Spratton Parish Council
Minutes of a Meeting of Parish Councilheld on
Tuesday 19thFebruary 2008 in theVillage Hall, School Road, Spratton at 7.30 pm
Public and Press are welcome to attend
Present:Cllr. Fletcher (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Cooke, Cllr Blowfield, Cllr Smith, Cllr McDonald-Walker, Cllr Saul
In attendance: Mrs L Compton, Clerk, and 3 members of the public
- Acceptance of Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr Frenchman, Cllr Thornton, Cllr Welsh and Cllr Tee
- Declarations of Interest – there were none.
- Public Participation – see notes from closed meetingat the end of the minutes.
- Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15th January 2008– (previously circulated)
- Matters arising
a)Update on Improving Village Matters(i) Update Cars parked in Holdenby Rd - the situation was being monitored (ii) Hedge on Corner of Gorse Rd/Holdenby Rd – the hedge had now been cut.
b)Affordable Housing in Spratton – Elaine Ferguson, DDC Housing Enabler had attended an informal closed meeting prior to the main meeting to discuss options – Attached Paper A
c)Newsletter – The Editor had not yet confirmed areas that several residents had suggested that they would deliver free of charge. The Clerk reported that Cllr Frenchman felt that it would be better if there were fewer people delivering so as to diminish the risk of complaints.
- Review list of correspondence received/despatched and propose actions – the following were mentioned specifically
a)Parish Emergency Planning Conference South of the County - Tues 11th March 2008 in Council Chambers, Towcester, North of the County Thursday 17th July 2008, 6.30 in Borough Council of Wellingboroughs Council Chamber - This years theme is Good Neighbourliness (Vulnerable Persons within our Communities) – Clerk to check content of conference and report back to Chairman
b)Village of the year application form plus churchyard of the year – the Clerk reported that the form had been passed to Cllr Peacock.
- Resources
a)Update on Resources Matters (i) County Councillors Empowerment Fund – Completed Grant Application Forms had been sent to Cllr Millar ii) 2007/8 Audit – The Clerk reported that BDO Stoy Hayward had been re-appointed as external auditors for 2007/08.
b)Adopt Financial Statements and Bank Reconciliations as at31/01/08 – these were proposed by Cllr Fletcher and seconded by Cllr Blowfield
c)Propose payments and sign cheques – The following cheques were proposed by Cllr Fletcher and seconded by Cllr Blowfield:-
NatWest Account / HSBC AccountCutting Edge / 1839 / -£940.00 / Google Adwords (G Ashton) / 1 / £32.17
Handyman (Jan) / 1840 / -£740.40 / Mobile Phone (B Frenchman) / 2 / £49.95
BT / 1841 / -£74.17 / AIC (first Aid Kits) / 3 / £19.98
ABB / 1842 / *-£619.13 / Magnet Publishing Ltd / 4 / £822.50
DACT / 1843 / -£20.00 / Soundstage One / 5 / £3,510.90
Merland / 1844 / -£264.00 / Google Adwords (G Ashton) / 6 / £125.33
Clerk (Exp to 19/02/08) / 1845 / -£80.16 / Google Adwords (G Ashton) / 7 / £112.24
Clerk (Jan - wages) / 1846 / -£552.44 / Postage costs / 8 / £4.75
Clerk PAYE / 1847 / -£46.31 / Transfer to NatWest Account / 9 / £1,067.50
DDC Non-Domestic Rate / 1848 / -£7.27
Total / £3343.88 / Total / £5745.32
* Chq No 1842 to be held pending ABB revised invoice as Cllr Saul reported that one of the Public Lamps on the invoice had previously been removed when the new lighting had been put in by NCC Highways.
Spratton Parish Council – Minutes of a meeting held on Tues 19/2/08 Continued…..
- Planning
a)Update on Planning Matters(i) DA/2007/0620 – Provision of astro-turf sports pitch, fencing and lighting at Spratton Hall - there was nothing further to report(ii) Proposed Development of two starter type bungalows on land opposite the houses in Smith Street, Spratton – this had been discussed at the affordable housing meeting prior to the full Parish Council meeting. There was a possibility that the condition of the house being sold to the owners daughter could be included in the Sect 106 agreement. The site would not be large enough for all the affordable housing necessary so would probably make the project too costly to consider. This would be discussed further with Elaine Ferguson DDC Affordable Housing Enabler at a site viewing.
b)Consider new planning applications– The following applications were not discussed, due to the Chairman of the Planning Committee not being present for the meeting. Cllr Fletcher kindly agreed to look at the applications and decide whether or not a Planning meeting was necessary.
DA/2007/1206 (amended) - Two storey, 3 bedroom house with adjoining garage - 25 Gorse Road, SprattonNN6 8JQ
DA/2008/0073 - Removal of tree subject of a TPO, Cotfield 1, Church Road, Spratton Northants
DA/2008/0064 - Conversion of stable block to dwelling for manager's accommodation, Stable Block, Broomhill Hotel, Holdenby Road, Spratton NN6 8LD
DA/2008/0135 - Vehicular access, 3, Brixworth Road, SprattonNN6 8HH
c)Confirmation of Tree Preservation Order on Tulip Tree located within the garden of Cotfield 1, Church Road, Spratton – this was noted
d)Planning Permissions– there were none.
e)Parish Plan –Mr Hunt had circulated the minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Parish Plan Advisory Group (via the clerk) prior to the meeting. Mr Hunt reported that there would be an open meeting in June for the Village Plan/Design Statement. Cllr Fletcher proposed that Mr J Hunt (Chairman of the Parish Plan Committee) should submit receipts for costs eg paper, ink,refreshments at meetings. These would be considered in the usual way at a Parish Council meeting. This was unanimously agreed.
