Regular Schedule
(see for updates and festal services)
Wed Vespers 7PM
Thu Liturgy time varies
Sat Confession 4PM ; Vigil 5 PM
Sun Hours&Liturgy 9:40 AM, followed by a community meal open to all / St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church: McKinney, Texas
January 2009 / Pastor: Fr. Seraphim Holland
Rectory: (972) 529-2754
Mobile: (972) 658-5433
708 S. Chestnut McKinney, Texas 75071
Mailing Address:
PO Box 37, McKinney, TX 75070
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Holy Nativity Troparion - Tone 4
Thy Nativity, O Christ our God,/hast shown upon the world the light of knowledge./For, thereby they that worshipped the stars/were taught by a star,/to worship Thee, the Son of Righteousness,/and to know Thee, the Day-spring from on high. // O Lord, glory be to Thee! / Holy Theophany Troparion - Tone 1
When Thou wast baptized in the Jordan, O Lord, /The worship of the Trinity wast made manifest,/for the voice of the Father bear witness to Thee/Calling Thee his beloved Son. /And the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the certainty of the word. /O christ our God, Who hast appeared and hast enlightened the world, // glory be to Thee! / Dec 19/Jan 1 29WAP Wine&Oil
Holy Martyr Boniface (+ 290)
Heb 7:1-6; Lk 21:28-33 / Dec 20/Jan 2 Wine&Oil
HM Ignatius the God-bearer
Heb 7:18-25; Lk 21:37-22:8 / Dec 21/Jan 3 Wine&Oil
Saturday before Nativity
Martyr Juliana of Nicomodia
Eph 2:11-13; Lk 13:18-29;
Sat before Nat:Gal 3:8-12; Lk 13:18-29
Dec 22/Jan 4 T4 MG7 29SAP Wine&Oil
Sunday of the Holy Fathers
GM Anastasia deliverer from bonds
Ves: Gen 14:14-20; Deut 1:8-11, 15-17; Deut 10:14-21; Lit:Heb 11:9-10,17-23,32-40; Mt 1:1-25
/ Dec 23/Jan 5 30WAP
10 MM of Crete
St. Nahum, Enlightener of Bulgaria
Heb 8:7-13; Mk 8:11-21; For Tue:Heb 9:8-10,15-23; Mk 8:22-26 / Dec 24/Jan 6 Wine&Oil
Eve of Nativity
Hours, Ves, see typikon; Lit:Heb 1:1-12; Lk 2:1-20
Morning: Royal Hours, Typica , Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St Basil
Evening: Vigil for Nativity / Dec 25/Jan 7 NO FAST
of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Gal 4:4-7 Mt 2:1-12 / Dec 26/Jan 8
Synaxis of the Theotokos
Heb 10:35-11:7 Mk 9:10-16 / Dec 27/Jan 9 NO FAST
Protomartyr & Archdeacon Stephen St. Theodore the Branded
Heb 11:8,11-16 Mk 9:33-41 / Dec 28/Jan 10
Saturday after Nativity
20,000 MM of Nicomedia
Eph 5:1-8; Lk 14:1-11
Sat after Nat:I Tim 6:11-16; Mt 12:15-21
Dec 29/Jan 11 T5 MG8 30SAP
Sunday after Nativity; Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, James the Lord’s brother, Holy Innocents
Gal 1:11-19 & Col 3:12-16;
Mt 2:13-23 & Lk 18:18-27 / Dec 30/Jan 12 31WAP
VM Anysia of Thessalonica
St. Melania the Younger of Rome
Heb 11:17-31 Mk 9:42-10:1 / Dec 31/Jan 13
Apodosis of Nativity
Nun Melania, St. Theophylact of Ochrid
Heb 12:25-26,13:22-25 Mk 10:2-12 / Jan 1/14 NO FAST
Circumcision of Christ/St. Basil the Great
Ves:Gen 17:1-7,9-12, 14; Prov 8:22-30; Prov 10:31-11:12; MAT:Jn 10:1-9
Liturgy:Col 2:8-12; Luk 2:20-21,40-52; Jam 1:1-18; Mk 10:11-16 / Jan 2/15
St. Seraphim of Sarov, St. Sylvester, Pope of Rome, R Juliana of Lazarevo
Lit:Jas 1:19-27 Mk 10:17-27; For Fri:Jam 2:1-13; Mk 10:23-32 St Seraphim: Ves:see typikon,; Lit:Gal 5:22-6:2 Luk 6:17-23 / Jan 3/16 NO FAST
Pr Malachi; M Gordius
