Meeting Minutes
January 10th, 2013
Items Voted on
Charlie Kloss has met the requirements to become a senator. . Ethan motions/ Joe seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
Frank motions to change the non ASG use of the computers at 5 cents a page 10 cents for color/ Dale seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
Funds Requests:
$250 SSS Club matching funds for condoms. Tim motions/ Dominique seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
$1,000 Intermural Bowling League. Scylise motions/Jared seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
Not Passed: None
It is the mission of the ASGSWOCC to improve and enhance the lives of students that attend SWOCC by advocating and informing the students through the education of students rights, campus policies and procedures; the encouragement of social expression, cultural awareness, and community outreach; the promotion of civic engagement; and by representing the Student Body to the community, administration, faculty, and the staff, in order to better serve the body and sub-organizations under the governance of the ASGSWOCC.
Associated Student Government
Meeting Minutes
I. Call to order at 4:00 pm.
In attendance: Scylise Little, Frank Moreno, Tim Edingfield, Jazmine Grantham, Ethan Garrison, Justin Rainbolt, Karina Smith, Carrie Griffith, Dale, Sandra Sherman, Sam Barry, Joseph Saxon, Jared Helms, Dominique Davis.
Non-members: Rocky Lavoie, James Partman, Dean M. Ball, Charlie Kloss.
Absences: None
- Agenda/meeting minutes
Motion to pass meeting minutes with amendments. Jared motions/Frank seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
- Open forum/presenters
A. Dean Ball technology sports advisor and Rocky Lavoie.
Here to talk about the in service forum. Help with students finding information on the website. We are trying to figure out how to make this situation better for the non-students and students about getting the correct information. What can we do?
Tim: The OWLS are being left out of the loop.
Can we connect with students online more? It is suggested a SWOCC app for smart phones and using the student email more and more letters out possibly. Email pushed from the student email to their personal email. Students should really meet with their advisors MORE! They are the ones who should be helping the students with getting the correct information. Make a list of FAQ for these guys to try and get to the bottom of this issue on campus. Karina is putting something like this together for the new student orientation packets for next year. We, as ASG, need to go into the website and figure out what is not working well for students. We will bring these suggestions at our next meeting. We should poke around in the student email to find “Microsoft awesomeness.”
B. James Partman. Would like to be a senator.
- New Business
- Funds Requests:
- $250 SSS Club matching funds for condoms. Tim motions/ Dominique seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
- $1,000 Intermural Bowling League. Scylise motions/Jared seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
- Team Member Reports
A. President
Great to be back! Meetings need to be set up for the personal meetings ASAP. Need team photos up. Jared will help with this.
B. Vice President
Outline of Bill for the student fee autonomy has now been drawn up. We are waiting to hear back from the legislative council for legal support. This bill is for the whole state. Would like us, as an ASG, to support this idea and eventually the bill that comes from it. If this is passed then we could form a budget committee to decide how to spend the student fee and what it will go into. We will communicate with the students to get information about what the students need and want on campus.
C. Secretary
Talk to the Webmaster again. I have been locked out of the website.
D. Activities Director
Bowling night is tomorrow night for spirit week. Magician or comedian would be cool this term. Also Open Mic Night will be done again. Valentines dance/dinner?
E. Clubs Director
Next week is Clubs Rush Wed, 16th 11-1:30 pm.
F. Communications Director
The Laker Loo’s are now posted up. The communications board needs some ideas! Please give me your suggestions. Community high lights, sustainability information, having educational information up there?
G. Curry Director
Ethan started the applications which are due on Friday.
H. Sustainability Director
Green Team meeting next Thursday at 2:30 pm. Will be at clubs rush. Collected cans.
I. Volunteer Service Director
Blood drive on 22nd and 23rd of January. I have been contacted by people who will like to help with the volunteers fair. North Bend High School Gaggers and Clothes Closet, ORCA, Food Pantry, CASA, Home Weathering, Women’s Safety Center, South Slew, RSVP, Green Team, Cross Roads Café, Newmark Family Center, Boys and Girls Club, Coos County Animal Shelter. Tim needs volunteer to help set up at 10:30 am on the 22nd. Talked with Rotaract to help volunteer at the fair. Do some class raps for this event.
J. Senators
Charlie Kloss meets the requirements. Ethan motions/ Joe seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
Frank says welcome back! Jared suggests that we use the ASG computers and have a lock box for 5 cents a page to pay for the ink. What do you guys think? Frank motions to change for the non ASG use of the computers at 5 cents a page 10 cents for color/ Dale seconds. Motion passes unanimously. Ethan states that senators need to do all their hours.
K. Advisor Report
Karina will be creating the new student orientation committee. Who wants to be in that? Sandra, Jazmine, Dale , Frank, Joe, Charlie, and Jared. I will be gone the 5th through the 8th of February. Southwestern is hosting the OCCSA meeting, what would we like to do for a “welcome”?
- Old Business
A. Tobacco Policy Campaign
They would like to have an educational campaign to promote no smoking. What do we think? We should participate. Communications director volunteered. Joe also volunteers. Frank is also interested.
- Open Discussion
Jackets for senators? We need sizes from all the senators. Karina will get that information ASAP.
- Adjournment: 5:17pm