Excerpts from II Timothy 3:1-9, 12-13: “But know this, that in the last days perilous (Greek: “dangerous, furious, fierce, raging insanity”) shall come. For men shall be lovers of self, lovers of money, boasters, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, thankless, unclean, without natural affection, trucebreakers, slanderers (false accusers), slaves to lust, fierce, haters of good, betrayers, reckless, proud and arrogant (puffed up with pride and haughtiness--bullies, sadists), lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of Elohim…these also oppose the truth—men of corrupt minds…And indeed all those that will live a Shabbat-keeping, set-apart lifestyle in Messiah Yahushua shall be persecuted. But, evil men and imposters shall grow worse and worse, leading astray and being led astray”. (Italics mine)
Today, rulers of this world are so evil, that their one intent is to rid the world of the Word of Yahuweh, and His image--mankind.
What is a false flag? You should know about them for they have been and are bombarding your life. Beware: If you believe the propaganda that goes with them, they can lead you down the “broad road to destruction”.
Be aware, also, that those who work for Satan/Lucifer have a mind like him. They have no conscious of right or wrong. They extend no mercy or compassion. They have in their hearts only an insane lust for cruelty and violence, for sadistic torture and the spilling of the blood of the creation of the Yahuweh. Their greatest delight is doing the hideous atrocities that the normal mind cannot conceive of. They, and their creations—violent DNA-altered humans and animals and mixtures of the two—are being released on us.
As you read this now declassified, once top secret information, realize that these people, whom most people have trusted to take care of them, are evil beyond the imagination. Their determined goal is to rid the planet of all that reminds their god, Lucifer/Satan, of Yahuweh and Yahushua. (Genesis 1:26)
Definitions of a false flag, from Alex Jones’ DVD Terrorstorm”: “A false flag is a covert operation conducted by a government, or by a corporation, or other organization, which is designated to appear as though it were carried out by other entities”.
From Steve Quayle’s short wave radio program, February 2008: “A false flag is a deceptive move to get your eyes off the real truth an onto the false flag’s propaganda goal. The American people are given one decoy move after another, so they can’t see the real truth behind it.”
From the Encyclopedia Britannica: “A false flag is a covert operation conducted by a government, corporations or other organizations, which are designed to happen as though they were carried out by other entities.”
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George Orwell in his book 1984 said: “In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is revolutionary.”
An example of a false flag: A government-sponsored terrorist attack takes place. The public is shown videos on T.V. of the disaster with all the propaganda hype against the bad guys. Then year after year, the same scene of the attack is shown to the public on a regular basis, dwarfing other news by the constant mind-programming propaganda. Thus the public is scared into going along with whatever the government wants in order to secure their protection. They are willing to relinquish their rights for tyranny under the guise of security and peace. News is controlled so that the public stays focused on what the enemy has done to us, and might still do to our nation.
In December of 2004, over 6,000 Americans died in the horrible tsunami in Southern Asia, but their deaths were not reported on American news. During the whole of the tsunami event, we were shown the same one picture of the twin towers falling--over and over. We are shown the same one picture of Bin Lauden firing his gun, and told he’s made videos threatening us. Yet he’s been dead for a few years, buried in his family vault in Afghanistan.
Another example: A horrible attack on your own people occurs. An enemy is blamed, and an excuse is given to go after that enemy (real or not), in order to obtain the pre-planned goals—like obtaining oil, or mineral wealth, or gold, or power and control over a country, or all of these and more. The real reason is hidden.
In the case of 9/11/01, this false flag was to create a “ground zero” for the New World Order. That’s what “ground zero” means—the launch pad for the Illuminati world takeover. It was the kickoff of the Illuminati/Jesuit world ruler’s plans to takeover of the entire world, and put their god on the Temple Mount as the world ruler. It was also an excuse to get into Afghanistan and the Middle East for an expansion of the drug trade, to take over their oil, to create the needed chaos for the Luciferic plans to eliminate mankind, as well as to justify a non-existent war on terror--designed to unite fearful people to do as they are told. It was an excuse to have a code word, Al Qaeda, by which to terrorize Americans and the world in general into complying with the demands of a world government, willingly giving up their freedom for promises of peace and security. Al Qaeda is basically a database of the CIA, in which willing Arabs will do their dirty work for money. Muslims are easy fall guys for propaganda purposes. It’s always the Muslims that are pictured as terrorists, not the sweet-faced government leader smiling at you on your T.V. II Corinthians 11:12-15: The “angel of light” routine deceives the already mind-controlled public every time.
