CeBIT 2010 –TV Press Service
Information section: 1. Films – 2. Footage – 3. Topics
Please read up on our films, footage and topics in the first part of this form.Then enter your contact details and order information at the bottom. Please send us your orders for material by e-mail or fax.
1. Latest film clips – free of chargeFormats: Beta SP / Digi Beta (tape) – MPEG2 / Quicktime (download)
A hit as a bit
New approaches in the music industry / CDs sales volumes are in free fall. In the USA, sales have slumped during the last three years from almost 580 million to 300 million CDs per year. In comparison, Germanywitnesses 316 million illegal music downloads every year. For the music industry to avoid this trend being fatal, new sales channels must be established – quickly. But what steps are involved in enabling a sound that is sung to be heard by the ear of a consumer? A pop academy student records a song. The software unites the voice and instruments in perfect harmony and the hit is ready to be released. To then burn a CD is an expensive process that is also outdated. Newcomers upload songs to their own webpages or make them available on MySpace.
CeBIT Sounds!, Hall 22
Electronics straight from the printer
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft / Polytronics is already part of everyday life for diabetics as the electrodes on test strips used for blood glucose measurements are created polytronically in a printing process; plastic can also conduct electricity and the micro-thin layers can easily be printed on top of each other, which makes this approach ideal for mass production. Polytronics will be used in the future in all manner of areas in which such disposable products are required in large numbers, such as for medical products, RFID chips and lab-on-chips.
But polytronics can also do more. For example, organic LEDs are produced using polytronics. This technology will permit the production of ultra-flat displays, new lighting concepts and new types of solar cells in the future.
Hall 9, Stand B36
“Green Surfing”
Germany’s most energy efficient computing center
Rittal / With an energy consumption of twelve million kilowatt hours in 2008, the computing center operator Host Europe is the second largest consumer of electricity in Cologne in Germany – trailing behind only the Ford car plant. But the figure would be much higher if it wasn’t the most energy efficient computing center in Germany.
95 percent of the energy is required for cooling the processors that carry out the computing tasks in approximately 8,000 servers. And the cooling is very important. If the processors overheat, the security of the data is threatened. The security and safety offered is the greatest asset possessed by modern computing centers.
The energy efficient approaches implemented by Rittal, in particular for the cooling of the processors,led to Host Europe receiving the “Energy Efficiency Award“ and the DENA “Best Practice“ Award.
Hall 11, Stand E06
DENA = Germany Energy Agency
The electronicidentity card
Digital identity in credit card format
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft / More and more aspects of our lives are moving online. Online banking, e-commerce and e-government all require reliable and secure methods of online identification. A new electronic identity card will be introduced in Germany in November and enables identities to be confirmed online. The eID functionality makes it possible to provide electronic proof of identitywhile at the same time confirming that the site asking for the data is authorized to do so. The credit card sized identity card will, of course, be valid in the future as a traditional visual identity card, but will also form a key element for e-government and e-business services.
Hall 9, Stand B36
Where society and the Internet merge / The Internet, whether used at work, at home or while on the move, is a resourcethat few people want to be without. In Germany, 65 percent of the population over the age of 14 are active Internet users – the corresponding figure a decade ago was only around 10 percent. Globally, the number of Internet users has risen to approximately 1.4 billion. In other words, a Webciety has developed – an electronic and interactive reflection of society itself. The Internet, and interactive learning aids, are becoming increasingly important in schools and universities. At places of work, the increasing international nature of business has led to the growth in teleconferences and the online planning and execution of projects. Ways of communicating have in particular witnessed huge changes – as people chat, blog, skype and message. One can search for professional contacts on Xing and private contacts on sites such as Linkedin and Facebook. Photos can be swapped on Flickr, Picasa and Photobucket. Even the Pope can be seen on Youtube. Key enablers of this Webciety are ever increasing bandwidths and the high level of interaction offered by applications, a phenomenon also referred to as Web 2.0.
Hall 6: Webciety Area
3D vision without special glasses / See and move virtual three dimensional objects with auxiliary aids – 3-D-Displays makes this possible without the need for data gloves or special glasses. This technology can be used to present lifelike virtual products in online shops or to virtually investigate a potential holiday destination. The really nice thing is that the sharp image appears 20 centimeters in front of the screen, thus allowing the viewer to move his or her hand and really “delve into the image”. The image and the hand are both in the focal area of the eye and can therefore both be perceived as sharp at the same time. Video telephony can also be made more lifelike.
Hall 9, Stand B36
A good view in the data jungle
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft / The Internet, corporate networks, sensors, simulations and electronic processes generate masses of information. So what is the best way of filtering out the information that is really important from the piles of data available? And how can this information be displayed in a way that provides optimal use and benefit for the user?Help in this respect is offered by the world of "Visual Analytics". This relatively new discipline combines automatic data analysis with innovative visualization technology and allows one to see and comprehend things that may otherwise have remained hidden.
