Regression Analysis
The study of relationships between variables.
A very large part of statistical analysis revolves around relationships between a response variable Y one or more predictor variables X.
In mathematics a relationship occurs when a formula links two quantities:
Diameter and Circumference of a Circle
diameter / Circumference0.5 / 1.57079633
1 / 3.14159265
1.5 / 4.71238898
2 / 6.28318531
2.5 / 7.85398163
3 / 9.42477796
3.5 / 10.9955743
4 / 12.5663706
4.5 / 14.1371669
5 / 15.7079633
5.5 / 17.2787596
6 / 18.8495559
6.5 / 20.4203522
7 / 21.9911486
The circumference of a circle c = d
Compound Interest
Capital C is invested at a constant interest rate r (added annually)
Say C = 1000, r = 0.05 (5%)
The cumulated capital and interest after t years C(t) is:
C(0) = 1000
C(1) = 1000 + 0.05 * 1000 =1050
C(2) = 1050 + 0.05 *1050 = 1050 + 52.5 = 1102.5
A little bit of algebra gives the following :
A formula links C(t) with t.
This is a deterministic relationship - C(t) can be exactly calculated for every value of t (an integer) .
Here we have some differences - the graph C does not start at 0.
Also, although this is not clearly apparent from the graph the relationship is a curve.
If we extend the time axis to 100 years we get:
A relationship of the form y = a + bx is linear
Some relationships however are stochastic - involve a random component
Westwood Co
Data on Lot Size and Number of Man-Hours
Westwood Company Example
Production Run Lot Size Man-Hours
Xi Yi
runsize MH
1 30 73
2 20 50
3 60 128
4 80 170
5 40 87
6 50 108
7 60 135
8 30 69
9 70 148
10 60 132
In this example although the relationship is clear from the graph we do not have a theory that would allow us to link number of man-hours to lot size (without some empirical observation).
It is in fact clear that such an exact relationship cannot exist:
We observe that for lot size 60 we had three observations and they all required a different number of man-hours to process.
Nevertheless it would be useful to derive some approximate formula to allow for costing and/or scheduling of jobs.
Weight of a Car and MPG (USA 1991)
We might expect heavier cars to have an inferior efficiency.
MPG and weight
We would not expect however that the weight of cars would give us a complete description of MPG (but it may an important factor).
In Ex 3 we can actually apply a bit of "theory" (common sense) to suggest that:
MH = job set-up time + lot size * time process unit + variation
variation - random component due to a multitude of factors affecting an individual job.
If the equation is to be useful in predicting workload variation will be small.
The suggested relationship is linear.
Y = a + bX + error
The statistical task is to chose a and b in some sensible way
Least Squares
Best a and b to
Why ?
ensures that all points are involved in the choice of a and b
not a good idea (see example)
too difficult mathematically.
is the next choice - Also as we shall see the solution has some very nice properties.
More importantly why the vertical distance?
In what follows it is assumed that there is an asymmetry between Y and X.
X’s are regarded as fixed known constants, only the Y's involve a random component.
X’s lot size - treated as if the data were collected as follows:
Decide on 10 lots of sizes x1=30 , x2 = 20 …
Then observe the number of man hours each takes to process.
Weight of a car affects MPG not the other way round.
The Weight of the car is a fixed known quantity.
In many examples where regression is used the direction of the relationship is much less obvious (example Heights and Weights of people, imports and GNP) - It has be assumed by the analyst.
In particular
in mathematics:
if y = a + bx then x=c+dy where however in regression
y=a+bx + r , r are "errors" in y.
x=c+dy+s , s are "errors" in x.
If we are given only a and b, c and d cannot be calculated. We need to look at other aspects of the data to compute them.
Solution to Least Squares
SSE - Sum of Squares Error (also called Residual sum of squares)
Task: choose a and b to minimise SSE
Algebraic theory tells us that this is achieved by solving:
Equating this to 0 gives:
and setting this to 0 gives:
Equation 2
Eqs 1 and 2 are called the normal equations - we shall use them again later:
Using 1 to get rid of a in 2 gives
So to compute a and b we need:
Example Westwood Co
Man-hours = 10 + 2 * Lot size.
Interpretation: it takes 10 man-hours to set up a job, 2 man-hours to process a unit. (on average).
We can use the equation to predict the work load required for a job of any size:
lot size 35 estimate 10+2*35 =80 mh.
lot size 60 estimate 10+ 2*60 =130 mh
note: we had three cases of lot 60 in the data 128, 135 and 132
An estimate for size 60 based on those 3 would be -> regression is not just interpolation.
