Date / Thursday 28 February 2013
Place / ABP Ipswich
Time: / 9.30 – 12.30
Attendees: / Jane Burch (JBu) (SCC), Bill Parker (SCDC), Alex Cooper (RSPB), (Robert Wheatley (PoF), Chris Edwards (RYA), Jim Warner (HHA), Lisa Jenner (NE), Nicky Spurr (ECC), (Trazar Astley-Reid (SCHU), Isobel Steen (EA), Alan Garnham (EIFCA), Judith Stoutt (EIFCA), Dorothy Casey SWT, Bill Jenman (AONB), Mark Sessions (Guest), Jerry Coleman
Chair: / Karen Thomas (EA)
Item / Points and Actions / Action (who)
1. / Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: John Brien HHA, Emma Hay NE, Neil Fuller NE, Andy Excell SWT
2. / Minutes of the last meeting (29th October 2012) - accepted as a correct record.
3. / Management Strategy Review – discussion way forward – All
KT explained that the Estuary Scheme of Management and Management Strategy were due for review in 2013 -14. The following item was to discuss how best to undertake the review given the good quality of existing information, organisational resources and new issues to address such as Water framework Directive, SMP and Marine Conservation Zones.
TAR/KT discussed the potential for a ‘light touch’ approach and asked if everyone was happy with current documents. TAR offered a couple of tested survey methods to engage the Forum and the statutory consultees.
Group Discussion
The extent to which we involve the forum was discussed and all felt this was a good way of making sure the estuary priorities were delivered. NS suggested sensitivities around a very broad questionnaire so as not to raise expectations. JBu suggested the Forum be a good place to test the priorities in the plan by asking the forum’s views (similar to the Suffolk Coastal Forum approach).
Outcomes of discussion
ACTION TAR to produce 2 questionnaires for the Forum and the Statutory consultees to gather info on the existing documents and activities. And support a forward look and review.
ACTION TAR to circulate these to the Group before the 23rd April
ACTION Group to review and feedback to TAR at the next EMG
All agreed the public facing document for the management plan was very good-refresh cover and make more copies available. Have the digital version well advertised. / TAR
4. / Management Plan Actions review
The group went through the red and amber actions in the revised management plan. This will be updated with the comments of the group and appended to the minutes.
5. / Presentation by Mark Sessions- Flounder report - EIFCA
Mark made a clear case for his concerns over fishery dredging and its impacts on the Flounder population which is in serious decline in the estuaries. Flounder is not being put back after miss-catches and is being used as bait for crab and lobster fishing. He asked if there was support for returning the flounders alive - and wanted to know how the trawler owners could be influenced to take this approach.
Judith responded on behalf of EIFCA setting out EIFCA’s role. There is a sustainable fishery review under way in the district looking at commercial and recreational fishing issues and management options. To alter the management options such as restrictions for any fish species decisions must be evidence based.
The group agreed that perhaps the best way to help was to support Mark and EIFCA in discussions with the local fishermen. The approach was successfully used by TAR with the bait diggers and all agreed this would be the best way forward. JS also said that EIFCA would work more closely with the Kent and Essex district officers on this issue.
ACTION- letter from SOEMG to EIFCA to support Marks views and suggest the ‘bait digger’ approach as a way forward.
EIFCA & KEIFCA & TAR to set up a flounder sub group to look into research and a way forward. / KT
6. / Presentation Jim Warner HHA Saltmarsh report
The group welcomed Jim in his new role with HHA. He gave a short presentation on the saltmarsh analysis undertaken by Haskoning on behalf of HHA’s monitoring programme. The overall conclusion seems to be a trend of marsh gain in the estuary in the order of about 16ha in the last 10 years. JW explained the margins of error which were of a similar order 13-15ha. The group asked how this data compared with the NE saltmarsh studies undertaken for the Essex and South Suffolk SMP. JW explained that this analysis had not been done. SCC, NE, RSPB EA and SWT members all highlighted the need to see the comparison as data should be shared and considered ahead of the Regulators Group. Offers were made from RSPB and SWT to help ground truth data as there was a feeling in the Group that whilst saltmarsh extent may not be diminishing there was definitively a loss in the quality of the marshes at named locations e.g. Levington and Copperas bay. The Group questioned why the comparisons had not been made and suggested a telecon between HHA, and Regulator Group members to ascertain what should be done about this issue, as well as whether it would be useful to postpone the Regulators Group to allow more time for the analysis to be done. JW to feedback that statutory regulators need at least 28 days to circulate the regulators reports internally.
