·  I—At the dance, George’s will to be with Lorraine is once again tested when someone cuts in on the two of them dancing. The intruder says “Beat it, McFly” then George, initially, sheepishly walks away. But then, as Lorraine pleads for “George” he gains confidence and returns to rescue her. Then they have their first kiss on the dance floor.

·  I—Doc must quickly reconnect the cables during a severe thunderstorm in order to harness the lightning that will send Marty back to the future.

·  I—Marty must make sure that his 1955 dad, George, asks his mother to the dance.

·  I—In the original 1985, as Marty videotapes Doc as he educates Marty about how the time machine works.

·  II—An alternate 1985 is created as a result of Marty’s purchase of the sports almanac.

·  I—In the original 1985, George and Lorraine do not appear to be in a loving and happy relationship; however, in the changed and improved 1985, the couple seems to be in love and each parent is more confident and successful.

·  I—Marty’s brother’s head is the first to “erase” from existence in the 1985 photo; then his sister, and finally Marty, himself, begin to disappear.

·  I—Marty is able to use a skateboard with great skill, which enables him to distract Biff from his 1955 mom and dad: thus, making Biff’s car, through a chase, end up under a pile of manure.

·  II—The search for the sports almanac in 1955

·  I—Marty is a skilled guitar player with aspirations to become a successful, famous musician. It is his guitar playing ability that provides the music needed for his 1955 parents to have their first kiss at the “Enchantment under the Sea” dance.

·  I and II—The time machine is used to continue the journey.

·  I—Marty sees his original 1985 and 1955 father as weak, socially awkward, and inept in many ways. Marty has to use manipulative methods to get George to do what he needs him to do. In his exasperation, he has even said things like “It’s a wonder I was even born”.

·  I—Lorraine is in the school cafeteria when Biff comes on to her saying “you know you want it, and you want me to give it to you”. It appears that she cannot get away from his grasp.

·  I and II—Doc constantly refers to the dangers of “someone knowing too much about their own futures”. Even though he is the creator of the time machine, Doc mentions several times the potentials misuses of time travel. He talks about dismantling the time machine when they first return back to the alternate 1985 (before he knows that it has changed).

·  I and II—The Devil Figures (1955 and 1985 Biffs and 2015 Griff) are constantly in battle or struggle against the Hero and his family.

·  II—Upon encountering the alternate 1985, Marty assumes responsibility for the problems that his sports almanac purchase has caused. This moves him into action to save life as he knew it.

·  II—Marty’s inability to play music is the result of an injury sustained after he ended up in a car wreck with Needles

·  II—Marty uses a young girl’s hoverboard (similar to that of a skateboard) to escape Griff and his evil friends. This act results in changing the future for his family, as evidenced by the USA Today headline story which changes from his son to Griff being jailed.

·  I—Even though accidentally, Marty finds himself in a time machine that sends him back to the year 1985. He must fulfill a series of tasks in order to get back to the year 1985.

·  II—Marty, as a teenager, is taken by Doc into the future (2015). When he later returns to 1985 he is able to see the corruption and misdeeds of a town that its current inhabitants are not able to see.

·  I and II—Doc has formed a somewhat unlikely friendship with Marty. It is clear that Marty looks to him for guidance and help. Doc educates Marty about time travel. He advises Marty on how he can get his parents to notice each other. Marty turns to him for help with the impossibilities of time travel.

·  I and II—Marty’s first act in 1955 is to look Doc up in the telephone book. His first act when the Delorian is taken by lightning at the end of II is to run back to the 1955 Doc for help.

·  I and II—Einstein is present at the filming of the first time travel. A young Einstein is present in 1955. Einstein also travels with Doc, Jennifer, and Marty to the year 2015 and back.

·  II—George McFly’s untimely death (through murder) serves as a powerful force to his son, Marty, to make things right again in Hill Valley. Biff is responsible for George’s murder. The motivation behind the murder appears to stem from jealousy for what George had, but that he did not. The audience learns that Biff has a difficult teenage life and perhaps Biff blames George for what he does not have. Biff thinks that if he has Lorraine that he will have everything.

·  II—Marty is told by Doc about what happens to his kids, so he must go into the Café 80’s and “just say ‘no’”.

·  I—1955 Lorraine, becomes infatuated with and attracted to her son, Marty, whom she calls Calvin Klein. This attraction makes causes her not to see George as a love interest. She even explains to Marty that “[George] is kind of cute and all, but a man should be able to protect the woman he loves.” According to Lorraine, George has not been a manly man like “Calvin Klein”.

·  I—Jennifer and Marty’s parents both seem to disapprove of their relationship. Original 1985 Lorraine thinks that Jennifer is too forward and it is clear the Jennifer’s father is not in favor of the relationship when he drives up to pick up his daughter and sternly saying “Jennifer” as he motions her to the car.

·  I—Ironically, when Lorraine and Marty kiss in the parked car at the Enchantment under the Sea dance, her attraction to him comes to an abrupt halt when she notices that kissing him is “like kissing [her] brother”.

·  I—Lorraine is in the parked car and there seems to be some physical activity. While George is expecting this as all part of “the plan” he opens the car door only to find Biff instead of Marty. Lorraine says “Please, George help!” George says “Biff, you leave her alone,” then punches him out cold.

·  I—1955 George must protect Lorraine when he interrupts Biff’s attempt to get physical with her. Even though he didn’t know that he would encounter Biff, he still must protect the Damsel in Distress from harm. George punches Biff.

·  I and II—Mr. Stictland is the principal of Hill Valley High. Even though he is in a position of authority, he is not presented as someone who is very knowledgeable or wise. He even refers negatively to Doc Brown, a man who has a great deal of intelligence and experience, as a “dangerous…nutcase”.