St. Genevieve of Paris
See Typikon for readings
Royal Hours and Typica for Theophany. No Liturgy. / Jan 4/17
Synaxis of the 70 Apostles
Col 1:3-6; Lk 16:10-15
Sat before Theophany: 1Tim 3:14-4:5; Mat 3:1-11
Jan 5/18 T6 MG9 31SAP Wine&Oil
Eve of Theophany
Lit:1Co 9:19-27,Lk 3:1-18; Sun Before Theophany: 2Ti 4:5-8; Mk 1:1-8; Ves:See typikon; Blessing Of The Waters:see typikon
Vespers/Blessing of the Waters after Divine Liturgy; Vigil in the Evening. / Jan 6/19 32WAP
of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Mat: Mk 1:9-11; Lit:Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7 Mt 3:13-17
Blessing of the Waters after Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom / Jan 7/20
Synaxis of St. John the Baptist
Jas 3:1-10 Mk 11:11-23; Baptist: Act 19:108 Joh 1:29-34 / Jan 8/21 FAST
St. George the Chozebite
Jas 3:11-4:6 Mk 11:23-26 / Jan 9/22
HM Philip, Met. of All Russia
Jas 4:7-5:9 Mk 11:27-33 / Jan 10/23 FAST
St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Theophan the Recluse
I Pet 1:1-12,2:6-10 Mk 12:1-12; St gregory: 1Co 12:7-11 Mat 10:1,5-8 / Jan 11/24
St. Theodosios the Great
Ves,Mat: see typikon; Lit: 1Th 5.14-23; Lk 17.3-10 Sat after Theophany: Eph 6:10-17; Mat 4:1-11
Jan 12/25 T7 MG10 32SAP
Sunday after Theophany
St. Savva I, abp of Serbia
M Tatiana of Rome
Eph 4:7-13 & 1 Tim 4:9-15
Mt 4:12-17 & Lk 19:1-10 / Jan 13/26 33WAP
MM Hermylus & Stratonicus
Holy Fathers slain at Sinai & Raithu
1 Pet 2:21-3:9; Mk 12:13-17 / Jan 14/27
Apodosis of Theophany, St. Nina, Enlightener of Georgia, St Sava I of Serbia
1Pt 3.10-22; Mk 12.18-27; St Sava Vesp,Mat,Lit see typikon / Jan 15/28 FAST
St. Paul of Thebes, St. John the Hutdweller
1Pt 4.1-11; Mk 12.28-37 / Jan 16/29
Veneration of the Chains of St. Peter
1Pt 4.12-5.5; Mk 12.38-44 Peter:Act 12:1-11 Joh 21:15-25 / Jan 17/30 Wine&Oil
St. Anthony the Great
Ves,Mat:see typikon Lit:2Pt 1.1-10; Mk 13.1-8 Anthony:Heb 13:17-21 Luk 6:17-23 / Jan 18/31
St. Athanasios the Grea & St. Cyril, Abps. Of Alexandria
2Tim 2.11-19; Lk 18.2-8 Sts:Heb 13:7-16 Mat 5:14-19
Regular Schedule
(see for updates and festal services)
Wed Vespers 7PM
Thu Liturgy time varies
Sat Confession 4PM ; Vigil 5 PM
Sun Hours&Liturgy 9:40 AM, followed by a community meal open to all / St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church: McKinney, Texas
February 2009 / Pastor:
Fr. Seraphim Holland
Rectory: (972) 529-2754
Mobile: (972) 658-5433
708 S. Chestnut McKinney, Texas 75071
Mailing Address:
PO 37 McKinney, TX 75070
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Jan 19/Feb 1 T8 MG11 33SAP
Zacchaeus Sunday/ St. Macarius the Great of Egypt/St. Mark of Ephesus
iTim 4:9-15;Lk19:1-10 / Jan 20/Feb 2
St Euthymius the Great
I Pet 2:21-3:9; Mk 12:13-17 / Jan 21/Feb 3
St. Maximus the Confessor
M Neophytus; VM Agnes of Rome; St. Maximus the Greek
I Pet 3:10-22; Mk 12:18-27 / Jan 22/Feb 4 Wine&Oil
Ap. Timothy of the 70
I Pet 4:1-11; Mk 12:28-37 / Jan 23/Feb 5
HM Clement, bp of Ancyra
IPet 4:12-5:5; Mk 12:38-44 / Jan 24/Feb 6 FAST
Bl. Xenia of St. Petersburg, St. Xenia of Rome
2Pet 1:1-10; Mk 13:1-8 / Jan 25/Feb 7
St. Gregory the Theologion
2Tim 2:11-19;Luk 18:2-8
Jan 26/Feb 8 T1 MG1
Publican and Pharisee
NMM & Confessors of Russia
Lit:2Ti 3:10-15; Luk 18:10-14 & NMM: Rom 8:28-39 Lk 21:12-29
/ Jan 27/Feb 9.
