Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Service Providers Assigned to Region 7 and Statewide System of Support
Region 7 has developed a “Directory of DPI Region 7 Service Providers” (alphabetical order by last name) to share with District representatives so they know who to contact, for what services, to help students become ready for college, careers and life.
Use the directory information below to make DPI contact, as needed, to help with our common mission to prepare all students in North Carolina for the future. These individuals have been assigned to serve Region 7 Districts, but please remember that some personnel may also serve other regions. The directory includes the following information, to include: name; title; biographical sketch (if available); general duties of the position; areas of service expertise; and, contact information.
Feel free to contact any DPI official to get your questions answered and/or to schedule a service that is needed in the respective areas, or to help your students master the common core and essential standards. If you have questions about the information contained in this directory, please contact Keith Eades, Regional Lead for Regions 7 & 8, using the information specified under his name below.
Name / David CraigTitle / Regional Accountability Services
Biographical Sketch
General Duties of the Position
Areas of Service Expertise
Contact Information /
Name / Keith Eades
Title / Regional Lead
Biographical Sketch / Taught elementary, middle and high school science. Has served as teacher, mentor, school administrator, assistant superintendent and Superintendent
General Duties of the Position / To provide support to school district leadership and be a liason between DPI and LEA’s; Coordinate Regional Roundtable to maximize support of services to meet both DPI and LEA strategic priorities
Areas of Service Expertise / 1. Educational Leadership
2. Curriculum and Instruction
3. Strategic Planning and Organization
4. Mentoring
5. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Certified Trainer
6. Brain Compatible Learning Strategies
7. Best Practices in Leadership and Instruction
Contact Information /
Name / Melanie Honeycutt
Title / Regional Technology Support
Biographical Sketch / Elementary Media Coordinator, District level Instructional Technology Facilitator/Coordinator, District level Media Lead. MLS – Currently finishing the EdD program at ASU
General Duties of the Position / Create collaborative partnerships with charter schools, LEAs, other NCDPI divisions, IHEs, RESAs, other regional resources, professional organizations and other state and federal agencies.
Provide collaborative communication (face-to-face and virtual) with 17 Region 8 LEAs and 10 charter schools.
Identify and communicate exemplary practices to promote the infusion of information and technology essential standards across all curricular areas.
Work District and School Transformation to emphasize using technology to improve student achievement
Areas of Service Expertise / 1. Instructional Technology
2. Change and its effect on people and institutions
3. Strategic Alignment
4. 21st Century Tools and Best Practices
5. Technical infrastructure
Contact Information /
Name / Dreama McCoy
Title / EC/ PBIS and Autism Consultant
Biographical Sketch
General Duties of the Position
Areas of Service Expertise
Contact Information /
Name / Faye McDaniel
Title / Title I Part A/ Part D Support
Biographical Sketch / Taught middle and high school science. Served as a teacher, mentor, school administrator (middle and high school), charter school principal and worked with Safe and Drug Free Schools (Title IV)
General Duties of the Position / To provide support to school district leadership, charters and schools for Title I services
Areas of Service Expertise / · Educational Leadership
· Curriculum and Instruction related to Title I
· Fiscal, policy and programming related to Title I funding
· Support for new Title I directors
· Professional development related to Title I
· Comprehensive Needs Assessments
Contact Information /
Name / Heather Mullins
Title / Region 7 Professional Development Consultant
Biographical Sketch / Taught high school English, university level English and Education courses, served as a curriculum specialist, mentor, and professional development specialist. National Board Certified Teacher AYA ELA
General Duties of the Position
Support / The primary purpose of this position is to update the NC Education workforce, helping to ensure that all district leaders, principals, and teachers have the knowledge and skills to facilitate student achievement.
This position includes:
· Supporting job-embedded professional development
· Modeling the use of virtual resources to extend professional development opportunities
· Conducting institutes for principals, LEA leadership teams, and district leaders
· Supporting LEAs in making effective professional development available to all teachers and principals
· Evaluating the learning opportunities provided by LEAs
· Assessing the impact of professional development on educator practices and student achievement
· Building a culture of collaboration between and among all LEAs in Region 7 as well as across the state
Areas of Service Expertise / 1. Professional Development
2. Instructional Strategies
3. 21st Century Tools and Practices
4. Technology for Educators
5. Curriculum Mapping and Vertical Alignment
6. Differentiation
7. Conceptual Design
8. Mentoring
Contact Information / E-mail:
Phone: 828.244.8759
Twitter: @carolinablondie
Name / Vickie Norris
Title / Literacy Consultant, Exceptional Children Division
(Program Improvement Professional Development)
Biographical Sketch / Taught Behavioral Emotional Disturbance and Learning Disabilities for students K-12. Served as Literacy Coordinator for Exceptional Children for five years prior to working with Department of Public Instruction. Has been directly involved with NC State Improvement Project since 2000.
