Which group of person do you belong?
/ Patient, currenttreatment / / Patient, after treatment
/ Relative / / Others
Age: ______ / type ofcancer :______
Educational qualification : ______ / Gender : male female
2. How satisfied are you with the information on cancer you already received?
very / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
not at all
3. Which are the relevant factors, when looking for information on cancer?
(You may tick several points)
/ Roundtheclockavailability / / Comprehensiveinformation
/ Individual information / / Sympathyandempathy
/ Anonymity / / Unchangingcontactperson
/ Possibilitytoinquire / / High degree of expert know-how
/ Is there something missing? (please add)______
4. Which source of information on cancer did you use until now?
(You may tick several answers)
/ Family and friends / / Telefone hotline for cancer information
/ Non-medicalpractitioner / / Internet
/ Direct information from a cancer counseling unit / / Internet platform
/ Conversation with a physician/ nurse / / Self-helpgroup
/ Journals, booksorbooklets
/ Is there something missing? (please add)______
5. Which theme you want to get more information to?
(You may tick several answers)
/ Social law (e.g. Rehabilitation, services by health insurance, pension, care) / / Therapy against the cancer (e.g. operation, radiotherapy, chemotherapy)
/ Diagnostic / / Nutrition
/ Complementarymedicine / / Concomitante therapy (e.g. against the pain or other complaints)
/ After-care / / Sports andphysicalactivity
/ Psyche and cancer (handling a disease) / / Palliative care (holistic treatment of progressed cancer by shortened life )
/ Others (pleaseadd) : ______
-- The following questions are only for patients:--
6. Do you use at present naturopathy, complementary and/or alternative medicine ?
Yes / No
-- If you answered with “Yes“ continue with question 7, elsewhere with 10 .—
7. If you answered with “Yes“: do you disclosure the CAM use to professionals?
/ Myoncologist / / Mygeneralpractitioner
/ Other specialist / / Tonophysician Arzt
/ I cannotremember
8. If you use naturopathy, complementary and/or alternative medicine at present, which one do you use?
/ Supplements (vitamins and trace elements) / / Medical herbs
/ Chinese herbs/ teas / / Acupuncture
/ Mistletoe / / Meditation
/ Medical mushrooms / / Homeopathy
/ Prayer / / Yoga / Tai Chi / Qi Gong
/ Relaxation / / Others: ______
9. Which source of information on naturopathy, complementary and/or alternative medicine did you use until now?
(You may tick several answers)
/ Family andfriends / / Telefone hotline for cancer information / Non – medicalpractitioner / / Internet
/ Direct information from a cancer counseling unit / / Internet platform
/ Conversation with a physician/ nurse / / Selghelpteam
/ Journals, booksorbrochure
/ Something missing (pleaseadd)______
-- The following questions depend on your perception of your disease. You would help us in exploration of the information needs of cancer patients, if you also answer these questions : --
10. In your opinion, what causes the cancer?
(You can tick several answers)
/ Lifestyle (unhealthy nutrition, little sportive activity) / / Myownpersonality / Toxins fromtheenvironment / / Weakness of the immune system
/ Severe mental trauma / / Stress
/ Geneticpredisposition / / Smoking, alcohol
/ I do not know. / / Something else: ______
11. The following statements can apply more or less to you. Please tick for each statement, which actually fits best.
Not at all true / Hardlytrue / Thisapplies a bit / Moderatlytrue / Excactlytruea. I can count on my skills in difficult situations. / / / / /
b. I can solve most problems on my own. / / / / /
c. Even in difficult and hard problems I can easily find a solution. / / / / /
12. For the following questions, please circle the number that best corresponds to your views
How much does your illness affect your life?0
noaffectat all / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
How long do you think your illness will continue?
a veryshort time / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
How much control do you feel you have over your illness?
absolutelynocontrol / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
How much do you think your treatment can help your illness?
not at all / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
How well do you feel you understand your illness?
I do not understand at all / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
13. The following statements can apply more or less to you. Please tick for each statement, which actually fits best.
Not at all true / Hardly true / This applies a bit / Moderately true / Excactlytruea. I have got my life in my hands. / / / / /
b. If I try hard enough, I will be successful. / / / / /
c. Whether in privacy or at work: My life is determined by others. / / / / /
d. My plans are often thwarted by the fate. / / / / /