Course Syllabus

Sophomore English Essentials 10Mrs. Kelly (D203)

Email: hone: 734-783-3333 ext. 2869

Course Description

English Essentials 10 is a full-year required survey course for all general education students not enrolled in core English classes. Emphasis will be placed upon student’s continued development of fundamental literacy strategies using reading and writing supplementation. These essential skills will be presented at a structured but more moderate pace. Students will use a variety of learning strategies that can be applied to gain knowledge in all subject areas. This class meets the Sophomore English credit requirements.

Class Rules

1.Food and drink are not allowed in class.

2.No talking when the teacher is talking.

3.Remain in your assigned seat at all times unless okayed by the instructor.

4.Respect all people and their belongings.

5.Arrive to class on time and ready to work.

6.Bring the following materials to class every day: pen or pencil, binder, paper, textbook.

7. Cell phones are not permitted, nor are you allowed to charge it in my class.

8.All rules in student Code of Conduct apply to this class as well.

Unacceptable or inappropriate behavior may result in any of the following: verbal warning,

parent contact, detention, or office referral.


Your grade for this class will be based on a total points system. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain any missing work and turn it in the class period after you return. You will lose points for work that is turned in late. If you do not turn in your work, you will receive zero points for those assignments and your grade will be affected accordingly.

Grades will be posted periodically so that you can monitor your progress. They will bedisplayed by student number. Grades are also updated weekly (usually on Fridays) in MiStar and can be accessed through both Student Connect and Parent Connect.


Homework will be collected at the beginning of the class in which it is due. It will be turned into the black homework tray according to the hour. Please have your homework ready to turn in when it is due.If you turn in an assignment late, you will lose 10% (a full letter grade) for each day it is late.

If you are absent, any work that you missed can be found in the binder located on the side counter. These folders will include copies of any notes and worksheets thatyou missed. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK THIS IF YOU WEREABSENT AND TO TURN IN THE ASSIGNED WORK. I will not individually informyou of what you missed when you return.You must see me individually to make up a quiz/test.

There might also be assignments that will be required to be typed. If class time is notgiven to type such assignments and you do not have access to a computer, please see me and I will make accommodations for you.


I recommend a separate binder/folder that you use only for this class. You will receive numerous worksheets/materials and will need to keep them for future reference. These materials will be needed to study for quizzes/exams and will get lost if placed in a folder for another class. Your materials are your responsibility—if you lose them, I only keep limited copies of extra worksheets. Once they’re gone, they’re gone!



Only one person will be allowed out of the room at a time on a pass. YOU MUST HAVE A PASS OR YOU CAN’T LEAVE THE ROOM.

Class starts promptly when the bell rings and ends when the teacher dismisses you. Please be quiet and ready to work once the bell rings and do not pack up your things until I instruct you to do so. If you are late, please go to your seat quietly and I will address you at a later time.

I have a hole punch, sanitizer, Kleenex, pencils, paper, etc. available for your use. Please respect my belongings and put things back in their proper places.

Mrs. Kelly


I have read and understand the requirements for this class.

Student Name (Print): ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent Name (Print): ______

Parent Signature: ______

Parent email address: ______

Phone #: ______