MnSCU Registration Edits
Detail Descriptions
EditCode / Display Message / On / Off
Options / Edit Parms Needed / Overrides
Allowed / Override
Parms Needed / Program Logic Narrative
000001 / Invalid Add/Drop Indicator / Always On / No / No / No / Indicator sent to engine must be ‘A’ - add, ‘D’ - drop,
‘W’ - waitlist, ‘V’ - verify student
000002 / Not a Student / No longer enforced / No / No / No / Retrieve non-blank ADM_STAT, if any, active on the first day of the term of registration from view ST_ADM_STAT_MID using student’s mnscu-id
000003 / This is not a valid course add date / Always On / No / Yes: Course related / No / If edit 54 does not apply, then current date must fall within valid date range for DATE_TYPE ‘0080’ in YRTR_CAL_DATES table
000004 / This is not a valid course drop date / Always On / No / Yes: Course related / No / If edit 54 does not apply, then current date must fall within valid date range for DATE_TYPE ‘0081’ in YRTR_CAL_DATES table
000005 / Invalid grade method for this course / Always On / No / Yes: Course related / Yes: enter grade method in PARM
(form RG1100UG / If entered, grade method must be valid for the course in the CT_GRADE_METH table
000006 / Student on hold / Always On / No / Yes: Not
course related / Yes: enter hold code to be over- ridden in PARM (form RG1100UG) / Check table PS_HOLD for registration holds on the student, active for the date of registration, that have not been appealed successfully (ACTION_CODE not = ‘A’, ‘V’, or ‘C’ in PS_HOLD_MOD_APPEAL table). Holds at home and host sites will be displayed for consortium registrations
000007 / Student is either graded or not enrolled in the course / Always On / No / No / No / Student must be actively enrolled in the course he or she is trying to drop (course is not graded and DROP_TIME_STAMP is null)
000008 / Database record locked - can't access course data / Always On / No / No / No / System error message indicating either the course or the student record cannot be updated because it is currently being updated by another user
000009 / Requested course not found / Always On / No / No / No / Student is attempting to add, drop, or waitlist a course that does not exist in the CT_COU table. CT_COU_PARTNER record must also exist for consortium registrations
Code / Display Message / On / Off
Options / Edit Parms Needed / Overrides
Allowed / Override
Parms Needed / Program Logic Narrative
000010 / Requested course does not have Offered status / Always On / No / No / No / COU_STAT field in CT_COU table must be ‘O’, offered, when the student tries to add the course
000011 / Invalid credits for this course / Always On / No / Yes: Course related / Yes: in PARM fld enter credits to be used during reg.
(form RG1100UG) / For variable credit courses, student must enter a valid credit value for the course, checked in the CT_VAR_CRHR table, unless an override supplies the credits to use when the student adds the course
000012 / Course requires special permission / Always On / No / Yes: Course related / No / For course adds, student must have override if PERM_REQ_FLAG in CT_COU table is not blank
000013 / Requested course is full / Always On / No / Yes: Course related / No / For local registrations: check if NBR_ENR >= (MAX_SIZE in CT_COU table minus PRTNR_MAX_SIZE from CT_COU_PARTNER table). For consortium registrations: check if PRTNR_NBR_ENR >= (PRTNR_MAX_SIZE from CT_COU_PARTNER table)
000014 / Student already registered in this course / not repeatable / Always On / No / Yes / No / Student cannot add a course in which he is already enrolled unless the course is marked MULT_REG_FLAG = ‘Y’ in CT_COU. Or block this add if it exceeds REPEAT_CRHR_MAX in CU_COU when it is > 0. Sum REG_CRHR in ST_COU for any times the student has taken this course in the past (skipping audits, grade=AU) and add credits for the course being added now. If that total exceeds the limit, block the registration. If REPEAT_CRHR_MAX is null or zero, there is no repeat credit limit. And when MULT_REG_FLAG = ‘Y’ in CT_COU, the repeat-crhr-max is ignored.
000015 / Tuition residence type not assigned / On / Off / No / Yes: Not course related / No / RES_STAT field in ST_RES_STAT table cannot be blank and current YRTR between BEGIN_YRTR and END_YRTR.
Student’s home site resident data is used for consortium registrations.
