Christine E. Grella, Ph.D., Publications

UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs

July 2012 to June 2014

(Updated August 2015)

Please note: Many of the articles listed below are available online at no charge. Click on the link and you will be taken directly to the journal or to the article’s PubMed page, which provides an abstract of the article and may provide a link to the full text of the article. If there are no links provided for an article, you still may find the article or its abstract by searching for it online.

Articles with asterisks appeared in the previous ISAP Biennial Report [2010–2012] because they were published online ahead of print during the time period of that report. They are also included here because the hard-copy publication of these articles occurred during the time period of this report, July 2012 through June 2014, which is reflected in their final citation.

Chi, F.W., Weisner, C., Grella, C.E., Hser, Y.I., Moore, C., & Mertens, J. (2014). Does age at first treatment episode make a difference in outcomes over 11 years? Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 46(4), 482-490. PMCID: PMC3940137 doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2013.12.003.

*Cochran, S.D., Grella, C.E., & Mays, V.M. (2012). Do substance use norms and perceived drug availability mediate sexual orientation differences in patterns of substance use? Results from the California Quality of Life Survey II. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 73(4), 675-685. PMCID: PMC336433

Evans, E., Li, L., Grella, C., Brecht, M.L., & Hser, Y.I. (2013). Developmental timing of first drug treatment and 10-year patterns of drug use. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 44(3), 271-279. PMCID: PMC3519944

Grella, C.E. (2013). Gender-responsive treatment approaches for women with substance use disorders. In A. Liquori O’Neil & J. Lucas (Eds.),DAWN Drugs and Alcohol Women Network: Promoting a gender responsive approach to drug addiction (pp. 155-190). Turin, Italy: United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI Publication no. 104).

Grella, C. (2013). Gender-specific treatments for substance use disorders. In P.M. Miller (Ed.), Interventions for addiction: Comprehensive addictive behaviors and disorders (pp. 177-185). San Diego: Elsevier Inc., Academic Press.

Grella, C. E. (2014). Where does the disease go? Understanding the lives of addicts and the worlds they inhabit. (Review of Raikhel, E., & Garriott, W. [Eds.] [2013]. Addiction trajectories. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.) PsycCRITIQUES, 59(9), Article 5.

Grella, C.E., Lovinger, K., & Warda, U.S. (2013). Relationships among trauma exposure, familial characteristics, and PTSD: A case-control study of women in prison and in the general population. Women & Criminal Justice, 23(1), 63-79. doi: 10.1080/08974454.2013.743376

Grella, C.E., & Stein, J.A. (2013). Remission from substance dependence: Differences between individuals in a general population longitudinal survey who do and do not seek help. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 133(1), 146-153. PMCID:PMC3786033

Lin, J.C., Karno, M.P., Grella, C.E., Ray, L.A., Liao, D.H., & Moore, A.A. (2014). Psychiatric correlates of alcohol and tobacco use disorders in U.S. adults aged 65 years and older: Results from the 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22(11), 1356-1363. PMCID: PMC3949218 doi: 10.1016/j.jagp.2013.07.005

Otiniano Verissimo, A.D., Grella, C.E., Amaro, H., & Gee, G.C. (2014). Discrimination and substance use disorders among Latinos: The role of gender, nativity, and ethnicity. American Journal of Public Health, 104(8), 1421-1428 PMCID: PMC4096319. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302011

Padwa, H., Larkins, S., Crèvecoeur-MacPhail, D.A., & Grella, C.E. (2013). Dual diagnosis capability in mental health and substance use disorder treatment programs. Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 9(2), 179-186. PMCID: PMC3655772

Reback, C.J., Fletcher, J.B., Shoptaw, S., & Grella, C.E. (2013). Methamphetamine and other substance use trends among street-recruited men who have sex with men, from 2008 to 2011. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 133(1), 262-265. PMCID: PMC3888192 doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2013.06.007

Saxena, P., Messina, N., & Grella, C.E. (2014). Who benefits from gender responsive treatment? Accounting for abuse history on longitudinal outcomes for women in prison. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 41(4), 417-432. PMCID: PMC4045615 doi: 10.1177/0093854813514405

Steinberg, J.K., Grella, C.E., & Boudov, M.R. (2013). Risky sexual behavior and negative health consequences among incarcerated female adolescents: Implications for public health policy and practice. In B. Sanders, Y.F. Thomas, & B. G. Deeds (Eds.),Crime, HIV and health: Intersections of criminal justice and public healthconcerns (pp. 63-79). New York: Springer.