Hayes: Take Home Test
Fahrenheit 451 Part 2: “Burning Bright”
You will open a new Word document. Label the document “Last Name Burning Bright Part II.” Answer each question on the new document, and submit it to my NEW GOOGLE CLASSROOM ACCOUNT by Friday (3/3) at 2:15 p.m.
Google Classroom Numbers:
1st Period: j74t7ob
4th Period: l5c5zd1
Typing format: MLA
Double spaced
12 point font/Times New Roman lettering
5 points each – answer these in 2-5 complete sentences – dig deep, don’t just give me one thing.
1. Give two reasons why Montag kills Beatty. What are some of the reasons that Montag would think that Beatty wanted to die?
2. What happens when Montag tries to cross the street during his escape? Describe this in detail. How does this relate to previous events that have happened earlier in the novel?
3. After crossing the river, Montag meets the group of men around a campfire, and they have been watching the chase on a portable television. Why did the chase go on even after Montag was across the river? What happens to end the chase?
4. Why did Granger miss his grandfather so much? What had the grandfather contributed to society and what did Granger view as man's responsibility to the world? How is this in direct contrast to the way that world has become in the novel?
5. Explain (in depth) Granger's comparison of mankind to a phoenix and in what ways does the author end the book with a feeling of hope.
6. Why is the following realization so important to Montag? “He saw the fire ahead…It was warming…He hadn’t known fire could look this way. He had never thought in his life that it could give as well as take” (139). What different things does fire symbolize, and how does this change? When is it mentioned, and in what ways?
7. How does Granger sum up a man’s life?
8. Chapter 19 of the Old Testament Book of Genesis tells the story of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. In the story, these cities are destroyed because of the sins of their people. One man, Lot, is righteous enough to be saved. He takes his wife and leaves the city; they are told by an angel not to look behind them. Lot’s wife looks back anyway and is turned into a pillar of salt. What scene at the end of the book echoes this story?
9. Does the book seem to have a hopeful or a pessimistic conclusion? Explain.
10. A parable is a story that teaches a moral lesson. What is the lesson of Fahrenheit
Answer the prompt below in one well-written paragraph
Your paragraph is expected to have a topic sentence, two specific textual examples and explanation (analysis) and a concluding sentence. – 10 points each
Bradbury's novel was first published in 1953. Some things he envisioned have come true, but fortunately not all of them:
7. Identify and explain least two elements from the book that are evident in our society today.