ACTION JW HHA to set up telecon.
ACTION JW to circulate saltmarsh report to EMG / JW
7. / Updates
Beneficial Use of Dredging
Very productive site meeting 11th January 2013 at Levington Marina with JBr HHA, KT, EA, TAR, AONB, AE SWT, IBC MB and SR Jonathan Dyke Suffolk Yacht Harbour. This sub-group were proposing 2 BUD sites located to the south and north of the marina.
ACTION TAR/KT to provide short report to group on details, timescales, costs etc.
CE RYA asked if there would be a reduction in dinghy mooring space. KT felt the old breached wall to the south of the marina would obstruct sailors already but info on access could be provided in the update report.
Hill House Farm managed Realignment
KT There was not a great deal to update. NE is considering the replacement habitat for brent geese.
JBu asked if ROW issues were being progressed in parallel. SCC ROW team had not heard from EA staff about this project for very long time. KT to discuss with RHCP team colleagues. TAR raised the issue about HLS funding for the project as it is a key component of funding for the site. KT to talk to Merle Leeds.
Shore Lane
TAR updated that barriers were still in place. Notice boards are with designers for installation at Easter all with parish council support.
TAR updated that the swan numbers had declined after the change in feeding regime and the new fence had been installed. Locally everyone seems much happier with the situation.
Shotley Phase 3
TAR updated that the MMO licence application was in for the rest of the works.
Balance Boards
Information boards for Pin Mill and Wherstead are coming soon. / TAR
8 / Budget
KT asked Group members when they discuss and agree funding for TAR post in AONB. It was agreed that the Budget would be discussed following the appropriate point in the partners financial planning. All felt early summer budgets were discussed and set so the SOEMG September meeting would be good for discussing the budget issue.
ACTION TAR to have on Sept agenda. / TAR
9. / Round Table
LJ MCZ verification studies are underway in S&O at this time
JBu asked that SOEMG issues be fed through to SCF.
ACTIONS TAR to do this following April meeting. KT to ask Group what key issues need to go forward to SCF as agenda item.
RW Visitor centre at Landguard at start of 4 week fit out programme aiming for end of April/start of May 2013 opening. KT asked if SOEMG could have a poster or info on display at the centre to flag the management plan and successes of the Group and Forum. ACTION as it’s a SCDC project-BPa to let us know if there is scope for a poster/info at visitor centre
Mark sessions expressed thanks at the offer to come and raise the Flounder issue with the group and were in turn thanked for coming.
JS EIFCA is keen to engage with coastal users and would like to hear from anyone with relevant issues.
AG EIFCA has a new Chief Exec with new ideas and approaches so watch this space!
NS Early stages of planning and organising the Essex Coastal Forum Conference maybe over 2 days at the end of September 2013. KT/Jbu noted the SCF also end Sept/Oct so need to make sure they are planned for different dates. KT offered EA support to organise event. / TAR
10. / AOB
KT To provide press release link and Defra report link for the Government Red Tape Challenge and Coastal Concordat discussions.
KT to send JBu and BPa examples of issues with intertidal consents and licensing hampering local projects and not seen as proportionate to scale of work involved for them to take up to LGA route. / KT
Dates of Next Meetings:
23 April 2013, 10am – EA Iceni House, Cobham Road, Ipswich
FORUM: 23 July 2013 – tbc
September meeting date tbc

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