Minutes of the Meeting Held on 21 August 2013
PRESENT: Roger Triscott (RT) Andy Rowe (AR) Andy Harvey(AH) Denise Aplin (DA) Keith Dingle (KD) Peter Hammond(PH) Tom Spencer (TS)
APOLOGIES: Graham Doney (GD) Paul Earnshaw (PE) Sue Ansley (SA) Jackie Brooks (JB) Graham Woolcock (GW) Bob Whittell (BW)
1. / MINUTES OF LAST MEETINGRead and approved
2. /
BW to do University appointments3. /
- Nothing /4. / TREASURERS REPORT – AS AT 20 AUGUST 2013
Bank balances
£ 2,926.65 Current A/c
£ 17,425.18 Reserve A/c
£ 20,351.83
Debtors - Outstanding Invoices (amounts owed by Clubs)
L1 Course Fees 14.10.2012 (invoiced 11/12/2012)
£40.00 R Carter (Independent)
£60.00 X2 Teams from EMSL 2012
Not yet invoiced
EMSL 2013
Creditors – Outstanding appointment fees & offices claims
£726.20 Appointment expenses claimed by members not yet dealt with. / JB
5. /
This section no longer to be continued6. / SELECTION AND COACHING COMMITTEE REPORT
The SCC held the first meeting for the 2013/14 season at Keith Dingle’s residence on the 18th July. At that meeting the following subjects were raised and discussed:
Management Structure/Sub Committees and their roles: A lengthy discussion took place whereby it was agreed that two sub committees – Umpire Development and the Young Umpire Action Group would be absorbed into the Selection & Coaching Committee. Some standing officers in those committee’s have stepped down and the remaining committee members would be incorporated elsewhere in the management structure of Devon HUA. Consequently Peter Hammond has now become part of the SCC being the under 21 Youth Co-ordinator. Graham Doney would remain as a stand alone officer on the general committee for the role of Umpire Course Coordinator. The website has been updated to reflect these changes. It was also decided that the SCC would meet on at least four occasions in a year, July, September, November and February of each year
DHUA Selection & Coaching Committee – Terms of Reference: See appendix 1
Umpire Grading: Two members were proposed for panel changes and accepted:
Peter Hodge move up from panel B to A panel - Tom Spencer move up from panel D to C panel
It was also decided that the Chair of West Umpires association – Charles Hallows and Peter Lovell would be invited to attend the next SCC meeting, following concerns of the SCC and the further development of umpires being put forward to the West and beyond!
Coaching events for the 2013/14 season:
Umpires day: Marjons tournament 21st September, A number of coaches will be available throughout the day. A great opportunity for umpires to get some coaching and tips while being in a keenly contested tournament!
Umpire Coaches Workshop: A Coaching meeting designed specifically for the coaches and aspiring coaches has been arranged to take place on Monday 23rd September at the Dolphin Inn Bovey Tracey 7.30p.m. 24 places are available and those invited to attend would be contacted direct by the Chief Coach.
A general coaching evening to be organised for the membership of DHUA for October, details to be advised.
Group Coaching to be organised around a home National League date, venue and details to be advised!
Appointing of Coaches: It was agreed that the chair of the SCC would appoint coaches to matches once the umpires have been assigned to a match! This would (and has) involved joint discussion between the appointments secretary and the chair of the SCC. Whereby we can identify those who may have requested coaching, or where it may be necessary to assign a coach to a match to assist in giving support to our membership.
7. /
Appointments made up to 21st September8. /
Michelle Judge is to contact Pete Hammond re umpires/coaching at Devon In2 Hockey. Provisional dates are Oct 6th hosted by ISCA, Nov 24th, Jan 26th and Mar 2nd.Devon Finals Day will be on 12th April 2014 at a location to be confirmed.
