Valid From June 2017 - September 2018
This application is to be completed by any youth (under 18 years old) desiring to serve in any position inthe Children’s Ministry. All information is held in confidence by the VillageBibleChurch staff.
Full Legal Name______Social Security #______
Last First Middle
StreetCity Zip
Birthdate______/_____/_____Daytime Phone_(_____)______Cell Phone_(_____)______
Email______Best way to contact you: Email_____Phone_____ Text____ (Daytime____Evening____)
This Section is to be filled out by your parent/guardian
Photo Release: I give permission for my child to be photographed and/or videotaped for future promotional materials
including website postings. I do so without expectation of compensation and with the understanding that these
photographs and videotaped images will be used exclusively by VillageBibleChurch for its publications, website, and
publicity purposes. Please Check: □Yes □No
Medical Release:In the event of an emergency, I authorize those working on my behalf of Route 66 ministry to seek
and obtain medical care and give permission in releasing our medical information for the safety and well-being of my
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Do you have Health Insurance?□Yes □No
Name of Insurance Company: ______Policy # ______Group # ______
Authorization Phone Number (if required for treatment) ______
- What is your definition of a Christian? ______
- Briefly share when and how you became a Christian.______
- How long have you attended Village Bible Church? ______
How often do you attend a worship service? ____Weekly___Twice a month____Occasionally
- What small group/Sunday school classes are you involved in? ______
- What activities/ministries of our church are you presently involved in? ______
- What leadership/volunteer experience have you had with children? List all previous church work or other work involving children and youth. (Identify place and type of work-list supervisors.) ______
- Why do you desire to serve in the Children’s Ministries Department? ______
- Have you ever been accused or convicted of physical or sexual abuse of children? ____Yes____No
Haveyou ever been accused or convicted of possession/sale of controlled substances or driving under the influence of alcohol?____Yes____No
Are there any circumstances in your lifestyle or your background that would call into question your ability to serve with children? _____Yes____No
If you answered “Yes” to any of the three questions above please explain.______
- If you attended VBC less than one year, please list prior church attended and a person who will know you at this church.
Church Name ______Phone ______
Reference Name ______Phone______
- Please give 3 personal references other than a relative (if possible, someone from this church).
- I am interested in serving: (indicate time and ministry preference)
□ Sunday 9:15AM□ Sunday 11:00AM□ Wednesday 6:30PM□ During the Week
NurseryElementary Other Opportunities
□ 0-18 months□K-3rd Grade □ Substitute Toddlers □ 4th-6thGrade □ Information Table
□ 18 months-2’s□Kids Worship□ Assist Special Needs Child
Preschool□ Décor Team
□ 3’s, 4’s & 5’s□ Home Crafter
□ Party Coordinator
The information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize any references or churches listed in this application to give you any information that they may have regarding my character and ability to serve in Children’s Ministries. I release references from liability for any damage that may result from furnishing such evaluations to you.
Should my application be accepted, I agree to be bound by that leadership and policies of Village Bible Church and to refrain from unscriptural conduct in my service to the Lord here at the church. I will strive for excellence in all that Ido within the Children’sMinistries Department.
Applicant’s Signature Date
Village Bible Church Children’s Ministries ● 12671 Buaro Street ● Garden Grove, CA 92840 ● 714-537-0669