Not long ago, 82% of the American people polled said they believed 9/11 was an “inside job”. Too much proof for too long. This information has not been declassified by our government, as you can tell by the on-going propaganda. But, the has gotten out in so many ways so that it is not hidden knowledge.
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This false flag was also designed to get the American people behind the
planned attack on Afghanistan and then Iraq, and perhaps an attack on Iran to secure the Middle East for the purposes of the ultra rich—the Illuminati trillionaires. The Taliban was created by America’s CIA under President Jimmy Carter. We control it. Another reason for getting into that region was to create chaos so that Israel will be attacked (Ezekiel 38-39), and brought under U.N. control, so that the world ruler can be brought to the Temple Mount (Luke 21:20). But, there are far more reasons. Iraq has become one giant atrocity laboratory—for experimentation and practice for what they will do to us all, if they can.
Researcher Alex Jones interviewed Dr. Steven Jones (no relation), U.S. physicist from Brigham Young University, about how the twin tower building 7 came down in less than 9 seconds. He said “thermite” was used on the supporting pillars to melt and collapse the tower in seconds. “Thermite” causes iron to melt and collapse. It has properties of sulfur and phosphorus. These work together to slice through the iron and steel like a hot knife goes through butter. He said that from the tower, as it fell, could be seen yellowish hot molten metal, with white ash, which is a “signature” of thermite use.
From Steve Quayle’s “Q-Files” short wave program, February 11, 2008: The events of 9/11/01 were accomplished in part by remote control planes, holograms, and bombs planted by the CIA going off within the building. It whole thing was accomplished by the work of the CIA (international hit men for the Illuminati). Dov Hutane’s factory makes remote control planes. He was #2 man in the Pentagon in charge of the budget, when between twenty and twenty-four billion dollars “disappeared”. Hutane owned the company that made the remote control planes the CIA used in the 9/11 hoax on the American people. It appears that Hutane was either paid off for his help, or that he gave the CIA what they wanted to cover his theft. [I recommend you get Alex Jones’ DVD/video: “9/11 Road to Tyranny”—it was one of the first of a multitude of videos and DVD documentaries showing that it was indeed an inside government job.]
Russia blew up some buildings in Moscow in 1999, and used it as an excuse to take over and destroy the whole country of Chechnya. In fact, the blowing up of one’s own buildings, or doing some terrorist act by a government of a nation to use as an excuse for their own pre-planned dirty work, is becoming so common that it is fascinating.
The Oklahoma City bombing was an inside CIA job also. Research/author Gary Kah exposed that scenario, along with others. Each event is designed to scare citizens into giving up their liberties for more control by their government—exchanging their freedom for tyranny and slavery, with the promise of security and safety and protection by the government who is programming their brain daily by hidden propaganda. America, in its history, has gone from a Republic under a wonderful Constitution, to a fake Democratic Union that is controlled by the central government, to a Socialistic State, and is fast moving towards a
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Fascist and Feudal state--where there are lords and there are surfs—rulers and
Besides the Patriot Act I, which takes away our liberties, there is now a Patriot
Act II, being held in the wings, that is designed to make us a police state of the worst kind.
One thing I noticed some time back, but it has been confirmed recently, is that
America’s role-model nation, whose policies we are following more and more, is China. We are following many of their political policies, their military policies, torture policies, some of their organ harvesting policies, and will soon follow their one child law (population control policies) and their no-freedom of religion laws that include religious registration. I had a powerful dream about four years ago that each citizen of America will have to register by religion and fill out forms about religious beliefs. In one question on the form, we will have to admit to the name we call our “God”. Under penalty of arrest, we will have to answer each question fully. Our very belief in the coming of Messiah Yahushua is illegal on a world level, and will be punishable. I know this for a fact, from personal knowledge.
The “Waco incident”, late 1990s: “David Koresh and his people were lied about and set up for that horrible ending, where over 70 people were burned alive at the order of Janet Reno. I sat there in my easy-chair, like multi-millions of other Americans, and watched 70 people being burned alive at the order of one of our leading American officials. It was a numbing experience. The government is planning to do that to all those who believe in the second coming.
