(Revised Fall 2007)
MUSI 1311, 1312
Music Theory I, II
This Master Syllabus is a template that should be used by all full-time and adjunct faculty who teach this course.
Add to the required information your personal information as indicated on the following pages. The appearance (format) of your syllabus may be changed to your preferences as long as the required information remains in the syllabus.
If you have recommendations for changes to the Master Syllabus, discuss them with the program coordinator, Carolyn Smith.
You may request an electronic copy of this Master Syllabus by emailing your division director,Charla Crump, at .
Division of Liberal Arts
Course Name: MUSI 1311, 1312 Music Theory I, II
Credit Hours: 3
Semester: Example: Fall 2007
Classroom Location: List campus and Room #
Instructor: Include your name the way you want to be addressed.
Office Location: If applicable
Phone: If applicable
Email: If applicable
Fax: If applicable
Other: If applicable
Office Hours:
Comment:Adjunct faculty should post one hour per week for each course taught.Example:, thirty minutes before and thirty minutes after class. Full-time faculty should post at least 10 hours per week.
Course Description:
A Study of scales, intervals, and part writing, using triads, the dominant seventh chord, non-harmonic tones, and modulation. Correlated keyboard harmony, dictation, and sight singing. Required of music majors, recommended for music minors.
Statement of Purpose
Music Theory partially satisfies the requirements for the Associates of Arts degree at ClarendonCollege and is designed for transfer to a senior college.
Required Instructional Materials:
Spenser, Peter. The Practice of Harmony. Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ. 5thed. 2004.
Other Relevant Materials:
Comment:List any relevant materials students need if they are to be successful in the course (i.e. writing paper, pens, pencils, dictionary, thesaurus, etc.).
Student Requirements
Comment:List any particular requirements you have of the students if they are to be successful in the course.
Methods of Instruction
Comment:List all instructional delivery types that you will plan on using (i.e. Lecture, videotape, demonstrations, presentations, peer review, readings, internet, e-mail, chat, etc.)
Comment: Listed below are the minimum objectives you must include in your syllabus. You may add others as desired.
Course Objectives
As a result of this course, you should be able to: Fill in personal objectives for the students.
Exemplary Educational Objectives
1. To demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts.
2. To understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within an
historical and social context.
3. To respond critically to works in the arts.
4. To engage in the creative process and comprehend the physical and intellectual
demands required of the visual and performing artist.
5. To articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts.
6. To develop an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide or govern the arts.
7. To demonstrate knowledge of the influence of the arts on intercultural experiences.
Grading Policies:
Comment: List a breakdown of how your course will be graded. All academic courses are required to have a final exam or its equivalent. Faculty should generally follow the grading scale as stated in the college catalog.
The final semester grades will be figured as set in the current catalog:
90 to 100 = A 80 to 89 = B70 to 79 = C 60 to 69 = DBelow 59 = F
Comment: All Music Theory students are to complete a musical composition. The composition project should comprise at least 10% of the total course grade. Although it is at your professional discretion to weight the components of your course, please include the following Grading Criteria.Quizzes should comprise at least 50% of the total course grade.
A student’s final grade will be made available through Campus Connect at ClarendonCollege’s website.
Comment: Developmental courses cannot be submitted electronically. The registrar will request a hard copy from you.
MUSI 1311 is a prerequisite for MUSI 1312. A grade of at least a C in MUSI 1311 is required to go into MUSI 1312.
MUSI 1312 is a prerequisite for MUSI 2311. A grade of at least a C in MUSI 1312 is required to go into MUSI 2311.
A written musical composition is required as part of the final grade.
Classroom Policies:
Comment:List the followingClarendonCollegepolicies:
Classroom Conduct
Failure to comply with lawful direction of a classroom instructor is a disruption for all students enrolled in the class. Cheating violations include, but are not limited to: (1) obtaining an examination , classroom activity, or laboratory exercise by stealing or collusion; (2) discovering the content of an examination , classroom activity, laboratory exercise, or homework assignment before it is given; (3) using an unauthorized source of information during an examination , classroom activity, laboratory exercise, or homework assignment ; (4) entering an office or building to obtain unfair advantage; (5) taking an examination for another person; (6) completing a classroom activity, laboratory exercise, homework assignment, or research paper for another person; (7) altering grade records; (8) using any unauthorized form of electronic communication device during an examination, classroom activity, or laboratory exercise; (9) Plagiarism. Plagiarism is the using, stating, offering, or reporting as one’s own, an idea, expression, or production of another person without proper credit.
Disciplinary actions for cheating in a course are at the discretion of the individual instructor. The instructor of that course will file a report with the Dean of Students when a student is caught cheating in the course, whether it be a workforce or academic course. The report shall include the course, instructor, student’s name, and the type of cheating involved.
Students who are reported as cheating to the Dean of Students more than once shall be disciplined by the Dean. The Dean will notify all involved parties within fourteen days of any action taken.
American with Disabilities Act Statement:
ClarendonCollege provides reasonable accommodations for persons with temporary or permanent disabilities. Should you require special accommodations, notify the Office of Student Services (806-874-3571 or 800-687- 9737). We will work with you to make whatever accommodations we need to make.
Dropping a Course:
A student who is enrolled in a developmental course for TSI purposes may not drop his/her only developmental course unless the student completely withdraws from the college. A student may drop any other course with a grade of “W” any time after the census date for the semester and on or before the end of the 12th week of a long semester, or on or before the last ay to drop a class of a term as designated in the college calendar. The request for permission to drop a course is initiated by the student by procuring a drop form from the Office of Student Services. (Refer to other policies concerning this issue in the current college catalog online.)
Withdrawal from College:
When a student finds it necessary to withdraw from school before the end of the semester, he or she should obtain a withdrawal form from the Office of Student Services. Students may also withdraw from the college by sending a written request for such action to the Registrar’s Office. The request must include the student’s signature, the student’s current address, social security number and course information details. Students who withdraw after the census date for the semester and on or before the end of the 12th week of a long semester, or on or before the last day to drop a class of a term as designated in the college calendar will be assigned a grade of “W.”
Comment:You should also list all of your personal classroom policies regarding such things as academic integrity incidents (cheating, plagiarism, or other dishonest acts), attendance, late assignment(s), missed examination(s), safety, collaborative work, extra credit, etc.
Tentative Course Schedule/Outline:
Comment: Include a listing of what will be covered during the course and a tentative timeframe.Below is an example of a schedule/outline: Yours may be much more detailed if appropriate.
Week / Topic / Ch / Pages / AssignmentsWeek 1 – 9 –Foundations
1 / Clefs and Basic Pitch Notation / 1 / 1 – 3
2-3 / Scales / 2 / 15 – 19
4 / Key Signatures and Scale Degrees / 3 / 31 – 36
5-6 / Intervals / 4 / 51 – 56
7-8 / Triads / 5 / 67 – 70
9* / Notation of Rhythm / 6 / 79 – 86
Week 10 – 15 – Diatonic Vocabulary
10 / Four-Part Vocal Writing / 7 / 103 – 104
11 / Primary Triads in Root Position / 8 / 107 – 113
12 / Primary Triads in 1st Inversion / 9 / 119 – 122
13 / Primary Triads in 2nd Inversion / 10 / 129 – 133
14* / Secondary Triads / 11 / 141 – 146
15 / Harmonization of Melodies I / 12 / 151 – 156
16* / Final Exam and Project Presentation