9. /
New Umpires:Summer League: Isobel Gingell, John Pearson (Irish), Rachael Stannard, Hannah Bale, Zoe Viggers and Lisa Bruckner
Unpaid Memberships from 2012/13
Sent enquires by email and post to 8 U21 umps re inactivity and unpaid fees (results below)
10 Level Ones remain unpaid and am chasing by email and sending copies to home address as well.(results below)
Grant Ward – to be paid by Teign HC
Darren Hales – to be paid
Shane Lovett – to be paid
L1 Inactive and Unpaid – Membership Terminated
Michael Stonelake (Torbay)
Keith Stone (White Eagles) & Amy Sheehan (Isca)
Moved Away from Devon
Lauren Hutchings - Isca
Peter Roseff & Joe Sterlini (Exeter Univ)
Ben Miller (now in HongKong)
Richard Clements (PGSOB)
Matt Green & Ian Rowswell (both Plymouth Univ)
Carl Jeffery (Bude)
To Uni – Will Berger, Alex Chew and Jack Dinnie (Ashmoor
L1 Candidate Expiry Dates Sweep
Over 3yrs and passed extension dates:
Nick Aveyard, Andy Mapson and LeaP idgeon - U21 Sophie Whiteley
November 2009
Joshua Cowen D’Arcy and Kirsty Denning
December 2009
David Bacon, Katherine Houghton-Brown, Max Newing, Michael Tucker and Hugh Woodward
February 2010
Hanna Barrett, Matthew Jolly and Bronwyn Spencer
U21 – Jack Pritchard and Seb Acarnley
May 2010
Richard Blackwell, Ginny Cottrell and Jennifer Whitehurst
U21 – James Rogers
March 2010
Pam Brown
Dec 2011- asked if want an extension
All U21 – James Broomfield, Grace Bruce, Alf Dinnie, Frances Glover, Laura Glover, George Kohler, Seb Lancaster, Thomas Oxton, Jamie Parkinson, Jack Simmons, Alex Spencer, Jordan Teague, Dec Turner, Tullia Turner, Lorel Wallis, and Jonty Woods
February 2011- asked if want an extension
Charlotte Bowman, Clarke Drew, Ross Earl, Joseph McKenna, Adrian Nash, Sam Owen-Smith, Terry Rudge,
Scott Smith, John Sterlini, Matthew Tozzi and Louise Weller
U21 – Conor Jones and James Glover
April 2011 – asked if want an extension
Sarah Jones and Ruth Weeks
May 2011 – asked if want an extension
Freya Pearce and Jonathan Podmore (Jon Shaw – lost contact!)
Extensions – Louise Weller to Oct 13
L1 Transfer
Out – Stephen Mason back to Kent HUA
Out – Isabel Gingsell
L3 Transfer
Out –Pritpal Sihota back to Birmingham)
11. /
Liz Powell has resigned from the West Umpiring Sub Committee after 30+ years of service and Charles Hallows has taken on the chairmanship of this committee which had been vacant for some time.The West Selection Panel reported at the last committee meeting that: ‘The Appointment Secretaries are concerned that the number of umpires making themselves available for the coming season may not be sufficient to cover all games. They point out the lack of umpires being nominated from the Counties as one of the reasons for this shortage. Over the last season very few umpires were nominated by their County. It is hoped that Counties will assist any up and coming umpire and nominate them if they have the potential to umpire at a higher level. The stream upward of umpires is vital to the continuation of providing the best umpires in the West.’
Independent of this report Charles Hallows and Peter Lovell have agreed to attend a meeting of DHUA SCC on 30th September to discuss how the on-going development of umpires, specifically women’s umpires can be improved.
At DHUA’s request that the West Umpiring Sub Committee have agreed to attempt to convene a meeting, with an independent chair, of all parties, HAs, HUAs and leagues to determine the appropriate tiers for counties/regions in the new Umpire Development Pathway.
12. / Devon Young Umpire Action Group Report
This section no longer to be continued
13. /
Terms of Reference
To be placed on website after amendments / KD14. /
Projector and screen
To be bought £600 max / KD15. /
Umpire Development Pathway Update
Moving on Appointing level 1 tutors Rolled out by November Counties to set levelClub UDO Monday Sept 16th Umpire meeting Monday 7th October / AR
16. /
TS to be it17. /
Umpire Feedback Proposals
Item on UDOs agenda / AR18. /
Bank Account Signatory
Subscription renewal information to be sent out early SeptemberAsk A Porter to make website mobile friendly
Kent exchange to be continued / DA
14th October 2013, 13th January 2014, 10th March 2014, Pre AGM 12th May 2014, AGM 2th June 2013, Finals Day 12th April 2014 / AR