thank you all for your support in this matter.

Please make dental and doctor’s appointments out with school time whenever possible. If you do have to take your children out of school for an appointment please send a letter, in advance, to their class teacher.


Children will need an outdoor P.E. kit to be kept in school at all times. This should contain shoes for outdoor P.E. as well as jogging/tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt. We are expected to teach P.E. in all weathers and as we do not have the capacity in the school hall then classes will also have some lessons outdoors. No ear-rings are to be worn in any P.E. or swimming lessons. If children are unable to remove ear-rings themselves, please ensure they are taken out on the morning of P.E. or swimming.


Voting has taken place and the following pupils have been elected to the following committees.

Well done to them all!.

Positive Press / JRSO / Pupil Council / Eco Committee
Peyton Halliday / Grace Macaulay / Lewis Fleming / Joe McCutcheon
Sam Redpath / Caseylee Purves / Ruby McNulty / Euan Lowrie
Fearne Brotherstone / Brooke Scott / Rosie White / Harvey Amis
Antonia Nicod Rogerson / Ruby Ward / Jack Wright / Glen McMurray
Codi Watson / Bronwen Payne / Hannah Leifer
Emily Scott / Alex Skeldon / Honey-Rose Fellowes
Brooke Scott / Leah Namik / Logan Wilkieson
Caseylee Purves / Kate Fergusson / Harry Nairn
Louis Pettitt / Cailtin Dickman / Josh Gibson
Daniel Swaffield / Mason Blackwood / Jake Dickson

The House Captains are:

Broombank / Rosebank / Woodlands
Mason Blackwood / Katelyn Guthrie / Kristian Burns
Beth Wilkie / Josh Gibson / Daniel Swaffield

P7 Residential

We have welcomed back our P7 pupils after they had a fantastic week at Dukeshouse Wood in Hexham. All children have achieved goals that they did not think were possible. Staff are extremely proud of them and also of the faultless behaviour they displayed all week. The team work was excellent. Kingswood staff commented on their positive behaviour and attitude on many occasions. The children were a credit to the school and to their parents.

Thank you to Mrs Gibson, Mrs Orde, Mrs MacLean, Mrs Matthews and Mr Donaldson who gave up their time to take the children and to Mrs Pettigrew for her updates on the school website.

If your child is in P6 and you would like to start saving for their P7 residential please do so at We are currently pricing for next year in order to get the best deal possible and will inform you once we have confirmed a booking.

We would also like to thank P6 pupils who took over the P7 responsibilities when they were away. They did a great job!

Harvest Assembly

We will be holding our annual Harvest Assembly on Wednesday 25th October. A letter will be sent home via e-mail.

School Photographer

The school photographer will be in school on Thursday 19th October to take individual and family photographs. It will only be possible to take photographs of nursery and school children as we are no longer able to accommodate younger family members.

Parents’ Consultations

Parents’ consultations will take place on Monday 6th November and Wednesday 8th November. Pupils in P7 are welcome to attend their appointment with their parents.

This year parents will be able to book suitable appointments on-line. A letter with more details will be e-mailed to all parents (including absent parents) after the October holidays.

If parents are separated we ask that you consult with the other parent prior to making the booking as the booking can only be made by the main carer. It is expected that separated parents attend a joint appointment, however if there are legal reasons why this would be inappropriate please contact the school.

There will be a Book Fair at both parents’ evenings provided by Scottish Travelling Book Company.

Head lice

Now that children are back at school and in close contact with each other, it is very important to regularly check hair for head lice. Further advice can be sought from the school nurse, Dorry McIntyre, telephone number 01573 223501.

Peanut allergy

We would politely ask that children do not bring foods containing peanuts in their snack/lunch boxes. This year we have children in school with severe allergies and your co-operation would be really appreciated in ensuring their safety.

Flu Inoculations

The Scottish Government has announced that all school aged children will be given the flu inoculation. This will take place in school on 22nd November and will be carried out by NHS staff. The inoculation is in the form of a nasal spray. Consent forms and information have already been sent home.

