Finding God – Grade 2

Resources by Chapter

Session 1- God Creates Us

·  Curriculum Objectives none; this chapter does not NEED to be covered

·  Video Resources

o  DVD - Let’s Pray! A Lesson on Prayer (Brother Francis) [21 min]

Session 2- God Gives Us Jesus

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  Jesus died on the cross to save ALL people.

Session 3- God is Our Father

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  Jesus is the Son of God, who became man.

Session 4- God’s Life for Us

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  When Jesus ascended to His Father. He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us always.

Session 5- Celebrating Ordinary Time

·  Curriculum Objectives - none; this chapter does not NEED to be covered

·  Games

o  The Priest Game (in Parish Library)

Session 6- Jesus is Faithful

·  Curriculum Objectives - none; this chapter does not NEED to be covered

·  Activities

o  The Ten Commandments (sung to the tune of “Farmer in the Dell”) - 100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, page 23

·  Games

o  Name That… (in Parish Library)

Session 7- Jesus Saves Us

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  Jesus’ obedience to the Father is a sign and model for our life.

·  Video Resources

o  DVD - The miracles of Jesus (10 Films of the Greatest Heroes & Legends of the Bible) [45 min]

o  DVD - Gideon: Tuba Warrior (Veggie Tales – lesson in trusting God)

Session 8- Jesus Calls Us to Love

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  God made each of us grow up and help others in our own special way as a married person and parent, a single person, a sister or brother, or a priest.

Session 9- Jesus Cares for Us

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  God made each of us grow up and help others in our own special way as a married person and parent, a single person, a sister or brother, or a priest.

Session 10- Celebrating Advent

·  Curriculum Objectives - none; this chapter does not NEED to be covered

Session 11- We Worship God

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  Jesus is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.

o  There are other times we ask for forgiveness such as in the Penitential Rite in the Mass.

o  Regular confession is a way to grow in faith.

·  Games

o  Name That… (in Parish Library)

Session 12- Celebrating Reconciliation

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  God gives us his voice in our hearts- our conscience- so that we can choose to do what God calls us to do. When we follow our conscience as God made it, then we are truly free and happy.

o  If we are sorry, God will always forgive us when we make wrong choices.

o  Sin is a break in our relationship with God.

o  God forgives us in many ways.

o  We can say we are sorry to God with an Act of Contrition.

o  Jesus gave us the gift of forgiveness of sins when he appeared to the Apostles after the resurrection.

o  Reconciliation frees us from sin and gives us grace, God’s own life.

o  Reconciliation is necessary for the forgiveness of mortal sin and helpful for the forgiveness of venial sin and the strengthening of virtue.

o  We examine our conscience to prepare for Penance.

o  The Ten Commandments are good guides for an examination of conscience.

o  The steps in the Rite of Reconciliation are:

§  Confessing our sins

§  Accepting a penance

§  Praying an act of Contrition

§  Receiving absolution

§  Practice of penance

·  Activities

o  Role Play Confession (“Confessional” in DRE office)

·  Video Resources

o  DVD - Forgiven – The Blessings of Confession (Brother Francis) [25 min]

Session 13- The Sacrament of Penance

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  Jesus gave us special gifts of his presence: a sharing in God’s life through baptism, his forgiveness in the sacrament of penance and his body and blood in the Eucharist.

o  Jesus gave the priest the power to forgive sins in the sacrament of penance.

o  The sacrament of Penance is the ordinary means of sacramental forgiveness.

o  God wants us to forgive others. Sin is a break in our relationship with God.

o  If we are sorry, and we seek God’s forgiveness in the sacrament of penance, God will always forgive us when we sin. In the sacrament of Penance we express sorrow for our sins and we are forgiven.

o  The sacrament of Penance is a sacrament of healing and a sign of God’s mercy and love.

o  The sacrament of Penance celebrates our conversion and God’s love and forgiveness.

o  The sacrament of Penance welcomes us back to close friendship with God and the community.

o  The priest is our friend.

o  Jesus gave the priest the power to forgive sins in the sacrament of Penance.

o  Penance is a way to make up for our sins

·  Activities

o  Role Play Confession (“Confessional” in DRE office)

·  Video Resources

o  DVD - Forgiven – The Blessings of Confession (Brother Francis) [25 min]

Session 14- Mary Shows Us the Way

·  Curriculum Objectives – none; this chapter does not NEED to be covered

·  Handouts and Worksheets

o  Mary, Mother of Christ - 100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, page 31

·  Video Resources

o  DVD - Mary: An Introduction (various sections teach Marian prayers) [16-28 min]

o  DVD – The Day the Sun Danced: The True Story of Fatima [30 min]

o  DVD - Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe [33 min]

o  DVD - Animated Rosary for Kids [20 min for each set of Mysteries]

Session 15- Celebrating Christmas

·  Curriculum Objectives - none; this chapter does not NEED to be covered

·  Video Resources

o  DVD - Kids & the Sacraments: Baptism, Reconciliation, Communion, Confirmation [length?]