Trans Relics of St. John Chrysostom
Lit: 2 Pet 1:20-2:9; Mk 13:9-13 / Jan 28/Feb 10
St. Ephraim the Syrian, St. Isaac the Syrian
2 Pet 2:9-22; Mk 13:14-23 / Jan 29/Feb 11 NO FASTING
HM Ignatius the Godbearer
2 Pet 3:1-18; Mk 13:24-31 / Jan 30/Feb 12
Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs
1Jo 1:8-2:6, Mk 13:31-14:2 (read Wed)
SS: Heb 13:7-16 Mt 5:14-19 / Jan 31/Feb 13
Holy Unmercenaries Cyrus & John
1 Jn 2:7-17; Mk 14:3-9 / Feb 1/14
Forefeast of the Meeting; St. Bridget of Ireland; M Tryphon
2Ti 3:1-9; Luk 20:45-21:4
Feb 2/15 T2 MG2
Meeting of the Lord/Prodigal Son
Mat:Luk 2:25-32 LIT: Feast: Heb 7:7-17; Luk 2:22-40; Prodigal Son: 1Co 6:12-20; Luk 15:11-32
/ Feb 3/16
St. Nicholas of Japan/SS Symeon and Anna
1 Jn 2:18-3:10; Mk 11:1-11 / Feb 4/17
St. Isidore of Pelusium
1 Jn 3:11-20; Mk 14:10-42 / Feb 5/18 FAST
VM Agatha
1 Jn 3:21-4:6; Mk 14:43-15:1 / Feb 6/19
St. Photius, Pat. of Constantinople St. Bucolus, bp of Smyrna
1 Jn 4:20-5:21; Mk 15:1-15 / Feb 7/20 FAST
SS Parthenius & Luke/ Apodosis of the Meeeting
2 Jn 1:1-13; Mk 15:22-25, 33-41 / Feb 8/21
GM Theodore Stratelites
1Co 10:23-28; Luk 21:8-9, 25-27,33-36; & For The Dead:1Thes 4:13-17; Jn 5:24-30
Feb 9/22 T3 MG3
Meatfare/ Sun of the Last Judgment
1Co 8:8-9:2; Mat 25:31-46
/ Feb 10/ 23 NO MEAT
HM Charalampius
3Jn 1:1-15; Luk 19:29-40; 22:7-39 / Feb 11/24 NO MEAT
HM Blaise, bp of Sebaste
M George of Sofia
Jude 1:1-10; Luk 22:39-42, 45-23:1 / Feb 12/25 NO MEAT
St. Alexis, met of Moscow
St. Meletius the Great of Antioch
6th Hour:Joel 2:12-26; VES:Joel 3:12-21
St. Martinian, monk of Caesaria
Jude 1:11-25; Luk 23:2-34, 44-56 / Feb 14/27 NO MEAT
St. Auxentius, monk of Bithynia
6th Hour:Zech 8:7-17; VES:Zech 8:19-23
Comm of the ascetics/ Ap Onesimus of the 70
LIT:Rom 14:19-23; 16:25-27; Mat 6:1-13 & Ascetics:Gal 5:22-6:2; Mat 11:27-30
Regular Schedule
(see for updates and festal services)
Wed Vespers 7PM
Thu Liturgy time varies
Sat Confession 4PM ; Vigil 5 PM
Sun Hours&Liturgy 9:40 AM, followed by a community meal open to all / St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church: McKinney, Texas
March 2009 / Pastor:
Fr. Seraphim Holland
Rectory: (972) 529-2754
Mobile: (972) 658-5433
708 S. Chestnut McKinney, Texas 75071
Mailing Address:
PO 37 McKinney, TX 75070
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Feb 16/Mar 1 T4 MG4