During the time I was living in Aqaba, Jordan, our government sent members of the National Security Administration to locate all the ex-pats in all countries of the world, pretending to be Christians who believed in the second coming of Jesus, in order to register American citizens overseas who believe in His return. I found out from a Christian National Security Administration leader that indeed it was true. The NSA had made a fine grid, to make sure they talked to all ex-pats everywhere on earth to find Americans citizens who believe in the second coming of Jesus/Yeshua/Yahushua and register them. How much more are they conscientiously registering American citizens within America that believe in His second coming—like you? Jews believe in the Messiah’s first coming. They have not escaped being registered by the American government, and the Israeli government under American control.
David Koresh was not the wicked man he was purported to be, but was teaching Hebrew roots to his people—who were called “The Branch Davidians”. He was well known in Waco, and was doing nothing wrong. It was a false flag—used by our government to make belief in the second coming of Messiah a potential terrorist belief. The day after the horrible murder of these people—men, women and children—Janet Reno made a national public speech, which I heard, in which she said openly that all those who believe in the second coming of Jesus are potential terrorists, and potentially harmful to the government.
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Because of this false flag, and the ensuing lies to back it, F.E.M.A. (The Federal Emergency Management Authority) put together a 700-page plus book, saying who was a potential terrorist and who was a potential danger to the government. F.E.M.A. is not just that bungling do-gooder organization that helps people in disasters—F.E.M.A. is the shadow/secret government of the U.S., which will take over, along with the “Quartet” when the martial law is declared.
Top on the list of all world governments are those that believe in the second coming of Messiah--again, following China’s pattern, which forbids the teaching of the books of Daniel and Revelation under penalty of arrest and death. F.E.M.A.’s rules also include those who use the name “Yahuweh” as being potentially harmful. This was added because a group of Americans went to Israel calling themselves “Yahwehists”, and threatened to blow up a few places in the Arab world. We had an Arab friend, a waiter at a restaurant we frequented in Aqaba, ask us if we were going to blow them up—if we were part of the Yahwehists. Sad! F.E.M.A.’s 700-page book describes all those who sincerely love Yahuweh and His Word as being potential terrorists, including those that know the Truth of their activities, those that home school their children, and those who meet in homes to study the Bible.
We are already under martial law with a martial law flag (the American flag with the gold fringe)—it’s just not openly been manifested yet. Do you realize
that it will take one false flag to give the excuse to declare martial law? It
could be the release of the U.S. laboratory-created bird flu being released
airborne. It could be the breaking of the fault line in California, causing untold damage. It could be a planned attack from an outside source, or inside source, orchestrated by the government, of course. It could be the panic from the economic collapse that is close, causing civil war to break out in the U.S.
Things are being done in our 200+ underground cities that would horrify any normal person. Russia and China both have about 200 or more underground cities and complexes in which they do their dirty work. Under the earth, there are underground “tubes” that can transport people 1,100 – 1,200 miles in 12 minutes. These are connected to U.S. military headquarters/bases. Now we have planes that go straight up into the outer atmosphere on one side of the world and come straight down on the other side, wherever the passengers want to go. By 2009, they want to make this technology for public travel.
In the Scriptures it talks about “the four winds”, as in Revelation 7:1. These are the four forces of man under Lucifer that control the world system—political, economic, military and religious. The total take-over of the world system by Lucifer and his agents was held back by Yahuweh until His end-time Bridal remnant was sealed. But, now, they those who will not die have been sealed as we have entered the final cycle of seven years before Messiah comes, and we fast moving into the trumpet judgments of Revelation 8 (between 2009 and 2012). Even NASA is afraid of these, for they are cosmic and cataclysmic.
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By Revelation 9, we see in verse 4 that unless they are sealed, they will die like anyone else. But, the preparations of the world community’s top leadership of a few men is being finalized. (See my article: “What The World’s Elite Are Doing To Prepare Their Ark…”)
In reality, the real terrorists are the Luciferic world rulers who are bent on getting the earth’s population down to under 150 million people—as they have
openly stated. [For in-depth information, read my article: “Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind”, for details.}
More on false flags: ABC News, New York, May 1, 2002 by David Rupert: “In the early 1960s America’s top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in US cities, to create public support for a war against Cuba. The code name was `Operation Northwoods’. The plans reportedly included the possibility of the assassination of Cuban government leaders, the sinking of boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking airplanes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public, and the international community into supporting a war with Cuba”.