Summer School Rules
Parking and Attendance
■ All students should park in the lot in front of the high school.
■ Be on time for class!
• Meet in the Commons each day no later than 1:00 p.m., and not before 12:45 p.m.
• We will go to the classroom together immediately after attendance is taken.
- You will not be allowed to leave class without a note from a parent/guardian.
■ All absences from the classroom will count toward the maximum 8 hours allowed.
• Absences are counted in 30 minute increments.
- Mrs. Jokerst may make the only exceptions to this rule.
- Students with medical excuses and/or family emergencies that cause them to
exceed 8 hours absence will be sent to Mrs. Jokerst.
• Students who do not have homework completed must leave campus and be counted
absent until the work is completed.
- If you leave the classroom to complete work, you must go to the office and call
your parent/guardian, and leave campus.
- You will not be allowed to work in the Commons or sit in your car.
• A parent/guardian will be notified whena student reaches 4 hours absence.
• After 8 hours absence, a student will be dismissed without credit.
Summer school is an opportunity for students to make up credits or accelerate credit attainment. The school district is not required to give students this opportunity; therefore, strict discipline is most important in the summer school classroom.
■ Any/all discipline problems will not be tolerated.
• The regular school discipline code applies at all times, including dress code.
- If it is against the rules during the regular school year, then it is against the rules
during summer school!
• Any student who misbehaves or disrupts the classroom will be sent immediately to
Mrs. Jokerst.
• Parents/guardians will be notified of discipline problems.
■ Students who sleep in class
• 1st offense:The student must stand for the remainder of class.
• 2nd offense:The student must go to the office and call a parent/guardian, and leave
campus until the student can stay awake (time out of class will be
counted as absent).
■ Food and drinks are not allowed in the classroom.
■ Breaks will be taken in the Commons area only.
• The teacher will determine the time and duration of breaks.
• Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom during instruction time for drinks or
bathroom breaks.
• Breaks will be supervised at all times.
• Use only the restrooms nearest the high school office.
• Students are not allowed to go outside unsupervised areas.
- You will not be allowed to go to the parking lot or to your car.
- No smoking is allowed.
Classroom Rules, Procedures, and Expectations
Since we will be covering a semester’s worth of material during 3 weeks of summer school, this will be a fast-paced class; and it is important to stay on-task at all times!
■ Come to class prepared:
• Enter the classroom in a quiet and orderly manner, and be seated.
• Have all items you will need for class with you and ready for use.
• Homework must be completed.
■ Follow all classroom rules and procedures.
• Be ready to think, to participate, and to learn.
• Be responsible and accountable.
• Be honest – you will be expected to follow the school’s policy of academic honesty.
Cheating will result in a zero on the assignment.
• Be courteous to others at all times.
• Practice self-discipline.
• Respect your classmates, your teacher, and yourself.
■ Remain in your assigned seat – leave your seat only when your teacher gives you permission.
■ You must have permission from your teacher before you use any equipment in the classroom.
• Student computers are to remain powered off until your teacher instructs you to turn
them on.
• When using student computers, you will only go to websites as instructed by your
teacher – accessing other websites will be handled as a discipline issue.
■ Only your teacher uses the computer at the teacher’s desk.
■ Cell phones and other electronic items (devices for listening to music, games, etc.) are to remain out of site and powered off when in the classroom.
• The only exception will be the use of calculators when designated by your teacher.
• Cell phones and other electronic items which are visible or make any noise will be
confiscated by your teacher.
■ Food and drinks are not allowed in the classroom.
• Unauthorized food and drink will be confiscated, and handled as a discipline issue.
■ The classroom will be an atmosphere for academics; therefore, you should not engage in any disruptive or distracting activities.
■ You will be expected to devote sufficient study and homework time outside of class for academic success.