Hall 9, Stand B36
Merchants go mobile
Help for Spaza Shops in Africa
SAP / In South Africa there are huge rural areas in which people rely on small general stores for their supplies. These are known as Spaza Shops. A lack of transport and trade infrastructure often makes it difficult for the store owners to procure goods.
However, even in areas without addresses and fixed line connections, cell phone coverage is often available. And this is where SAP comes into the picture: in cooperation with Vodacom SA, SAP is working on creating a mobile infrastructure via which small traders in areas with poor infrastructure can use business software, thus allowing the store owners to order goods directly from their suppliers via their cell phone. The benefits for store owners also include large volumes, better prices, direct supply and energy and cost savings thanks to optimized logistics.
Hall 4, Stand D12
Sail with business intelligence
The SAP 505 Race
SAP / For the SAP 505 sailing world cup in San FranciscoBay, SAP will, for the first time, be making applications from its SAP Business Objects product palette available to the sailing community. The course in San FranciscoBay is legendary: strong currents and winds continually present new challenges to sailors. All the boats are identical in the 505 class i.e. everything depends on the skills and tactics of the helmsman. The software helps in this respect to develop the best tactics for the prevailing conditions, as the sailors can plot an optimal route using interactive maps and displays.
Hall 4, Stand D12
2. Footage – free of charge
Formats: someBeta SP / Digi Beta (tape) - MPEG2 / Quicktime (download)
Statements about
CeBIT 2010
in German language / CeBIT 2010
Hartwig von Saß / Deutsche Messe AG
Marius Felzmann / Deutsche Messe AG
Henning Wehland / Söhne Mannheims
Heinz-Paul Bonn / BITKOM
Statements abouttopics and exhibitors atCeBIT 2010
in German language / Broadband Technologies
Dr. Mario Tobias / BITKOM, Jörg Welters / Ericsson GmbH
Business IT
Dr. Thomas Endres / Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Bernd Hanstein / Rittal GmbH Co. & KG, KuzeyEsener / Vodafone D2 GmbH, Stefan Gensch / Covum AG, Norbert Eder / Software AG
Consumer Products
Sascha Faber / MSI Technology GmbH, Haris Musemis / Asus Computer GmbH, Damian Schmidt / Strato AG
Prof. Dr. Jo Groebel, Deutsches Digital Institut, Daniel Hoeck / musiXcard GmbH , Matthias Greve / VideoWeb GmbH, Stefan Schoenfelder / citeq, Jörg Mayer / Netviewer AG
Cloud Computing
Martin Strobel / Intel GmbH, Bernd Wagner /Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
Sebastian Schreiber / Syss GmbH, Stefan Wesche / Symantec GmbH
Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Bock / Fraunhofer IZM, Boris Notzon / SportsLab FC Cologne
The digital classroom
Microsoft / Networked teaching and learning: alongside reading, writing and arithmetic, intelligent use of computers and the Internet has established itself as a fourth key element of learning. Education that prepares the next generation for the future must make use of touch screens, cloud computing and whiteboards. The networking of pupils, teachers and third parties, such as researchers and parents, has opened up the walls of the classroom and enables innovative approaches to learning.
@CeBIT: CeBIT classrooms equipped with Classmate netbooks, innovative educational software, live switches, surface computer tables and multi touch walls.
Hall 4, Stand A 26
Connected workWorking in the digital world
Microsoft / IT has become a factor that is critical for the success of businesses. Technology is required that can be rapidly adapted to new requirements, that accelerates innovation and that enables maximum scope for design freedom. Microsoft is the world’s only technology provider to cater for the entire spectrum of needs, whether related to applications, infrastructure or computing centers – in clouds or installed locally in businesses.
@CeBIT: various scenarios will show how work in the networked digital world can be configured and what opportunities such approaches offer to staff and businesses.
Hall 4, Stand A 26
Beware of counterfeits!
Original1 distinguishes genuine brand products from imitations
SAP / An IT service provided by the newly founded SAP subsidiary Original1 helps to distinguish between original brand products and unauthorized imitations. Using the barcode, your cell phone can identify exactly where a product comes from. The aim of this new IT service is to track the path of branded products along the entire production and supply chain using product codes that cannot be faked. This ensures that the final products are really genuine.
@CeBIT: an example scenario will be demonstrated showing how a collection of t-shirts can be checked in a sports shop for authenticity.
Hall 4, Stand D12
Urban Management
Anticipate hazards, avoid damage and manage crises
SAP / According to forecasts – around 60 percent of the global population will live in so called mega cities by 2030. The resulting commercial, social, political and ecological challenges can only be met using holistic systems. In such a future, IT and software can simplify and speed up decision making processes in utility supply systems and core city processes. Precise and up to date data will provide the fundamental basis for innovative analysis, simulations and planning processes. The benefits of such a comprehensive approach can be seen in the example of civil safety and security: new analysis methods make it possible to display pertinent risk analysis information as well as traffic development simulations.