General Duties of the Position / To provide support and technical assistance to school district leadership and teachers to implement best practices in literacy for students with persistent reading problems. Coordinate and provide research based professional development for administration, teachers and support staff.
Areas of Service Expertise / 1. Literacy Specialist
2. NC State Improvement Project
3. Reading Foundations Trainer
4. Orton Gillingham Certified
5. Keys to Literacy Key Comprehension Routine Trainer
6. Trained as a Wilson Reading Trainer
7. Letterland Trainer
8. Using Implementation Science to implement Researched Based Reading Programs
9. Trained in multiple reading programs designed for students with Learning Disablities
10. Coaching
Contact Information /
Name / Rick Powers
Title / IDEA Outreach Consultant
Exceptional Children Division
Biographical Sketch / Have worked as an Exceptional Children Teachers Assistant, taught grades K - 3, Been an Asst. Principal and Principal in the Elementary setting.
General Duties of the Position / To work with administration and teachers in the area of educational leadership within the Exceptional Children program. To provide leadership and field support with implementation of Responsiveness to Instruction and provide professional development surrounding Parent Involvement and partnership with the NC Exceptional Children Assistance Center. All duties are statewide.
Areas of Service Expertise / -Exceptional Leadership
-Implementation Science / Implementation Teams
-Integrating Multiple Initiatives
-Responsiveness to Instruction
-Professional Learning Communities
-Problem Solving Model for School Improvement
-Parent Involvement
Contact Information /
Name / Amy Quesinberry and Lucy Heffelfinger
Title / School Nurse Consultants
Biographical Sketch
General Duties of the Position
Areas of Service Expertise
Contact Information /
Name / Bill Rynn
Title / Regional EC Consultant
Biographical Sketch / Have worked as a special education teacher, school psychologist, principal, special education director, and DPI Exceptional Children’s Division Consultant
General Duties of the Position / Consultation and support to LEA special education directors, Policy monitoring development for the Exceptional Children’s Division at NCDPI. Also liason to Appalachian State University.
Areas of Service Expertise / Policy and Best Practices for serving children with disabilities, program implementation, Responsiveness to Instruction(RTI).
Contact Information /
office 336-667-6059 cell 828-268-4411
Name / Monica Shepherd
Title / ERD/ Regional Education Facilitator
Biographical Sketch / Taught in elementary school, high school, and college. Served as teacher, administrator, and recruitment position in different region for NCDPI.
General Duties of the Position / Serve as a liaison between the Department of Public Instruction and the LEAs as a field-based representative of DPI offering maximum support to the LEAs within the region, including:
· Provide Beginning Teacher Program Support
· Develop, Initiate and maintain BTSP Peer Review Process
· Coordinate and conduct Title II Monitoring, Technical Assistance, Training, Support, Review
· Coordinate and conduct State Initiative Monitoring (BT Support, HOUSSE)
· Develop train the trainer modules and revise as needed (Mentor Training, Peer Review, etc)
· Coordinate and facilitate the Regional Teacher of the Year and Principal of the Year selection process.
· Establish and maintain effective relationships with the LEAs in each region (and throughout the state).
· Maintain LEA records for regional and state level (Beginning Teacher – Lateral Entry Turnover report, BTSP, HQT Financial Accountability, etc)
· Coordinate and facilitate regional recruitment efforts
Areas of Service Expertise / Educational Leadership
Educational Law
Professional Development
Instructional Strategies and Techniques
Foundations in Education
Challenges (Teachers and Students)
Learning Styles
Classroom Management
Contact Information /
Name / Marty Tobey
Title / Regional Coordinator, Career and Technical Education
Biographical Sketch / Prior work history includes Business Teacher, Instructional Technology Specialist, and Director of Career and Technical Education before beginning as Regional Coordinator in May 2009.
General Duties of the Position / The primary purpose of the position is to provide leadership to and technical assistance for state and federally-funded Career and Technical Education programs in 21 northwest NC school districts. Additionally, I provide statewide support to the Administrative Internship Program for new and aspiring CTE Administrators.
Areas of Service Expertise / 1. Educational Leadership
2. Curriculum and Instruction related to CTE
3. Fiscal and Policy Issues Related to Perkins Funding
4. Support to New and Aspiring CTE Administrators
5. CTE Program Improvement Initiatives
Contact Information / 336-475-0184