Code / Display Message / On / Off
Options / Edit Parms Needed / Overrides
Allowed / Override
Parms Needed / Program Logic Narrative
000016 / Missing at least one Pre-Requisite course / On / Off / No / Yes: Course related / No / Student must have satisfied pre-req courses listed in CU_PRE_REQ table with ENFORCE_PREREQ=’Y’ for the course he or she is trying to add. Local coursework is searched using the CURRIC_ID in ST_COU. Cannot be dropped and not graded ‘F’, ‘I’, ‘U’, ‘W’, ‘N’, ‘NC’, ‘IP’, or ‘AU’. Grades ‘HA’, ‘HB’, ‘CR’, ‘P’, and ‘S’ are assumed to satisfy pre-reqs. Also, ungraded courses in uncompleted terms satisfy the pre-req. Plus, the edit enforces optional minimum grade (grade points) when evaluating the student’s pre-req course if a minimum is listed in the curriculum record of the pre-req course. Grade shades for ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, or ‘D’ are accounted for. Edit also searches for pre-reqs in student’s transfer coursework, using local-subj and local-cou-nbr from ST_TRSF_COU and YRTR_OF_ACPT from ST_TRSF_UNIV to derive a curric-id to compare to pre-req curric-ids. Grades for transfer work obey same rules as local coursework but any transfer grade not found in grade control table is unsatisfactory. The edit also enforces optional time limits on how long pre-reqs are considered valid after the student completes them. Limits are defined in YRS_ VALID_AS_PREREQ field in CU_COU table, and counting begins at the end of the term the student completed the pre-req. If limit is null or zero, pre-reqs are valid indefinitely. Time limits apply to both local and transfer coursework based on curriculum-id. Only student’s course site coursework is used for consortium registrations.
000017 / Co-Requisite courses must be taken concurrently / On / Off / No / Yes: Course related / No / Student must be actively enrolled in co-req courses listed in the CT_CO_REQ table for the course he or she is trying to add
Actively enrolled means not dropped and not graded ‘F’, ‘I’, ‘U’, ‘W’, ‘N’, ‘NC’, ‘IP’, or ‘AU’. Student’s course site enrollments are used for consortium registrations.
000018 / Violation of gender restriction for this course / On / Off / No / Yes: Course related / No / Check if student’s GENDER in CR_PERSON table matches the GENDER_RSTR field specified in CT_COU table, if any, for the course being added. Student’s home site gender is used for consortium registrations.
Code / Display Message / On / Off
Options / Edit Parms Needed / Overrides
Allowed / Override
Parms Needed
/ Program Logic Narrative000019 / Only defined majors may register for this course / On / Off / Yes: list the majors
(or ****) allowed in this course, level, or division
(form CS1117UG) / Yes: Course related / No / Check if student has a MAJOR_ID in ST_AREA_STUDY table matching the MAJOR_ID(s) listed in the CT_REG_RSTR table for the course being added. Student’s home site majors are used for consortium registrations.
NOTE: asterisks in major restriction mean ANY declared major is allowed in the course
000020 / Student classification not allowed in this course / On / Off / Yes: list the classifications allowed in this course, level, or division
(form CS1117UG) / Yes: Course related / No / Check if student’s classification in ST_TERM_MGMT table matches the classification(s) listed in the CT_REG_RSTR table for the course being added. Student’s home classification is used for consortium registrations.
000021 / Admission Status required for this course / On / Off / Yes: list the admission status codes allowed in this course, level, or division
(form CS1117UG) / Yes: Course related / No / Check if student’s admit-status in ST_ADM_STAT_MID view matches the admit-status listed in the CT_REG_RSTR table for the course being added. Student’s home admit-status is used for consortium registrations.
000022 / Time conflict in student's schedule / On / Off / No / Yes: Not course related / No / Check if meeting times for the course being added overlap by more than one minute with meeting times for courses already in student’s schedule. Course meeting times listed in table CT_MTG. Only host site used for consortium registrations.
000023 / Admission Status required for registration / On / Off / Yes: list the admission status codes allowed to register
(form RG2002UG) / Yes: Not course related / No / Check if student’s admit-status in ST_ADM_STAT_MID view matches the admit-status listed in the RG_EDIT_PARMS table. If not, no registration allowed for the student. Student’s home admit-status is used for consortium registrations.
