Class 4 Curriculum 2015/2016
This information provides an overview of curriculum coverage
It may be subject to change, depending on other opportunities that arise.
Literacy - Following the renewed focus on teaching spelling grammar and punctuation, these will be taught daily. Spellings will be issued on a Monday, re-visited on a Wednesday and tested on a Friday.
Terms 1 & 2:
Grammar and Punctuation – Exploring verbs, tenses - past present and future, verbs and purpose, verbs in literature and writing.
Adjectives, similes and intensity.
Creative Curriculum Literacy Focus – Soliloquy and Descriptive Writing and Stories with Historical Settings, Explanation texts.
Terms 3 & 4:
Grammar and Punctuation – Apostrophes and using hyphens.
Organising sentences, punctuation, colon and semicolon.
Creative Curriculum Literacy Focus – Explanation and Information texts and Reports.
Term 5 & 6:
Grammar and Punctuation – Changing words, introductions and endings, comparative endings. Exploring Adverbs, incredibly useful adverbs.
Creative Curriculum Literacy Focus – Stories with Familiar Settings and Stories, Fantasy Worlds, Poetry and Instructions.
Reading journal activities or comprehension homework, to be given out on a Friday. Due in for the following Wednesday.
MFL Spanish
Term 1: En la cafeteria.
1 October 2015 European Languages Celebration
Term 2: Nuestro cuerpo, Christmas Nativity and Prayers
Terms 3 & 4: Mi familia y los retratos
Terms 5 & 6: Vamos al teatro/ Plays
All practical activities will endorse learning and year 4 will be encouraged to support KS1 children during language activities and events.
Key objectives to be covered during terms 1 & 2:
Numbers and the number system
Read and write whole numbers to at least 10,000 in figures and words.
Partition numbers into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.
Add/subtract 1, 10, 100, 1000 to/from any integer.
Round any positive integer less than 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100
Read and write the vocabulary of estimation and approximation.
Record estimates and readings from scales.
Use and develop number facts and place value to add or subtract mentally.
Use formal/informal written methods to support, record or explain additions.
Measures, shape and space
Measure and calculate the perimeter and area of rectangles and other simple shapes.
Recognise equilateral and isosceles triangles.
Describe and visualise 2D and 3D shapes.
Recognise positions and directions on a grid.
Problem solving
Solve mathematical problems or puzzles
Recognise and explain patterns and relationships
Times Tables
To recall multiplication and division facts for the all the times tables and solve problems.
All tests will be carried out on Wednesday.
Mymaths will be set on a Friday due for the following Friday.
Maths homework sheets will be given out on a Tuesday, due back on the following Tuesday.
New Cornerstones Creative Curriculum
Term 1
I am a Warrior!
History focus: teaches children about the significance of the Romans, who they were and their impact on Britain. They learn to write narrative stories with historical settings and develop additional skills of persuasion and letter writing.
Term 2
Burps, Bottoms and Bile
Science focus: teaches children about the human body organs such as the heart, lungs and brain. They learn to write explanations to describe biological processes of the human body and develop technical and scientific language.
Term 3
Geography focus: teaches children about the causes and impact of natural disasters involving water, flooding and erosion. They learn to write reports using factual data and develop additional skills of writing leaflets and presentation.
Term 4
Robot Rampage
Design and technology focus: teaches children about a range of different mechanisms and how these can be powered using electricity. They learn to write poetry and autobiographies for a range of fantasy characters, and significant historical figures in the world of engineering and science.
Term 5
Food design and technology focus: teaches children about different foods from around the world, fair trade, the importance of healthy eating. They learn how to write formal and informal letters and about writing to advertise and inform.
Term 6 Urban Pioneers – Art focus: teaches children how to use techniques of digital photography including perspective, viewpoints and manipulation of digital imagery for effect. They learn to write narrative stories in a familiar setting and develop additional skills using different forms of speech in story writing.
Games / PE
Term 1: football
Term 2: netball
Terms 3: gymnastics & swimming
Term 4: tag rugby
Term 5: cricket
Term 6: athletics
Games sessions will be held on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Swimming will take place daily as a two week block during Term 3
Terms 1 & 2: Christianity and the Bible
Term 3 & 4: Teaching and authority
Term 5 & 6: Worship, pilgrimage and sacred places
Year 4 takes the lead in the Easter Service
Residential Trip details: tbc