Faculty name ______Date ______
Program ______
I. BRIEF summary Assessment of performance
Use this form to assess your performance as a faculty member over the past three years. This is a personal working document that is intended to focus your discussion with the department chair. It will be kept confidential (between you and the department chair) and will not be a part of your official employee file. Although the department chair may wish to keep it on file for reference, you may request that it be returned to you.
Include the items described, but feel free to add information not referred to here if you feel it is relevant. Use this form or simply use this form as a guide to write you own narrative self-assessment.
summary Assessment of performance
Write a brief summary assessment of your performance over the past two years based on the three criteria discussed below. Attach additional sheets as necessary.
Faculty Development
List, in order of priority, topics for faculty development that would be most useful to you.
Criteria for Assessment
1. Performance in Teaching
Analyze your teaching performance over the past three years. Assess how well the course(s) you taught met the stated objectives. Identify ways in which you might improve the course to more effectively meet the objectives. Discuss the student evaluations of your strengths and weaknesses. Do you agree, and if so, how are you going to respond?
2. Contributions to the Life of the University
Describe contributions to the university in the following areas:
a. Advising (Describe nature of advising, thesis and research supervision, number of students with whom you worked)
b. Committee Service (Identify offices held, frequency of meetings, level of overall work that you contributed.)
c. Other
3. Accomplishments