Springfield Community Partnership
Business Improvement District
Board Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2017
Present: R. Abraham, A. Fonsesca, K. Gruskin, P. Kaiser, M. Kevoe, M. Scalera, S. Seidel, D. Stampoulos, K. Vitale, D. Zuber
Also Present: B. Lippman,
The meeting was called to order at 8:46am.
A motion to approve the minutes of the November 21, 2017 was seconded and approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
P. Kaiser reviewed the financials in the Agenda packet. There is $12,299.12 in the Connect One checking account. There is $349,123.23 in the Connect One Money Market account. P. Kaiser reviewed the budget vs. actual report with the Board and noted that we are on track. A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s Report. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Township Report
D. Stampoulos reported that the Township Committee held the last meeting for 2017 where they swore new Police personnel. The reorganization meeting will be held on January 1 at noon. Rich Huber will be sworn in as Mayor. D. Stampoulos reported that the Rotary Rise for Hunger was very successful with over 140 volunteers.
Chairman’s Report
M. Scalera thanked K. Vitale for hosting us for our end of the year breakfast at Baltusrol. He reported that he and Z. Shahadi visited local businesses on for the support local businesses sponsored by American Express. They distributed promotional items sent to the town by Am Ex. M. Scalera reported that he saw Senator Kean and thanked him for his help with the redevelopment project.
Window Wrap Project Update
M. Scalera asked if the Board wants to have the additional storefront that is now empty, wrapped. After discussion it was agreed to wrap these windows and to have information about the BID on the side window. We will not have sponsors for this project. The cost will be $4650 printed and installed.
Executive Director Report
Board Election
B. Lippman reported that Lee Kaswiner, Scott Seidel and Paula Kaiser were re-elected to the Board.
Streetscape Bond5S. Seidel reported that he put together a proposal based on bonding $700,000 for a 10 year amortization. It would cost the BID approximately $75,000 per year. Discussion on how much we should bond took place. The final budget will be submitted to the Board in January after the Town closed the books on the assessments for the next year.
A motion was made to approve this expenditure. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. B. Lippman will write a draft letter to request the Town to bond for us. She will email it to M. Scalera and S. Seidel for approval prior to sending it to the town.
Strategic Plan Committee
B. Lippman stated that we should do a Strategic Plan to give us guidance for the next 5 and 10 years. She asked for volunteers to serve on this committee. S. Seidel, P. Kaiser, M. Kevoe, A. Fonsesco, K. Gruskin and M. Scalera will serve on this committee. B. Lippman will set up a first meeting after the New Year.
Marketing Committee
B. Lippman reported on the coupon book holiday promotion program. She noted that K. Schwartz will survey the businesses after the expiration date and we will have a report at the next Board meeting.
K. Gruskin reported that Apple is changing their protocol for APPs. They will have a new standard because they are looking to have more unique APPS. They will see what happens and how it will affect us.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:30.
Respectfully submitted by:
Beth Lippman, January 4, 2018
**The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 8:30am, at the Firehouse, Office of Emergency Management, third floor.