Wigginton and Hopwas Parish Council



HELD ON 1st May2014, 7.15 P.M


Present: Cllr Stevens(Chair), Cllr Mrs Whitehead,Cllr Mrs Croft, Cllr Shirtliff.

In attendance: Mrs M Jones (Clerk).

Open Forum

No members of the public attended.

  1. To elect a Chairman for the following year.

Proposed by Cllr Shirtliff, seconded by Cllr Whitehead,

RESOLVED to approve Cllr Stevens as Chair.

  1. To elect a Vice Chairman for the following year.

Proposed by Cllr Whitehead,RESOLVED to approve Cllr Shirtliff as Vice Chair.

Cllr Shirtliff would also serve as Finance Member.

  1. To receive and approve apologies.None
  1. To receive any Declarations of Interest.None were received.
  1. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 3rd April2014.

RESOLVEDto approve the Minutes;these were signed by the Chair.

  1. Date of next and future Meetings:

(a)5th June, Thomas Barnes School, Hopwas

(b)3rd July, St. Leonard’s School, Wigginton

(c)4th September, Thomas Barnes School, Hopwas.

(d)2nd October, St. Leonard’s School, Wigginton.

  1. To receive updates from:

aDistrict Cllrs None received.

bCounty Cllrs None received.

cPolice The police had been contacted regarding the vandalism and had asked for information regarding people camping in Hopwas Woods.

dHighways None received.It would be asked whether the ‘20 is Plenty’ scheme had been implemented yet in Wigginton, as no road signs had been displayed outside the school. Signage in Hopwas was clearly visible around School Lane.

  1. To receive the Clerk's Report.

Vandalism at Hopwas – The Parish Council notice board had been badly vandalised, with the glass and lock broken by vandals. A week later the doors had also been removed. The Police had been informed and a local firm had been asked to repair the damage.

Bus service in Wigginton – concerns were expressed to the County Council who had passed these to the operators.

Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association -The 75th Anniversary Conference would take place on June 11th.

Annual Leave – the Clerk’s forthcoming holiday dates were given.

  1. To consider any Planning matters.

(a)Application 14/00388/ADV St Leonards C of E Church, Main Road, Wigginton; installation of a freestanding church notice board.

No objection

(b)Application 14/00413/FUL 114 Main Road, Wigginton; single storey rear extension to form conservatory.

No objection

(c)Updates on proposed developments

It was thought that Highways had been asked to consider the access to the Brown’s Lane development. No information had been received on this or the Arkall Farm proposal.

(d)Consultation on Tamworth Local Plan

Comments should be sent by May 12th. RESOLVED to comment on plans to site a large number of houses at Coton Lane and Dunstall Lane, as these plans would have an impact on traffic in this parish, as well as affecting the visual amenity by replacing agricultural land with housing.

  1. To consider Hopwas Playing Field maintenance.

A team of volunteers from Tesco’s depot at Fradley had kindly completed the painting of the fence as part of their community projects scheme. A letter of thanks would be sent.

A request had been received from a local young person fora small skateboard facility to be installed at the playground. This was discussed but for reasons of safety, noise and cost it was RESOLVED that this would not be approved. The Clerk would reply accordingly.

  1. To consider Comberford Millennium Green maintenance.

RESOLVED that Greenlands would be asked to refurbish and paint the slide tower.

  1. To consider complaint about dogs at Hopwas Playing Field.

A report had been received of dogs being exercised in the field, which was a health hazard. Owners should not take dogs onto the field. The dog warden could be contacted, but would need to know times when this was likely to occur. The rules sign showed that animals were not allowed on the field, and smaller ‘no dogs’ signs were visible at the play area.

  1. To consider progress on the Neighbourhood Plan.

A request had been received from a planning consultant to speak to the Parish Council regarding a development proposal. Further details would be requested, and a date arranged. Work on the plan was proceeding well. The next group meeting would be on 11th June, 7.30, in Hopwas.

  1. To consider revised Financial Regulations.

Amendments were discussed; subject to these it was RESOLVED to approve the Financial Regulations.

  1. To receive Councillors’ Reports.

Cllr Whitehead reported on the Parish Forum at the District Council. Information had been received on CIL payments from developers.

The OWL scheme had been explained; this replaced Neighbourhood Watch, members of the public could join to receive reports of local incidents which had been reported to the police.

  1. To receive correspondence.

Lichfield District Council – consultation regarding dog control in its parks Staffordshire County Council – Community Paths Initiative, bids 2014/15 Staffordshire Archives and Heritage Service, newsletter Came & Company Insurers, newsletter

  1. To receive a Financial Report.

Bank reconciliation Noted

Transfer between accounts Approved

Accounts for financial year 2013-14 Approved

Precept Received from the District Council in deposit account.

Audit The Notice advertising elector’s rights had been displayed in the parish and would be put on the website. The Internal Audit would be done shortly and the Annual Return should be approved at the next Council meeting before being sent to the Auditors.

RESOLVED to approve the Financial Report.

  1. To consider the payment of cheques on the payment list.

RESOLVED to make the following payments:

M Jones, salary and expenses; L.Watkins, grounds maintenance;

Staffordshire Parish Councils Association, course fee;

Staffordshire County Council, room hire;

Eon, electricity charge.

  1. Items for next meeting

Approval of Annual Return.

Development proposal.

  1. Date of next meeting.

5th June, Thomas Barnes School

The meeting closed at 8.55 p.m.

WHPC Minutes 1.5.14 1