Lot size 100 estimate 10+2*100=210 extrapolation (beyond observed range of x).
Lot size 10000 estimate 10+2*10000=20010 ??? Do we believe this?!
In practice (i.e. except for exam questions) regression estimates would be calculated using a computer package.
MPG on Weight
VariableCoefficient s.e. of Coeff t-ratioprob Constant 48.7393 1.976 24.7 < 0.0001 Weight -0.00821362 0.0006738 -12.2 < 0.0001
Computers being computers tend to output a lot more information and lots of spurious decimal places.
(most of the output was deleted here).
a = 48.74 , b = -0.008214
b is very small - does this mean that Weight has little effect on MPG?
NO !
b is small here because MPG is in miles per gallon 20 - 40 say, Weight is in lbs 1700 - 4200. If Weight was measured in tons b =-18.4 =2240*-0.00824 (a would stay the same), if y was YPG (yards per gallon) both b and a would change (x 1760).
Predictions can be made as above but note that no vehicle will ever exceed 48 (a ) MPG, more seriously a 3 tonne car can only go backwards - will have negative MPG.
yi = a + bxi +ri
y - dependent variable
x - independent variable
r - residual
a , , constant. The estimated value at x = 0
b, , slope.The change in y for 1 unit change in x.
(y-hat) , prediction, fit - The estimate value for some x.
Hats are used to indicate an estimated value.
residual (at xi).
Fit summaries:
Error sum of squares = SSE =
Total sum of squares = SSTO =
(error sum of squares if b=0)
Regression Sum of Squares = SSR = SSTO - SSE.
SSR is interpreted as the sum of squares explained by the regression.
These lead to a basic indicator of the quality of the regression
Coefficient of determination = r-squared = r2 =
= proportion of explained variation .
0 r2 1
For the Westwood data r2 = 0.996 = 99.6%
For MPG data r2 = 75.6%
r2 is invariant to scale changes in y or x = corr(x,y)2
Although not perfect (no single summary can be) r2 is a primary indicator of the usefulness of a regression.
What is a good (high) r2 ?
No absolute answer - although r2=0 -> b=0 -> no relationship quite small r2 can be statistically significant (with enough data)
r2 will depend on the inherent variability in the y's
In data with 'no problems'
Social surveys, education, medical, biological a good value of r2 is around 0.4.
eg. A - level results to predict University performance. 0.4 - 0.5
bio-mechanical, industrial data 0.6 + should be expected
eg. r2 between breaking and bending moment of planks 0.6.
engineering, scientific experiments - accurate measurements and good theoretical background for the model:
0.9 +
Care must be taken though as one or two points may severely affect r2. It is quite easy to construct where the 'relationship' between x and y is confined to a single data point and r2 is very close to 1.
Mean Squared Error
Variance of the residuals, (n-2) is used so that the estimate is unbiased.
standard deviation about the line.
Is a basis for computing accuracy of estimates of coefficients and predictions.
Properties of the regression line:
In the derivation of eq1 we had
The sum of the residuals = vertical departures = 0
a is chosen in such a way that the line is central in the vertical direction
if b = 0 (y doesn't depend on x)
then a = average of y's.
This form also means that the point the centroid of the data lies on the estimated line.
The properties emerging from equation 2 are more subtle.
Imagine a stick (weightless) at lengths Xi tie weights of magnitude Ri
The stick is balanced around there is no tendency for the line to twist.
Rewriting the formula for b is useful
b = k1y1+k2y2 …
b is a linear combination of y's ( doesn't depend on y2) this makes the properties of b simple (for testing, confidence intervals etc)
further the k's have some nice properties:
Sum of the k's is 0.
Sum of kx is 1.
These results make the calculations of the statistical properties of b relatively simple.
Finally a is also a linear combination of the y's
A prediction Y = a+bx is also LC of Ys.
A residual Yi -Yh is also LC of Ys.
Statistical Model for regression.
To be able to conduct tests (is slope = 0, constant = 0) make confidence statements etc. we need a statistical framework for the regression model.
Errors are independent Normal with 0 mean.
e where e ~ N(0,2)
or equivalently
Y ~ N(a+bx,2)
The assumption is not too serious in practice - the normal model is usually quite good for 'errors' in continuous variables.