- Folk Festival Advisory Group – To receive i) Minutes of the meeting held on 4th Feb 2008 – these had been previously circulated ii) List of Payments for proposal– see Resources Point 166c (iii) Update – Cllr Fletcher reported that Jo Moore had resigned from Head of Operations due to pressure of work and that he had taken over temporarily until someone else volunteered for the post. The organisation was proceeding well and some of the bands had been signed up. A list could be found on the website.
- Churchyard, Cemeteries & Open Spaces (CCOS)
a)Update on CCOS(i) To Receive – minutes of the meeting held on 24/01/08 – these were proposed by Cllr Blowfield, seconded by Cllr Fletcher and signed by the Chairman of CCOS as an accurate record of the meeting.(ii) Quotes received for Greenworks – Cllr Blowfield had revised the specifications (these were tabled). This included an amendment to the Handyman’s usual job schedule (see point 169c), only 2 quotes had been received so far for Greenworks – Jim Pye and Hayeswood Landscapes – Agreed – that this would be discussed at the March meeting.(iii) Siding out of Roly Banksno response had yet been received from the owner of the land - Action: Clerk to chase (iv) Tree List - Atkins confirmed that the list they originally provided was a one-off and it would be Parish Council’s responsibility to keep it updated. v) Stakes – Cllr Blowfield reported that a few more stakes were necessary – Action: Cllr Blowfield to purchase and submit invoice for reimbursement. vi) Purchase of Replacement Rose – Neither the Clerk or Cllr Blowfield had been able to find out the name of the rose. vii) Rotting Stiles (top end of Roly Banks beyond EastviewCemetery) – these had been reported by the Clerk
b)Consider any New Burial/Memorial applications– none received
c)Determine Handyman’s work for March 2008 – The Handyman’s General Maintenance Specification had been amended to include a walk of the village every 2 weeks and report to the Clerk any faulty street lights, potholes etc plus check on general standard of work done on village contracts for SPC. Cllr Blowfield reported that the Handyman had made an excellent job mending the fencing adjacent to the sloping path to the Churchyard. It was agreed that a letter should be sent thanking Handyman for his work – Action: Clerk to send.
- Highways
a)Update on Highways Matters
(i)Reports of verge in Manor Road being eroded by cars parking on it –there was nothing further to report
(ii)Casualty Reduction Scheme on the A5199 – to receive draft letter to Helen Howard (NCC) – Cllr McDonald-Walkerhad not yet been able to do this
(iii)One-Way System – Agreed: details of the proposed one-way system to be published in the newsletter to enable the whole village to consult on
(iv)Re-instatement of Path outside York House – to receive Response to Cllr Peacock’s letter – there had been no response as yet
(v)Parking on Haynes Lane and subsequent churning up of road by contractors– The Clerk reported that she had received a verbal response which would follow in writing. The builders of the two houses on School Road denied liability for churning up the road and the mess outside the Village Hall. They apologised for blocking Haynes Lane and would try to ensurethat this did not happen in future.
(vi)Closure of Yew Tree Lane Spratton–this would be published in the Newsletter. Several residents had complained that some of the holes in the road had only just been repaired and would now be dug up again
(vii)Closure of Brixworth Road, Spratton – the Clerk reported that one resident had informed her that the bus companies did not appear to have been informed that the road had been closed. Action: Clerk to investigate
Spratton Parish Council – Minutes of a meeting held on Tues 19/2/08 Continued…..
(viii)Dropped Kerb on northside of Willow close – Mr Boyes (NCC) confirmed that there were no plans to do this work due to insufficient funds.
- Matters for Report only
a)Apologies for March meeting – Cllr Blowfield informed Parish Council that he would be unable to attend the next meeting.
- Date of next meetingTuesday 18thMarch 2008, 7.30 pm, Village Hall, School Road, Spratton.
Meeting Closed 9.45 pm
Chairman’s Acceptance Signature…………………………………………….Date: ……………………2008
Public Participation
Planning Application – DA/2008/0064 - Conversion of stable block to dwelling for manager's accommodation, Stable Block, Broomhill Hotel, Holdenby Road, Spratton NN6 8LD- The new owners of Broomhill were welcomed to the meeting. The explained that they intended to make the hotel a vibrant and successful business and that Parish Council would be receiving further planning applications eg. One for a permanent marquee, further bedrooms and housing for staff. The hotel had 13 rooms at present but needed 28. Also, at present some staff were housed in fairly old caravans, there intention was to demolish these and build more permanent, better equipped accommodation for their staff. The owners also explained that they had no intention of making Broomhill into a conference centre. They welcomed Parish Council to view the site at their convenience.