Behavior Management
Our class uses a colored card system to help children monitor their behaviors. Each day, all children begin with a green card. If a child shows exceptionally good behavior, his card will be turned to purple. If he is having difficulty following rules, his card will be changed to yellow, and then, if necessary, to red. This is a reminder for the child to rethink his behavior. If his behavior improves, his card will be turned back to green. At the end of the day children will receive the following:
green = sticker/stamp
purple = small prize
yellow = no sticker or prize
red = no sticker or prize; Red Light Notice note sent home
Each day, ask your child what color he or she was on—look for your child’s sticker, stamp, or prize!
Consequences for Unacceptable Behaviors
Occasionally children have difficulty following class and school rules. At these times I will try to redirect the child’s behavior through eye contact, changing the colored cards, or quiet reminders. If this does not help to improve the child’s behavior, one or more of the following consequences will be used:
1. Time-out at a table in the classroom.
This gives the child time to calm down and get ready to rejoin the class activity. If the behavior occurs outside of the classroom (hallway, playground, cafeteria, etc.) variations of this consequence will be used.
2. Time-out in another teacher’s classroom.
This will be used if the unacceptable behavior is not improved by a time-out in our classroom.
3. Time-out in the Student Support Room (Intervention).
This will be used if the behavior is severe or has been repeated. This may also be used if the previous two consequences have not been effective (ex: disruption of another teacher’s room).
4. Note, phone call home, or conference with parent after school.
This might include behavior checklists completed daily.
5. Loss of privileges.
This includes playground time, centers, etc.
6. Office Referral
This can be used for behaviors that disrupt instruction or threaten others (hitting, kicking, biting, etc.).
This listing is an overview of my discipline policy. Other consequences may be used if they are appropriate for the behavior. Please refer to the Student Handbook for policies regarding suspension and expulsion.
Special area teachers may have different policies for managing unacceptable behaviors.