NAME: Children’s Practice Group
DATE:September 22, 2015 / Time:
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. / Presiding:
Alan DeStefano / Recorded By:
Mary Abrams
PRESENT:Lisa Aragon, Cynthia Bediako,Lolalyn Clarke, Alan DeStefano, Mitchell Douglas, Barbara Dunn, Alice Garcia, Judyann McCarthy, Lynn Scafilli Connor, Lori Schreuders-Meyer, Taylor Snyder, Deb Wolff
PRESENT BY PHONE:Teri Black, Lisa Coscia, Ron Defeo, Thomas McGrorty, Lesley Moore, Nina Stolzenberg, Warren Ververs
Staff: Mary Abrams, Debra Wentz
Approval of July 21, 2015 Minutes / N/A / The minutes were m/s/p. / N/A / N/A
Report Card on Children’s Services: What’s Working, What’s Not, What’s Needed: Discussion Led by Deborah Wolff
Mobile Response and Intensive In-Home Services – Overview and Challenges: Led by Mitchell Douglas / Deborah Wolff kicked off this new agenda item by noting several programs and initiatives that are going well at Oaks Integrated Care, including EHRs, expanded school-based services, a training collaboration with law enforcement and schools, a great collaboration with DCCP in regard to the aging out population, and full implementation of the Columbia Scale across the agency, among other things. Deborah then led a very detailed discussion about access to Psychiatrist services (the number one issue), stabilization services’ gaps, and decreased support services for Developmentally Disabled youth.
Mitchell Douglas’s discussion on Mobile Response was presented when that topic was raised by Deborah.
Alan DeStefano stated that a different screening law for children is needed.
DCF used to convene full system meetings. / Follow up on Medicaid regulations regarding eligibility of children under five for various services.
Add Psychiatric Services in Group Homes to DCF December agenda
Invite PerformCare to present on their triage process, including clinical criteria; the time frame for extensions and data on recidivism of those not given extensions.
Include in our Budget Request: Funding for increased Family Support to Mobile Response familiesand Funding for Children’s Screening Centers
Discuss reconvening full system meetings with Liz Manley / By 11/17/15 meeting
For Dec. Meeting with DCF
Prior to November meeting
TBD / Mary Abrams
Mary Abrams
Mary Abrams
Mary Abrams, Shauna Moses, Debra Wentz
Alan DeStefano
Overprescribing Antipsychotics to Children and Youth / It was agreed that education of parents is especially important. Mitchell Douglas stated that UBHC will be providing technical assistance to doctors. Alan / Include support of physician “buddy system” in advocacy materials / Ongoing / Mary Abrams,
Shauna Moses,
Debra Wentz
Overprescribing (Cont’d.) / DeStefano suggested that we advocate for expansion of “buddy systems” where primary doctors are linked to psychiatrists.
Juvenile Justice Commission / No one was present from PerformCare.
Alice Garcia stated that the JJC is waiting on training grants for an all day training on trauma informed care to be conducted by UBHC and for a two-day training on evidence-based practices. The latter is expected to take place in March or April and may have some space for providers. At least 50 people are needed to register for the training to take place. Alice shared that JJC is hosting a family day on October 22nd; 200 children will be involved. JJC is currently hiring for several positions, including substance use counselors and court liaisons. / N/A
N/A / N/A
N/A / N/A
Standing Agenda Topics / Safety: Safety issues have been brought to Commissioner Blake in recent months, including a request for contract adjustments and recognition of safety issues for community provider staff. Alan DeStefano suggested revisiting this issue and noted that Liz Manley was willing to look at potential contract changes. Others suggested getting state support for training. / Safety issues and recommendations will be added to the October DCF meeting agenda / October / Mary Abrams
Standing Agenda Topics Cont’d. / Developmental Disabilities: Lynn Connor shared that DDD opened new beds over the summer. / N/A / N/A / N/A
Old and New Business / A request was made for input to testimony being developed for the Joint Committee on Public Schools; for testimonials to be included in our new identity piece and for success stories that we might use in various publications. / Forward input to Mary Abrams / 9/28/15 / All Members
Upcoming Meetings: 2015: September 22nd, November 17th
2016:January 19th, March 15th, May 17th
– All from 10 a.m. to noon at NJAMHAA