Session 16- New Life in Jesus

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  Jesus is still present today in the Word, and in the Church, most especially in the Eucharist.

o  In the sacrament of the Eucharist, Jesus continues to give himself to us in the bread and wine that become his body and blood.

o  The Eucharist is both meal and sacrifice.

o  The bread and wine of the Eucharist are consecrated by the priest; through the power of the Holy Spirit, these gifts of bread and wine truly become the body and blood of Jesus.

o  At Mass, we remember the last supper; we share the body and blood of Jesus in Holy Communion.

·  Video Resources

o  DVD- The Bread of Life – Celebrating the Eucharist (Brother Francis) [29 min]

Session 17- Jesus Loves the Church

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  Jesus gave us himself in the Eucharist at the last supper.

o  In the Scriptures, Jesus teaches us that he is the Bread of Life.

Session 18- Gathering for Mass

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  The part of the Mass are: listening to God’s Word, offering ourselves with Jesus to the Father, and receiving Jesus in communion.

o  The parts of the Mass are:

§  The gathering in which we come together to pray as one family.

§  The readings through which we listen to God’s Word.

§  The presentation and preparation of the gifts in which we get ready to thank God and offer ourselves with Jesus to the Father.

§  The Eucharistic Prayer in which, at the consecration the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus.

§  The reception of communion in which we receive Jesus. The dismissal in which we are blessed to go out and help others.

o  In the Liturgy of the Word, we hear the Gospel stories about Jesus.

o  At Mass, Jesus is present in the Word of God and the Eucharist.

·  Handouts and Worksheets

o  Things We See at Mass - 100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, page 19

·  Games

o  The Priest Game (in Parish Library)

·  Activities

o  Miniature Mass Kit (email Jason)

o  Role Play Receiving the Eucharist

·  Video Resources

o  DVD - The Bread of Life – Celebrating the Eucharist (Brother Francis) [29 min]

o  DVD - The Mass: A Life-Giving Prayer (Brother Francis) [25 min]

Session 19- Celebrating the Eucharist

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  We receive Jesus so that we can become more like Jesus.

o  The Eucharistic Liturgy (Mass) is the most important prayer of the Church.

o  Our church celebrates advent, Christmas, lent, holy week, Easter and special holy days and honors Mary, the Mother of God and saints.

o  The Eucharist is our celebration of unity, reconciliation, and peace.

o  In the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we remember and give thanks for Jesus’ death and resurrection.

o  Jesus gives himself to us as food at every Mass.

o  We should receive Communion often and worthily.

·  Games

o  The Priest Game (in Parish Library)

·  Activities

o  Miniature Mass Kit (email Jason)

o  Role Play Receiving the Eucharist

·  Video Resources

o  DVD - The Bread of Life – Celebrating the Eucharist (Brother Francis) [29 min]

o  DVD - The Mass: A Life-Giving Prayer (Brother Francis) [25 min]

Session 20- Celebrating Lent and Holy Week

·  Curriculum Objectives - none; this chapter does not NEED to be covered

·  Games

o  Holy Thursday Bingo (in Parish Library)

·  Activities

o  Resurrection Eggs (in Parish Library)

Session 21- Being Like Jesus

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  God gave us the law of love: to love others as one’s self.

o  The priest repeats Jesus’ words and actions in the Eucharistic prayer.

o  The Mass commemorates Jesus’ sacrifice.

Session 22- We Share God’s Life

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  The Holy Spirit helps us to make good choices.

Session 23- Following Jesus

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  The Holy Spirit helps us to make right choices.

o  God wants us to forgive others.

Session 24- Making Choices

·  Curriculum Objectives

o  God gives us the freedom to make choices.

Session 25- Celebrating Easter

·  Curriculum Objectives - none; this chapter does not NEED to be covered