Hall 4, Stand D12
Touch Travel
The cell phone as a ticket to ride
Deutsche Bahn / Touch&Travel is set to make it easier to travel by public transport in Germany. Struggling to find the right change for the automatic ticket machines and the lengthy studying of price lists can soon be consigned to the past. Near Field Communication technology (NFC)allows cell phones to be used to communicate with “touch points” at railway stations or bus stops in order to transmit relevant travel details. Using the data transmitted (point of initial registration, control data, travel time, point of deregistration), the system running in the background can reconstruct the entire journey and the modes of transport used in order to calculate a price for each section. A detailed invoice is then compiled at the end of the month.
Hall 5, Stand B50
Vodafone / TV footage about Vodafone D2 GmbH
- Vodafone overview
- BlackBerry Storm 2: Musicdownloads /surf the Internet
- Mobile Internet / Mobile Video Community
- Vodafone UMTS Broadband: Ultra-fast, wireless transmissionwith HSDPA via USB stick/ netbook
- DSL all inclusive: Surf straight awaypackage with the Easybox 802
- DSL network expansion / animation
- Technology impressions / VDSL animation
- VF 360 Apps applications
Hall 4, Stand A26
Impressions of
CeBIT 2009 / Impressions ofCeBIT 2009 for use in news previews
Latest footage
CeBIT highlight tour footage / This footage can be obtained as a satellite feed on 1 March in conjunction with the satellite transmission of the CeBIT opening ceremony or as a downloadable MPEG2on 2 March
Once you have ordered, you will be sent the satellite details and/or the download link by e-mail as soon as they are available.
Latest footage
Latest picturesCeBIT start 2010 / Contents:
- Footage of the CeBIT highlight tour
- Clips from the opening ceremony
- Tour by the German Chancellor together with representatives from the partner country Spain
- General impressions of the first day of the fair
This footage can be obtained as a satellite feed at 2 pm on 2 March or as a downloadable MPEG2 during the afternoon on 2 March
Once you have ordered, you will be sent the satellite details and/or the download link by e-mail as soon as they are available.
3. Topic packages – free of charge(story, interviewee, location)
Format: Word.doc / PDF
1 / Connected Worlds
1.1 / Work without borders Connected work / The world in general is becoming a more mobile place and so is the working world. Various analysts are forecasting the existence of up to 1.2 billion “mobile workers” by 2013. This equates to approximately one third of all jobs worldwide. Via netbooks and smart phones, many manufacturers are now offering solutions that allow work to be primarily carried out online. An example is cloud storage: for private users, thisis already available with Google and Microsoft, but many firms are still hesitant about entrusting their data to third parties. But there are now solutions accompanied by security certification – examples of users that trust such approaches are 800 banks, the French Ministry of the Interior and the parliament of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Things are also developing in the mobile world with regards to conferences. One such solution uses participant programs - these can be installed and subsequently deleted without the need for administrator rights. One can invite colleagues and others to take part in conferences via the Xing network; various other networks will also soon be available.
1.2 / Work smart
Cell phones are becoming real workhorses / Receive e-mails, open documents – smart phones are really making the world of work mobile. With a new App, managers will be able to use iPhones in the future to obtain and process the latest data concerning the IT infrastructure in their companies via the telephone. A pen has also been developed for the iPhone that enables notes to be directly sent to and integrated in the smart phone. However, working with the little jack-of-all-trades also entails risks, as the first viruses are already circulating. In particular the popular iPhone and the new Android operating system will soon be the focus of virus creators. Security solutions will therefore become increasingly important and are estimated to be part of a 4 billion dollar business by 2014. Anti-virus software manufacturers such as Symantec-Norton and Kaspersky have been quick to react and provide virus protection packages. T-Systems has made security a top priority and its new business phone fulfills specially-formulated security standards. In order to avoid any security problems arising in the event of a cell phone being lost, T-Systems uses a server-based approach. In effect, the smart phone is used purely as a "super mouse" and the data itself always resides safely on a server.
1.3 / Hello television,
this is the fridge speaking
New standards for the interconnected home / The interconnected world – a future in which refrigerators can communicate with televisions. But these technical appliances still speak different languages and so one doesn’t understand what the other is doing. The “Connected Living“ partner network has therefore taken on the task of defining uniform standards that can be used by the appliances of the future in order to speak in one tongue. The “Connected Living” innovation center at CeBIT will be presenting a networked house consisting of various living areas. The power of smart phones is also utilized in order to ensure that this new connected world does not stop once one leaves the house. An automotive example: a car can recognize a smart phone, and thereby its owner, and automatically adapt the seat position, steering column position and the configuration of the LCD display. Apps provide information about distances, nearby car parks, sights of interest and recommended hotels. And voice control even makes it possible to surf the Internet while in the car.