1. The clerk is the proper officer of the council and will carry out the functions conferred on the proper officer by statute or otherwise.
  1. The clerk will be responsible for ensuring that the statutory and other provision governing the administration of the council and its affairs are complied with.
  1. The clerk will prepare the agendas for the meetings of the council, will attend such meetings and will prepare the minutes of such meetings for submission to the council for approval.
  1. The clerk will likewise prepare the agendas for, attend and prepare the minutes of the committee and sub-committee meetings.
  1. The clerk will prepare the agendas for, attend and prepare the minutes of the annual parish meeting and any other parish meetings held during the year.
  1. The clerk is the responsible finance officer of the council and will prepare and maintain the accounts and other official records of the council (including those relating to Value Added Tax) in accordance with all statutory and other accounting and audit requirements and practices.
  1. The clerk is responsible for communicating with funeral Directors and Memorial agencies, on the correct burial arrangements, fees and approval of memorial stones as agreed by the parish council. Marking of grave spaces where required, and maintaining registers.
  1. The clerk will be responsible for ensuring that all decisions of the council, its committees and sub-committees are carried out properly and accurately.
  1. The clerk will be responsible for receiving all correspondence and other documentation on behalf of the council and for ensuring that the same is brought before the council or its relevant committees or sub-committees as necessary.
  1. The clerk will, will be required by the council, review and report on the policies of the council and how effectively they are being implemented, having regard to the principles of “best value” prescribed by or under statute.
  1. If so required by the council, the clerk will act as a representative of the council at conferences, meetings, public enquiries and other similar events.
  1. The clerk will be responsible for the preparing and keeping up to date register of the council’s property, ensuring that the property is regularly inspected and maintained and ensuring that it is covered by adequate insurance.
  1. If so required by the council, the clerk will (at the cost of the council) attend training courses on subjects relevant to the role and responsibilities of the clerk of a local council.
  1. If so required by the council, the clerk will prepare and issue information about the activities of the council to the press and other media organisations.
  1. Keep safely and conveniently in secure but accessible custody all deed, plans, record’s, letters, writing and other documents of all concerning the Council or staff.
  1. Prepare the Annual Budget with the councillors, to be monitored and recordedand reported quarterly liaise with internal auditor re policies are adhered too. Clerk to attend finance meetings.