There are some situations however where the regression idea needs to be adapted (a different algorithm is needed). Most commonly these arise if Y is confined to a small number of values:
Y - binary = (Yes or No)=(1 or 0)
Y - takes on a small number of values:
eg. (none, some, lots) = ? (0, 1, 2) ????
goals in soccer x = 0, 1, 2, … but mostly small values.
But with more than 5 realistic, ordered categories I would probably use ordinary regression.
The independence assumption is more frequently violated and a different approach might be required:
example time series Y - house prices , x- time - suppose the average growth is 5% . For random (unaccounted for reasons) the x=2000 is below average it is quite likely that the growth will not fully recover during 2001 this introduces a dependence between the 'errors'. (the errors could still be Normal though)
This problem will also arise if the relationship is miss-specified
- the relationship between x and y is a curve and a line is fitted - this will introduce sequential dependence between the residuals (see examples later).
The two cases require different approaches - in times series we should account of - in fact take advantage of the correlation in the modelling. In the second case we should specify the model correctly and thus get rid of the problem
A third assumption that is a bit hidden is that the 2 constant across the range of the data - the variation around the line is the same all along it.
In many situations the variance in y (and hence e) may change with y.
In a real 'Westwood' example processing smaller lots will involve less variation than processing large lots in which there is more opportunity for things to go right/wrong.
We shall examine some ways of correcting such a problem.
We note at this stage that we shall need some way of assessing whether our particular regression suffers from any of these departures.
Statistical properties of the estimates.
Having a statistical model for the data allows to properly assess the estimation procedure.
The estimates a, b, and r are all linear combinations of the y's . Linear combinations of Normals are Normally distributed so all the estimates are Normally distributed - all that we have to do is to compute the means and variances of these estimates and we have a complete specification of their distribution.
If then
b is an unbiased estimate of - on average the estimate equal to true value.
In the estimate of V(b) 2 is replaced by its estimate s2.
Observe that the greater SSX is, the higher the precision in the estimate of b. SSX measures the spread of Xs =(n-1)V(X) - a wide base for X provides a good estimate of the slope.
Note that a is a prediction from the regression at x = 0. We will evaluate the properties of a general prediction.
Unbiased prediction.
(the 2nd equals requires y's independent, the third V(y)=2)
The variance of a prediction at xh depends on the variation in slope and the number of data points but also on the distance of xh form the centre of the x's.
Means and individual predictions:
Scenario 1
The accountant of Westwood Co. wants to evaluate the profit/loss on jobs with a lot size of 50.
Based on the data the estimate is 10+2*60 =130
This estimate is based on 'only' 10 points so it would be useful to know how accurate it is:
, xh=60, SSX=28400-25000=3400, n=10
and SSE=60
SSE is computed by computing ri s and summing their squares, a messy formula, or as actually as output from package.
So s2 =60/8 = 7.5 .
So the precision of the estimate is approx. 2
(=2*1 which is an approximation to t(8,0.05)*0.9852).
The estimate is accurate to with 2% with 95% confidence - pretty good for 'only' 10 points.
We remarked earlier that we had an alternative estimate at x = 60
note: we had three cases of lot 60 in the data 128, 135 and 132
An estimate for size 60 based on those 3 would be . The standard error of this estimate
about twice that of the regression.
There is no such thing as a free lunch…,definitely not in statistics, where did the extra precision come from?
There must be more information used to get for it to have higher precision.
The extra information comes from the other points in the data,
To use that information we have assumed y = a + bx this links all the points together.
It will not always be the case that you will observe such an improvement - this is an artificial data set for which the linear relationship is an excellent explanation.
Scenario 2.
The sales manager of Westwood Co wants to quote a price (in Mhs) for a specific job with lot size 60.
How does this differ from scenario 1? The accountant wanted the average price of a job, here we are talking about a specific job.
Unless the sales manager knows of some specific reasons why this job may require more (or less) than average man-hours
the best estimate is the average:
and is estimated by
=7.5 + 0.97 = 8.5
The model assumption was that the variation about the line was 2 which is estimated by s2.
In Scenario 1 we were after the mean of Y at x=60 and errors that arise are due to errors in the estimates a,b, as these are based on samples.
In Scenario 2 to these we have to add the inherent variation in Y - not all jobs of size 60 will take the same time.
As always statistical testing parallels confidence intervals just the emphasis is a different way round.