Reminder that if your child has asthma and they have a Ventolin (blue) inhaler, that one should be kept in school. Please speak to your GP to get an additional inhaler which can be kept in school.


Dogs are not allowed on school grounds for health & safety reasons. This includes dogs on leads and dogs being carried. We would encourage everyone to report dog fouling at - to do this press on Environment button, then click on report a dog fouling problem. Alternatively you can report dog fouling on 0300 100 1800.


We continue to ask parents/carers to park safely and considerately. Police Scotland Officers will be patrolling the area regularly and are now issuing penalty tickets for illegal parking.

This is for the safety of our children and I would very much hope you will support us with this.

Parent Council News

We are delighted to welcome Mrs Pamela Guthrie and Mrs Jennifer Redpath as joint Chairs of the Parent Council. The first Parent Council meeting will be on Thursday 2nd November at 7.00pm. You are all very welcome to attend.

The Parent Council Hallowe'en disco will be held on Wednesday 25th October. P1-3 will be from 6-7pm and P4-7 from 7.15-8.15pm. Look out for fliers in school bags. Anyone willing to help at this event, please contact Gillian White or Jennifer Middlemiss.

There will be no Christmas Fair this year due to the move to the new school; however we are planning a Christmas Fundraiser and will let you know about this after the October holidays.

Shoe Box Appeal 2017

Leaflets will be sent home with all pupils about the Shoe Box Appeal 2017. If you wish to donate a shoe box please note that the last date for handing them into school is 6th NOVEMBER. The boxes will then be collected by Kelso North Church.

Sport Scotland Award

Broomlands Primary School has been recognised with a prestigious national award for innovation and achievement in delivering physical education and extra-curricular sport.

The school has achieved the sportscotland Silver School Sport Award for their commitment to engaging all pupils in sporting activity.

As part of the National Lottery funded programme, the sportscotland School Sport Award is a national initiative that is designed to encourage schools to continuously improve physical education and sport. The Award also encourages sporting links between schools and the communities around them.

Stewart Harris, Chief Executive of sportscotland, said: “Congratulations to all the staff and pupils at Broomlands Primary - they should be extremely proud of this fantastic achievement. Not only have they put physical education and sport at the heart of their school and local community, but they have managed to do so in a way that encourages all pupils to engage in physical activity whilst having fun at the same time.”

Yours faithfully

Michelle Matthews

Mrs Michelle Matthews


Dates for your diary

Below is a list of dates for the coming term. I am sure there will be more put in the diary as the term progresses and I will update you on this when necessary. Details of any relevant dates below will be published nearer the time.

5th Oct / P1/2D class assembly at 9.15am
5th Oct / School and nursery close for October holiday
16th Oct / School and nursery re open at normal times
19th Oct / Nursery sponsored “Muddy Puddle” Walk
19th Oct / Photographer for individual and family photos
20th Oct / P3/4 class assembly at 9.15am
25th Oct / Harvest Assembly
31st Oct / Last week for swimming lessons for P3/4, P6 and P6 in P6/7
2nd Nov / Last week for swimming lessons for P5, P3 in P2/3 and P4
2nd Nov / Flu innoculations
3rd Nov / P6 & P7 to Kelso Music Society performance at Kelso North Church
6th Nov / Parents’ appointments and Book Fair
8th Nov / Parents’ appointments and Book Fair
8th Nov / Remembrance Service in the playground at 2.45pm
9th Nov / In-Service Training
10th Nov / In-Service Training
24th Nov / School closed to pupils – staff pack up old school
27th Nov / St Andrews’ Day Holiday
28th Nov / School closed to pupils – staff unpack in new school
29th Nov / Move to new school – to be confirmed
15th Dec / Christmas Service at Kelso North Church – time to be confirmed
21st Dec / Christmas Lunch
21st Dec / School and Nursery close at normal time for Christmas holidays
8th Jan / School and Nursery open at normal time
Non uniform dates
50p donation towards playground toys and equipment.
Dates will be sent home once committees have met and chosen a charity to support for the year.
Achievement Assemblies
1st November / 29th November / 24th January
28th February / 21st March / 9th May
6th June