000024 / Student program required for this course / On / Off / Yes: list the program codes allowed in this course, level, or division
(form CS1117UG) / Yes: Course related / No / Check if student has a PROG_ID in table ST_PROGRAM matching the PROG_ID(s) listed in the CT_REG_RSTR table for the course being added. Only student’s home site programs are used for consortium registrations.
Code / Display Message / On / Off
Options / Edit Parms Needed / Overrides
Allowed / Override
Parms Needed / Program Logic Narrative
000025 / Minimum GPA required for this course / On / Off / Yes: specify the minimum GPA required to take this course, level, or division
(form CS1117UG) / Yes: Course related / No / Check if student’s UGRAD_GPA in table ST_TERM_MGMT meets the minimum GPA listed in the CT_REG_RSTR table for the course being added. Student’s home site GPA is used for consortium registrations.
000026 / Exceeds maximum credits allowed by classification / On / Off / Yes: specify classifications
& max registered credits allowed for each
(form RG2002UG) / Yes: Not course related / Yes, optional: enter max credits allowed in PARM field, format 99.99
(form RG1100UG) / Check if adding this course to the student’s schedule would result in a credit overload for the student this term as specified by the limits in the RG_EDIT_PARMS table. Limits are based on the student’s classification. Only student’s host site classification and enrolled credits are used for consortium registrations.
000027 / Course is eligible for waitlisting / On / Off / No / No / No / For course adds, if course is full, display this message as information if WAIT_LIST_FLAG = ‘Y’ in CT_COU table and this edit is on.
000028 / Minimum earned credits required for this course / On / Off / Yes: specify the minimum credits required to take this course, level, or division
(form CS1117UG) / Yes: Course related / No / Check if student’s undergrad local credits plus undergrad transfer credits in ST_TERM_MGMT table meet the minimum amount listed in CT_REG_RSTR table for the course being added. Only student’s home site credits are used for consortium registrations.
000029 / Student must take/pass required test for this course / On / Off / Yes: specify test codes and optionally the minimum scores required for this course, level, or division
(form CS1117UG) / Yes: Course related / No / Check if student’s test codes in PS_TEST_SCORE table match the test codes listed in the CT_REG_RSTR table for the course being added. Also, if minimum score is listed for the test in CT_REG_RSTR table, the student’s score must meet that level. Further, optional time limits defined in field NBR_YRS_VALID on table VAL_ST_TESTS are enforced by the edit. Tests become invalid after the time limit has expired for the student and his tests will not satisfy the edit requirements. Valid time period begins with student’s TEST_DATE in PS_TEST_SCORE. Tests with null or zero time limits are valid indefinitely. Student’s home site test data used for consortium registrations.
NOTE: student satisfies this edit by matching any one of the tests if multiple tests are listed in the CT_REG_RSTR table.
Code / Display Message / On / Off
Options / Edit Parms Needed / Overrides
Allowed / Override
Parms Needed / Program Logic Narrative
000030 / Cohort Code required for this course / On / Off / Yes: list the cohort codes allowed in this course, level, or division
(form CS1117UG) / Yes: Course related / No / Check if student’s cohort codes in PS_COHORT table match any of the cohort codes listed in the CT_REG_RSTR table for the course being added. Must match at least one. Student’s home site cohorts used for consortium registrations.
000031 / Financial Aid student cannot drop last course / On / Off / No / Yes: Not course related / No / If student has financial aid (AWARD table), check that he or she is not attempting to drop the last course in his or her schedule for the term. Student’s courses from both home and host sites counted for consortium registrations.
000032 / Student not allowed to drop this course / On / Off / Yes: specify the course, level, or division
(form CS1117UG) / Yes: Course related / No / Check if student is attempting to drop a course he or she is not allowed to drop as indicated in the CT_REG_RSTR table for the course
000033 / Student with this many credits required to declare major / On / Off / Yes: specify max earned credits beyond which the student must have a major and enter minimum local credits student must have for edit to apply
(form RG2002UG) / Yes: Not course related / No / No registration activity is allowed for students who have no major in the ST_AREA_STUDY table and whose undergrad local credits plus undergrad transfer credits meet or exceed the limit listed in the RG_EDIT_PARMS table and provided they have at least the minimum number of local credits specified. Only the student’s data from the home site counted in this edit for consortium registrations.