2017 Joint Call for Project Proposals
Please direct all queries to Jacqueline Sylvester (at , ext650-2689).
UCT internal submission date: Friday, 13 April 2017 at 9h00
NOTE: A maximum of only 10 joint projects will be funded for this call
The National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) are pleased to announce a call for joint research proposals.
Joint research proposals may be submitted in the following designated broad thematic areas:
- Humanities; and
- Social Sciences
UCT researchers residing in South Africa are eligible to apply as the principal investigator. If on contract, the contract should be for at least the duration of the funding period. The SA PI must be in possession of a PhD.
Funding will be available for a maximum of two (2) years, exclusively for research activities commencing in 2017. SA researchers can apply for a maximum of R 300,000 per project (annual instalments of R 150,000).
Funding may be used for activities such as exchange of researchers, scientists and/or postdoctoral students, including visits to research planning meetings and workshops linked to the research project.
In this case, the sending side will be responsible for all travel-related expenses (i.e. international travel, visas, medical insurance, accommodation and subsistence including ground transportation).
The following may NOT be funded from the funds allocation:
- Consultants’ fees;
- Educational expenses (scholarships and/or bursaries, etc.);
- Large equipment;
- Project management fees; and
- Salaries and temporary staff fees.
Applications must be submitted through an online application process, via
- Register / Login using your ID number and password;
- Select ‘create new application’ from the list of existing calls;
- Select ‘NRF/ São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) of Brazil Joint Science and Technology Research Collaboration Call for Project Proposals 2017’;
- Please attach the necessary documents in pdf file in the following order:
- CV of partner (i.e. ‘Partner Principal Investigator’s CV’ in the application form);
- Budget of partner (i.e. ‘Partner Country’s Budget’ in the application form); and
- Signed support letter of the partner (i.e. ‘Support letter from Partner Principal Investigator’ in the application form).
Complete applications will go to the UCT Research Support Services for verification, and will be endorsed and forwarded to the NRF. Please submit your finalapplication no later than Wednesday, 26 April at 9h00.
Please submit your final application by no later than Wednesday, 26 April 2017, at 9h00. No applications can be submitted after this point.
It is of utmost importance that you consult the call guide for more information: (Click the + sign next to ‘NRF/ São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) of Brazil Joint Science and Technology Research Collaboration Call for Project Proposals 2017’ under Open Calls.)