RI 2.7
Standard: RI 2.7 Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and clarify a text.
Unpacked Standard:Students are required to integrate visual and print information to clarify understanding.
At this level, students should also be able describe the author’s reasoning by finding support within the text. Second grade students are required to identify the most important points in a text. Then, they should be able to find similarities and differences in the points they have identified when reading about two texts that share the same topic. In addition students should:
· Given a diagram or other image, students can write two or three sentences explaining the image (e.g, what it is showing) and how it connects to the text.
· Students who are able to explain a specific images and how it connects to the text are able to describe how the image helps the reader understand related key ideas in text print.
· After reading informational text, students who understand that images can contribute to and clarify text are able to create an image that “goes with” and explains the text.
· Students who are able to use illustrations and details in text to describe key ideas can identify similarities and differences between illustrations and print details (i.e., can determine whether the image clarifies or does not clarify the text).
· Students who are able to explain specific images and how those images clarify or contribute to text understanding know and use key vocabulary terms such as clarify, connect, images, diagrams, analyze, explain, reasons, details, similarities and differences.
· Students who are able to explain specific images and how those images clarify or contribute to text understanding realize that authors select specific images to provide information and help readers make sense of a piece of text.
· Images have the power to grab a reader's attention and convey or enhance a message.
· Images provide a quick snapshot of what the text is about.
· Images quickly help a reader determine his or her interest in the text.
What students need to know: / What students need to do:
· Explain how images (diagrams, charts, etc.) relate to the text.
· Characteristics of an explanation
· Key ideas
· Graphics/images/illustrations (e.g., photographs, diagrams, charts, graphs, maps) / · Read and understand charts, diagrams, etc. as they relate to the text.
· Identify the information presented in specific images (e.g., photographs, diagrams, charts, graphs, maps)
· Use information from graphics/ illustrations/images and words from the text to make meaning
· Explain how specific images contribute to and clarify a text.
Level 1
Entering / Level 2
Emerging / Level 3
Developing / Level 4 Expanding / Level 5
Writing / Explain how specific images contribute to and clarify a text by using information from the images to make meaning of the text in their own writing using sentence frames (ex: The picture shows ______.) with teacher support. / Explain how specific images contribute to and clarify a text by identifying the specific information presented in the images (photographs, diagrams, charts, graphs, maps) found in the text to add to their writing using sentence frames (ex: The photo shows ______.) with teacher support. / Explain how specific images contribute to and clarify a text by writing two or three sentences to explain the image in pairs or triads. / Explain how specific images contribute to and clarify a text, students will write about what “goes with” to explain the text in pairs or triads. / Explain how specific images contribute to and clarify a text and determine whether the image clarifies or does not clarify the text in writing in pairs or traids. / Level 6 Reaching
ELD Standard: English Language Development Standard 5
English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies