Effective: April 2013
Date of last review: Dec 2012
Review Date: November 2014
This document includes the policy and procedures for all physical activities conducted in the school as part of the curriculum for the students of JJCMHS.
This document has been prepared in consultation with staff, students and the P&C. The Sports Coordinator liaises with PD/H/PE staff and members of the Sport Committee and Senior Executive to ensure the policy and procedures are consistently implemented and the Handbook is updated as required.
- Rationale
- General Information
- Sport Merit System
- Attendance
- Uniform
- Non-sport
- Accidents at Sport
- Early Leavers
- Wet Weather Arrangements
- Representative Teams and Knock Out Games
- At School Games
- Guidelines for School Representative and Special Sporting Programs
- JJ Cahill MHS Sport Code of Conduct
Sport is an essential part of the ongoing development of our young people. The implementation of the school’s Sports Policy will enable students to develop their skills in a range of sports and to work with their peers to develop team work. Setting out clear guidelines in relation to the various aspects of sport and linking these with the school’s Welfare and Discipline Policy, including student behaviour and uniform requirements, will allow for positive experiences in sport. TheSport Merit system should encourage students to pursue their strengths in sport and to actively participate in all sporting events.
Students require, and have shown, a high level of interest in participating insport at both competitive and non-competitive levels. Our school community strongly supports student involvement in sporting activities. Sport is a valuable component of school education and is a great basis for the development of skills which are directly transferable into industry and within the community. It is anticipated that the following will contribute to the positive impact sport has on an individual:
- Development of communication skills
- Teamwork / Co-operation skills
- Self-esteem raising
- Building community spirit and sense of belonging
- Promotes healthy lifestyle and improves fitness
- Development of leadership skills and ability
- Ability to break socio-economic disadvantage cycle with sport as a career choice and social mobiliser
- Development of gifted and talented ability
- PD/H/PE lessons and weekly sport form part of the mandatory curriculum for students in Years 7-10.
- Sports at JJ Cahill MHS is divided into Grade and Non-Grade.
- Sport is held on Tuesdays for Years 9, 10 and 11, Wednesdays for Year 7 and Year 8 from 1.26pm to 3.10pm and on Fridays periods 1 and 2 for Years 7-11 students in Support Unit classes.
- The school is a member of the Eastern Suburbs Zone which is responsible for running zone carnivals, grade sport, and any sport gala days. Other schools in the zone are:
Sydney Boys High SchoolConservatorium High School
South Sydney High SchoolMatraville Sport High School
Randwick Girls High School Sydney Girls High School
Cleveland Street Intensive English High School
- The Eastern Suburbs Zone is part of the Metropolitan East Region which in turn sends Representatives to the CHSSA (State) competition in Athletics, Cross-Country, Swimming and Individual Sports.
- Weekly sport notices (venues, times, teams, buses etc) are placed on the Sports notice board in what is known as the PE seats at the entrance to the school hall. These are placed on Mondays for the students to check. Teachers are issued with a draw and venues for each sporting competition.
- Sport may be cancelled due to weather conditions. Coaches are to look after their own teams at school.
- Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated from any student. Consequences will be in accordance with the school’s discipline policy.
JJ Cahill MHS Sport Merit System has been designed to encourage and reward participation and achievement of excellence in sport. The system allows students to achieve individual potential. Achievement of merit is through participation in a variety of sporting endeavours each year, and is attainable by every student in the school each year. The point system that has been devised rewards students for their participation and the points awarded to each activity reflects the level of achievement of each student. Awards will be based on the following:
25 points by any student in a year“J J Cahill MHS - Sports Award”
Top 5 students in each year cohort“J J Cahill MHS - Excellence Sports Award”
Top Male/Female in each year cohort “J J Cahill MHS - Distinction Sports Award”
60 points by any student in a year“J J Cahill MHS - Sports Blue”
Athletes with a Disability
In all carnivals including school, zone, region, state, national, or any equivalent level, Athletes With a Disability (AWD) will have their own category and the same points for participation and placings will apply to this category.
/ PLACE / POINTSAthletics / Swimming / Cross Country Carnivals
Attendance / 5
Age Champion (Swimming and Athletics at each carnival level) / 10
Event placings (Swimming and Athletics at each carnival level) / 1st / 4
2nd / 3
3rd / 2
4th / 1
Cross Country / 1st / 4
2nd or 3rd / 3
4th, 5th or 6th / 2
Zone Carnival / Participation / 10
Sydney East Regional Carnival / Participation / 15
CHS State Carnival / Participation / 20
Nationals All schools Carnival / Participation / 25
Grade Sport
Team placing / 1st / 5
2nd / 3
3rd / 1
Gala Days Year 7/8/9/10 / Participation / 5
Team placing / 1st / 3
2nd / 2
Team Sport Representation (other than grade sport/gala days)
e.g. CHS, knockouts
Training (outside of school hours per training day) / Participation / 1
Inter-school Knockout per game played / Participation / 5
Zone / Participation / 10
Regional / Participation / 15
State / Participation / 20
National / Participation / 25
Best and Fairest in each Knockout game / 1st / 3
2nd / 2
3rd / 1
Carnival Organisation / Assistance (per carnival) / 5
Refereeing (per event) / 5
Coaching Grade / Gala Days (per event) / 5
Successful participation in sport (and PD/H/PE for ROSA) is a prerequisite for the Year 10 Record of School Achievement (ROSA) accreditation with sport being a prerequisite of the Preliminary HSC.
Students found truanting sport will be issued with an after-school detention in line with the school’s discipline policy.
Grade Sport
- Students are required to be at the bus bay by 1.05pm, unless some other arrangement has been made. It should generally conclude at 2.30pm.
- Students will return by bus to school for a 3.10pm dismissal.
- It is the responsibility of the students to arrive on time for their sport and to ensure that their name is marked present, when they arrive, and marked off, when they leave.
- At no time should a student leave his/her sports venue without prior signed permission from the Deputy Principal.
- A medical certificate should accompany any request for a long-term exemption from sport. This should be handed to the Principal for consideration.
Non-Grade Sport
- Must commence by 1.30pm. No student is to be dismissed from Non-Grade sport before 3.10pm.
- All students must be actively involved in Non-Grade sport for the duration of the sport periods. Those not participating are to be supervised by a teacher at the designated non-sport area.
- Students are required to bring sports uniform for PD/H/PE lessons and Sport periods. Time is provided at the beginning of these scheduled times for students to change out of normal school uniform. Students are to wear the school sport uniform or appropriate team uniform for specific sports such as soccer, netball or football when playing representative sport.This includes training before or after school.
- Students must wear the approved sports shoes. Non safe footwear will result in the student being supervised in a non-sport group. When playing sport, jewellery and watches should be removed for safety reasons.
- Out of uniform infringements will result in students being disciplined. Students out of uniform on more than 3 occasions will be placed on Level 1. Further infringements will result in progression through the Discipline and Welfare System. And more serious consequences.
- Students unable to participate in a sport due to illness or injury are required to bring a signed note from home. This note should be presented to the Sports Coordinator no later than recess on the day of the scheduled sport. The student is to remain at school on the designated sports day and attend non-sport.
- Students who misbehave, or have an unexplained absence or don’t participate effectively in sport, shall be placed on non-sport for the following week by the Sports Coordinator as well as having consequences consistent with the school’s discipline policy. The Sports Coordinator may seek advice from the Head Teacher Sport. If the misdemeanour is serious, this should then be referred to the Deputy Principal.
- Students attending non-sport are required to:
*report to the non-sport room/location at the designated time
*complete any work assigned by the supervising teacher
*when in the non-sport room/location, students will remain quiet and seated
*students will be dismissed at 3.10pm and not before. In some circumstances the sports coordinator may need to detain students after 3.10pm. Parents will be advised.
- Students sustaining an injury during the sport periods or PD/H/PE lessons should report this immediately to the teacher so that the appropriate action may be taken. An incident report will need to be completed by the teacher and referred to the Deputy Principal.
- Serious accidents must be reported immediately to the Principal and if possible to the Sports Coordinator. An incident report must be completed by the teacher nearest to the accident, the injured student (if possible) and two other witnesses. Accident forms are available from the Deputy Principal. The Principal, or in her absence, the Deputy Principal, will determine if an ambulance needs to be called. The office personnel will contact the parent or emergency contact person.
- Students who wish to leave school early for any reason must obtain permission in writing from the Deputy Principal at the start of the school day before 8.35am or at recess. Consistent with the school’s procedures, students must report to the office to obtain an early leaver’s pass. Students will be sent home only if there is a parent or responsible adult at home who can look after them. Communication should be made with the parent/carer by the Deputy Principal or office staff at the direction of the senior executive.
- The Principal or Deputy Principal may authorise special dismissals in special circumstances.
- Students leaving early must sign out and be registered on the school’s data management system.
Cancellation of Sport due to bad weather is the last resort, however, if this does occur, indoor sport activities will continue and other sport groups will be supervised by the assigned teacher/s with a suitable activity. Students will not be given permission to leave school as a consequence of sport being cancelled.
- No student is to attend a knockout game unless he or she is part of a team or its organisation and has been requested to be present at the activity. Any student who attends a game who is not part of the organisation will be asked to leave and may be suspended as a result.
- Students may represent the school if they have a good record of attendance (absence has not fallen below 90% and there have been no more than three late arrivals in the past twelve months), uniform compliance (no more than 2 infringements per term) and behaviour (each day of suspension results in a week of exclusion from representative sport).This may be reduced at the Principal’s discretion.
- With the exclusion of the voluntary contribution and P&C donation, all fees must be paid prior to consideration of being permitted to represent the school.NB This may be in conjunction with the Student Assistance Scheme.
- Students may request assistance in paying for representative fees but all school fees need to be paid.
- Costs associated with the competition, including transport, must be paid in full by the due date prior to the event.
Only the following classes are to act as spectators:
Classes of the teacher involved in the activity if approved by the senior executive when officially notified of the game.
PE teachers’ classes may be spectators to the matches after seeking approval from the senior executive.
The senior executive may give permission for other classes to attend the Sporting Competition but only in exceptional circumstances. Special permission may been sought and obtained by the Head Teacher (of the teacher requesting attendance) at an Executive Meeting after consulting with the senior executive.
Be prompt for training. Check with coaches or noticeboard for information.
At Training
- Be kitted up and stretched before training starts.
- Must have full school uniform including correct shoes in school bag before each training session.
- If training is called off you must go to class (if before school you must go to roll call then class)
After Training
- Must be back in class at the beginning of the next period.
- Must be in full school uniform, including correct black school shoes at the beginning of the lesson.
- Work missed must be caught up – the following day.
- Be respectful to teachers at all times.
- Read the Sport Noticeboard (in covered area adjacent to our hall) to see the latest developments and / or news eg teams, games, representative games etc.
- Students who cannot adhere to the Code of Conduct will:
a)not be allowed to train and/or;
b)not be allowed to represent the school;
c)be subject to normal school disciplinary procedures.
- Students are not to bring sport into disrepute by:
-using teachers’ (coaches’) names to explain lateness;
-returning balls for training during class time; or
-carry on any activity revolving around their sport without permission of the coach (to be obtained before the activity).
At The Game
- The J J Cahill MHS Sport Code of Conduct should be adhered to.
Students must abide by the J J Cahill Memorial High School Code of Conduct which is distributed to all students and agreed to by them at enrolment. The Code of Conduct outlines behaviour requirements for all sport and PE activities.
When playing sport you should respect the school, the other players and the referee by:
- turning up and not letting your team down;
- wearing the correct sports uniform with pride;
- playing fairly;
- not swearing or making racist comments or
- not disputing decisions or fighting.
When watching sport your behaviour should be appropriate by NOT:
- making unfair comments; or
- entering the field.
Failure to follow the code of conduct could result in you being:
- removed from the game;
- reported and possibly suspended;
- excluded from the team and / or
- responsible for damage or loss of equipment.