Forgiveness Sunday/ Cheesefare
Rom 13:11-14:4; Mat 6:14-21
It is customary to have Forgiveness Ves after liturgy or Sunday evening / Feb 17/Mar 2 FAST
GM Theodore the Recruit
St. Hermogenes, pat. All Russia
6th hour:Isa 1:1-20; Ves:Gen 1:1-13; Pro 1:1-20
No Liturgy
Great Compline with Great Canon / Feb 18/Mar 3 FAST
St. Leo the Great, Pope of Rome
6th hour:Isa 1:19-2:3; Ves:Gen 1:14-23; Pro 1:20-33
No Liturgy
Great Compline with Great Canon / Feb 19/Mar 4 FAST
App Archippus & Philemon
of the 70
6th hour:Isa 2:3-11; Ves:Gen 1:24-2:3; Pro 2:1-22
Great Compline with Great Canon / Feb 20/Mar 5 FAST
St. Leo bp. of Catinia
HM Cornelius, abbot of Pskov
6th hour:Isa 2:11-22; Ves:Gen 2:4-19; Pro 3:1-18
No Liturgy
Great Compline with Great Canon / Feb 21/Mar 6 FAST
St. Timothy of Symbola
St. Eustacius of Antioch
Kozelshchina Icon of the Theotokos
6th hour:Isa 3:1-14; Ves:Gen 2:20-3:20; Pro 3:19-34
Presanctified / Feb 22/Mar 7 Wine&Oil
MM at the Gate of Eugenius; St Theodore the Tyro
Heb 1:1-12; Mk 2:23-3:5 & St. Theodore:2Ti 2:1-10; Jn 15:17-16:2
Div Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
Feb 23/Mar 8 T5 MG5 Wine&Oil
Sunday of Orthodoxy
Heb 11:24-26, 32-12:2; Jn 1:43-51 / Feb 24/Mar 9 Wine&Oil
First & Second Findings of Head of St. John the Baptist
6th Hr:Isa 4:2-6,5:1-7; Vesp:Gen 3:21-4:7; Prov 3:34-4:22 / Feb 25/Mar 10 FAST
St. Tarasius of Constantinople
6th Hr:Isa 5:7-16; Gen 4:8-15; Prov 5:1-15 / Feb26/Mar11 FAST
St. Porphyrius of Gaza
6th Hr:Isa 5:16-25;
Vesp:Gen 4:16-26; Prov 5:15-6:3 / Feb 27/Mar 12 FAST
St. Procopius the Confessor
6th Hr:Isa 6:1-12; Vesp:Gen 5:1-24; Prov 6:3-20 / Feb 28/13 FAST
St. Basil the Confessor
St. John Cassian
6th Hr:Isa 7:1-14; Vesp:Gen 5:32-6:8; Prov 6:20-7:1 / Mar 1/14 Wine&Oil
Martyr Eudocia/ Commemoration of the Dead
Heb 3:12-16; Mk 1:35-44 For the Dead:1 Thess 4:13-17; Joh 5:24-30
Mar 2/15 T6 MG6 Wine&Oil
St Gregory Palamas
Heb 1:10-2:3; Mk 2:1-12; St Gregory:Heb 7:26-8:2, Joh 10:9-16
/ Mar 3/16 FAST
M Eutropius & those with him
6th Hr:Isa 8:13-9:7;
Vesp:Gen 6:9-22; Prov 8:1-21 / Mar 4/17 FAST
St. Gerasimus of the Jordan
6th Hr:Isa 9:9-10:4;
Vesp:Gen 7:1-5; Prov 8:32-9:11 / Mar 5/18 FAST
Martyr Conan of Isauria
6th Hr:Isa 10:12-20; Vesp:Gen 7:6-9; Prov 9:12-18 / Mar 6/19 FAST
42 Martyrs of Amoria
6th Hr:Isa 11:10-12:2; Vesp:Gen 7:11-8:3; Prov 10:1-22 / Mar 7/20 FAST
