39999 Blacow Road ▪ Fremont, California ▪ 510-657-4070 ▪ 510-438-9287 Fax
ASB Meeting Agenda – Date: April 10, 2017
- Call Meeting to Order
Motion:Camille Second:Chloe Vote: _-_Y / N __Abstain Time called to order:11:14am
- Roll Call and Attendance
ASB Office: Xavier, Mai, Gerardo
Class of 2017: Alyssa, Shawn, Lillian, Jordan
Class of 2018: Camille, Maddy C., Sabrina
Class of 2019:Nuha, Rebecca, Bella, Melina
Class of 2020: Marissa, Jewel, Sara, Farzin
ASB Class:
- Officer reports
- Class of 2017:Blaze fundraiser Wednesday 12pm to 6pm, senior mural (Done by: TBA)
- Class of 2018:fundraiser went well, selling water at graduation?
- Class of 2019:Chipotle fundraiser 5pm to 9pm Thursday
- Class of 2020: Promoting fundraisers, cancelling corsage fundraiser
- ASB: LOL coming up, workshop practice went well, permission slips for LOL to come
- Old Business
- Last meeting’s minutes read and approve/denied:APPROVED
- New Business
- Club Constitution Approved/Denied with commentary if any
- Activities Requests Approved/Denied with commentary if any
- La Raza End of the year party on April 11: APPROVED
- Fundraiser Requests Approved/Denied with commentary if any
- Change of date for 2020 Counter fundraiser for 4/26: APPROVED
- Chang of date for 2020 Share tea fundraiser on 5/5: APPROVED
- Class of 2017 to sujus 4/25-4/26: APPROVED
- Class of 2017 to panda express on 5/4: APPROVED
- Swim for Savers on 4/29-4/30: APPROVED
- Purchase Orders Approved/ Denied with commentary if any:
- National Honors Society to NASSP for Membership Dues for 2016 -2017 for $385: APPROVED
- Japanese Club to Nhan Nguen for cultural meeting supplies for $60.00: APPROVED
- Prom to Yu Chuan Kuo for prom refund for $100.00: APPROVED
- PROM to Karina Topete for prom refund for 130.00:APPROVED
- Prom to Kathleen McCalley for Prom refund for 100.00:APPROVED
- Prom to Shanferd Robino for prom refund for 100.00:APPROVED
- BAF to Kevin Lydon for MC Food for 75.00: APPROVED
- La Raza to Samantha Perez for end of the year lunch for 450.00: APPROVED
- Girl’s Basketball to West coast Jamboree for tournament in December 2017 for 450.00: APPROVED
- Check Requests Approved/Denied with commentary if any
- PO 1157 Ricoh from ASB for Copier for $113.38: APPROVED
- PO 1675Jacketback from Athletics for awards, blocks, and emblems for $463.25: APPROVED
- PO 1688 Office Depot from ASB for Supplies for activities $1106.40: APPROVED
- PO 1694 Nicole Lavaud from 2017 for paint for senior mural for $122.45: APPROVED
- PO 1696 FUSD from 2017 for hunter and Lavauds subs for senior picnic for $523.58: APPROVED
- PO 1727 JW Pepper from Music for music sheets for $87.41: APPROVED
- PO 2067 Brenda Calvert from 540 for MC Food for $108.32: APPROVED
- PO 2068 Melissa Wun from Swim for MC food for $92.87: APPROVED
- PO 2073 Kiefer from Swim for pace clock for $626.16: APPROVED
- PO 2074 Henry Schien from athletics for nutrition for athletes for $240.35: DENIED (Lavaud to follow up with McDermott)
- PO 2097 VivianDoan from Badminton for MC FOOD for $516.60: APPROVED
- PO 2099 Yung Ying Yen from Japanese Club for MC Food for 262.20: APPROVED
- PO 2120 Nicole Lavaud from ASB for march recognition, end of year rally, ASB 2017-2018 meeting, ILC for $111.00: APPROVED
- Transfer of Funds
- Interact to ASB for Advertisement in 2017 – 2018 planner for $50.00: APPROVED
- Other
- Media Contract: NOW DUE
- 5 star for 2017 – 2018?
- Cabinet
- GRADES – MAI will explain issue
- Debrief Blood Drive
- PROS: Blood drop costume was good, bigger turnout, promoting was good, permission slip dates were good
- CONS: Blood drop costume was here but no one got it to promote, people got turned away for height and weight, Red Cross got here late, Red Cross people were rude, turnout was bigger but not as big as past years, permission slips stopped kids from going at lunch or brunch
- SUGGESTIONS: give snacks to help increase iron so that people can participate, push date back to end of May when most sports are over
- COMMENTS: American Red Cross wasn’t accepting permission slips
- Lollipop question
- Review Parliamentary Procedure agreed upon Norms:
- Dressing up every week (every Monday)
- One person talking at a time
- Phones collected before every meeting
- Rally/activities-Candace has game ideas: minute to win it games, theme for vote: Reggae, promo video, vote for dress up days: yes vote, banana day Candace coming up with ideas, list for senior recognition at Unity, Candace coming up with games and creating list, Lavaud having meeting with Velez for dress up days, Jordan working on music list, John doing dress up days board
- Clubs- working on multi club binder, prom nominees are in (done last Friday), media contracts for clubs, club evaluations (after spring break, having data for club renewals),
- Link crew-working on next lesson by Thursday or Friday, looking at new lessons, need a date for old lesson, Lavaud meeting with Velez to get activity approved
- PR- Posters for prom, all clubs poster, countdown to graduation, redo ASB door window, poster for spring break
- Student Store- new video, New Designs
- Website-wish list of stuff, retweet Titan man’s tweets, any flyers need to be made give them to website
- Recognition-S.O. meeting every Wednesday, starting student/staff give for April, student give Thursday (need to know how many teachers are going to work it), Student appreciation week, Sabrina needs template for tootsie rolls for staff, if you don’t show up to meetings for Special Olympics you are NOT going, having practice with SpEd tomorrow (Tuesday)
- Adjournment
Motion: MadiSecond: SaraVote: _-_Y __N __Abstain Time called to close: 12:24pm