The most common form of test in regression is b=0 – i.e. is there any relationship between x and y at all, at all. The test takes the standard form:
as t distributed
with df = df associated with s = n-2
b - observed value, b0 is hypothesised value (often = 0), tests about a and predictions can be conducted in a similar way.
An excellent rule is |t|<2 do not reject the hypothesis.
Traditionally F-tests are employed in regression and virtually every package quotes them (even though they are not really interesting)
s12/df1 is an estimate of variance if hypothesis is true (something larger if it is false)
s22/df2 is an estimate of variance anyway.(doesn't depend on hypothesis)
The "overall F" is a test of b = 0 .
The numerator is an estimate of 2 if b = 0 (SSR) , the denominator is MSE which estimates 2 whatever b is
This is compared to F(1, n-2) .
F(1,df)=(t(df))2 and as the t-test is simpler and nearly always quoted the F-test is redundant.
F-tests are important in analysis of variance (several t-tests put together).
In multiple regression where there is more than one explanatory variable (x) and more than one b the F tests all b=0 simultaneously - If F not significant the data are only suitable for the waste bin.
Computer output
The Westwood Co example has been analysed using x different packages to illustrate the output.
Data Desk
Line 1 = dependent variable
Line 2 = Data desk allows regression on a subset of points defined by selector.
L3 = r2 (adjusted = garbage)
L4 = estimate of s and df
L6 =SSR and overall F-test
L7 = SSE , df, MSE
L9 = a , SD(a), t-value for a=0, significance a=0
L10 = b , SD(b), t-value for b=0, significance b=0
Regression Analysis
The regression equation is
C3 = 10.0 + 2.00 C2
Predictor Coef StDev T P
Constant 10.000 2.503 4.00 0.004
C2 2.00000 0.04697 42.58 0.000
S = 2.739 R-Sq = 99.6% R-Sq(adj) = 99.5%
Analysis of Variance
Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 1 13600 13600 1813.33 0.000
Residual Error 8 60 7
Total 9 13660
C3 = man-hours, C2=lot size
Exactly the same stuff but in a different order.
*** Linear Model ***
Call: lm(formula = V3 ~ V2, data = new.data, na.action = na.omit)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3 -2 -0.5 1.5 5
Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 10.0000 2.5029 3.9953 0.0040
V2 2.0000 0.0470 42.5833 0.0000
Residual standard error: 2.739 on 8 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.9956
F-statistic: 1813 on 1 and 8 degrees of freedom, the p-value is 1.02e-010
V3 – Man-hours, V2 - lot size
Line 3-Line 5 basic summary of residuals
Followed by coefficients
estimate ( s)
r2 (no adjusted r2 this is a statistician's package)
The good old F-test
Splus also outputs some graphs etc - discuss such things shortly.
Checking the assumptions.
The procedures for validating a regression model are graphical, no tests are (usually) conducted. Graphs are used to identify problems with model specification (is it linear), outliers - odd observations that do not fit , observation that have a large impact on the estimates (influence) , heteroscedascity - no constant variance in English, independence of residuals and normality of residuals.
The basic tool is the scatter plot of something against something (possibly, and something if the package supports 3D plots -Data Desk and S-plus).
The first plot is Y against X usually conducted before a regression is fitted to see if the relationship is linear.
Did this with Westwood and it seemed OK.
Another look at the MPG plot
Is it a curve or my bad drawing?
You wouldn't try a straight line fit to the data below:
The MPG data is probably most typical of real data sets , not really clear is it a line or not.
If there is no strong theoretical reason for believing the relationship to be non-linear - start with a line and look if there are any problems. Even in example 3 if we had only half the data (below 50 or above 50) we would probably fit lines to start with.
Fitting a line to data removes the basic trend (increase or decrease). It may be easier to see what is going on.
The residual plot
The plot of r against x - in practice is a basic tool for seeing all is OK.
However as computing power we can get fancier
r is scale dependent can't say are the residuals big or small.
To get round this
standardised residuals = r/s
These are approximately N(0,1) in theory so anything above 2.5 or below -2.5 is suspicious, larger in magnitude than 3 doubtful , larger than 4 ridiculous -> model doesn't fit for this point.
But that is not quite correct, the variances of the observed residuals are not actually equal, they get larger further away from the centre data. With computers being good at arithmetic most offer
studentised residuals these take account of the changing variance - more accurately N(0,1).
Internally and externally studentised residuals differ by the way the variance is estimated.
These are refinements that are helpful but not strictly necessary, using old fashioned standardised residuals is adequate but you might as well use better tools if they are available.