HMM of Cherson
6th Hr:Isa 13:2-13;
Vesp:Gen 8:4-21; Prov 10:31-11:12 / Mar 8/21 Wine&Oil
St Theophylactus, Bp of Nicomodea; Comm of the Dead
Heb 10:32-38, Mk 2:14-17 Dead: 1 Thess 4:13-17, Joh 5:24-30
Mar 9/22 T7 MG7 Wine&Oil
Adoration of the Cross
40 Martyrs of Sebaste
Heb 4:14-5:6; Mk 8:34-9:1
/ Mar 10/23 FAST
M Codratus and Comp. at Corinth
6th Hr:Isa 14:24-32;
Vesp:Gen 8:21-9:7; Prov 11:19-12:6 / Mar 11/24 FAST
St. Sophronius, pat. of Jerusalem
6th Hr:Isa 25:1-9; Vesp:Gen 9:8-17; Prov 12:8-22 / Mar 12/25 FAST
St. Gregory the Dialogist
St. Symeon the New Theologian
St. Theophanes the Confessor
6th Hr:Isa 26:21-27:9;
Vesp:Gen 9:18-10:1; Prov 12:23-13:9 / Mar 13/26 FAST
Trans. of Relics of St. Nicephorus
6th Hr:Isa 28:14-22; Vesp:Gen 10:32-11:9, Prov 13:20-14:6` / Mar 14/27 FAST
St. Benedict of Nursia
6th Hr:Isa 29:13-23;
Vesp:Gen 12:1-7; Prov 14:15-26 / Mar 15/28 Wine&Oil
M Agapius & Comp, Comm of the Dead
Heb 6:9-12, Mar 7:31-37; Dead: 1 Cor 15:47-57, Joh 5:24-30
Mar 16/29 T8 MG8 Wine&Oil
St. John Climacus
Heb 6:13-20; Mk 9:17-31 St John: Eph 5:9-19, Mat 4:25-5:12
/ Mar17/30 FAST
St. Alexis the Man of God
St. Patrick of Ireland
6th Hr: Isa 37:33-38:6; Vesp:Gen 13:12-18, Prov 14:27-15:4 / Mar 18/31 FAST
St. Cyril of Jerusalem
6th Hr:Isa 40:18-31; Vesp:Gen 15:1-15, Prov 15:7-19
Regular Schedule
(see for updates and festal services)
Wed Vespers 7PM
Thu Liturgy time varies
Sat Confession 4PM ; Vigil 5 PM
Sun Hours&Liturgy 9:40 AM, followed by a community meal open to all / St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church: McKinney, Texas
April 2009 / Pastor:
Fr. Seraphim Holland
Rectory: (972) 529-2754
Mobile: (972) 658-5433
708 S. Chestnut McKinney, Texas 75071
Mailing Address:
PO 37 McKinney, TX 75070
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Mar19/Apr1 Wine&Oil
MM Chrysanthus & Daria & Comp.
6th Hr:Isa 41:4-14; Vesp:Gen 17:1-9; Pro 15:20-16:9
Presanctified Liturgy / Mar 20/Apr 2 Wine&Oil
St Photini, the Samaritan Woman
6th Hr:Isa 42:5-16; Vesp:Gen 18:20-33; Pro 16:17-17:17
Matins (Wed evening) with Great Canon
Presanctified Liturgy / Mar 21/Apr 3 Wine&Oil
St. James the Confessor, bp Catania
6th Hr:Isa 45:11-17; Vesp:Gen 22:1-18; Pro 17:17-18:5
Presanctified Liturgy
Evening:Matins with Akathist to the Theotokos / Mar 22/Apr 4 Wine&Oil
HM Basil of Ancyra/ Laudation of the Theotokos