
Psychology Midterm Examination

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

QCC 1 1.The vast majority of psychologists study

a. / learning and memory processes. / c. / everyday behaviors and feelings.
b. / very complex human processes. / d. / abnormal behavior.

QCC 1 2.The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake is called

a. / basic science. / c. / clinical psychology.
b. / applied science. / d. / educational psychology.

QCC 3 3.The concept of “unconscious determinants of behavior” is associated with

a. / Sigmund Freud. / c. / Wilhelm Wundt.
b. / John B. Watson. / d. / Ivan Pavlov.

QCC 4 4.A hypothesis

a. / is an educated guess. / c. / is part of the scientific method.
b. / has to be scientifically tested. / d. / includes all of the above.

QCC 3 5.The first modern psychologist was

a. / Sigmund Freud. / c. / Sir Francis Galton.
b. / Wilhelm Wundt. / d. / B.F. Skinner.

QCC 3 6.Sir Francis Galton contributed to the development of the

a. / conditioned reflex. / c. / personality test.
b. / utopian community. / d. / case study.

QCC 3 7.Which of the following is associated with Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers?

a. / clinical psychology / c. / humanistic psychology
b. / developmental psychology / d. / all of the above

QCC 1 8.Psychologists who use psychological principles to solve immediate problems are practicing

a. / basic science. / c. / psychiatry.
b. / applied science. / d. / behaviorism.

QCC 7 9.Psychologists call the internally programmed growth of a child

a. / development. / c. / maturation.
b. / assimilation. / d. / socialization.

QCC 3 10.Jean Piaget's research shows that

a. / full intelligence is present at birth.
b. / intelligence develops as children grow.
c. / intelligence does not vary among children.
d. / the environment determines intelligence.

QCC 7 11.An infant who has developed object permanence

a. / is attached to specific objects.
b. / will see all objects as the same.
c. / knows that an object exists even if it cannot be seen.
d. / cries when objects are taken away.

QCC 7 12.A newborn infant has certain automatic movement patterns called

a. / instincts. / c. / schemas.
b. / reflexes. / d. / formal operations.

QCC 3 13.Sigmund Freud believed that children were born with ____ urges.

a. / neither sexual nor aggressive / c. / aggressive but not sexual
b. / sexual but not aggressive / d. / sexual and aggressive

QCC 1 14.Imprinting is

a. / slowly developed over months or years.
b. / entirely based on learning.
c. / sudden and can take place in less than a day.
d. / maturational.

QCC 1 15.Which of the following is NOT true for infants?

a. / they imprint on their parents
b. / they demonstrate the grasping reflex
c. / they demonstrate the rooting reflex
d. / they can see, hear, and smell

QCC 3 16.The desire ____ characterizes Stage 3 of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory.

a. / to avoid punishment / c. / to obey authority
b. / for social approval / d. / for fairness

QCC 3 17.Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development claims that if a young child is praised for her new abilities she will learn

a. / doubt. / c. / initiative.
b. / industry. / d. / autonomy.

QCC 3 18.Joan uses the Golden Rule as her guide in making moral judgments. She is considered to be in ____ of Lawrence Kohlberg's framework.

a. / Stage 6 / c. / Stage 4
b. / Stage 5 / d. / Stage 3

QCC 7 19.All of the following statements about adolescence are true EXCEPT

a. / the number of teen suicides has increased.
b. / troubled adolescents usually outgrow their problems.
c. / adolescents behave unpredictably.
d. / belonging to a clique is important.

QCC 8 20.Which of the following is NOT characteristic of girls who mature early?

a. / They are more quarrelsome.
b. / They are more popular in late teens.
c. / They have a favorable self-image in late teens.
d. / They are proud of height and figure at first.

QCC 8 21.A person's gender role is defined by

a. / one's genetic makeup.
b. / cultural influences.
c. / traditionally masculine or feminine behavior.
d. / all of the above.

QCC 3 22.The concept of adolescent identity categories is associated with

a. / Jean Piaget. / c. / James Marcia.
b. / Lawrence Kohlberg. / d. / Sandra Bem.

QCC 8 23.Simone, a typical adolescent, will most likely turn to her peers for advice on

a. / marriage. / c. / fashion.
b. / religion. / d. / educational plans.

QCC 8 24.An androgynous role is one that

a. / reflects traditionally feminine characteristics.
b. / combines traditional male and female characteristics.
c. / reflects traditionally male characteristics.
d. / combines various gender stereotypes.

QCC 7 25.Which of the following events does NOT occur at approximately the same time as the others?

a. / puberty / c. / adolescence
b. / menarche / d. / menopause

QCC 7 26.Depressed teenagers generally appear to be

a. / sad. / c. / angry.
b. / withdrawn. / d. / nervous.

QCC 7 27.Which of the following does NOT influence patterns of health and disease in old age?

a. / health at younger age / c. / exercise
b. / eating habits / d. / physical strength

QCC 1 28.The goal of hospice care is to

a. / improve the quality of life. / c. / avoid the use of drugs.
b. / prolong life. / d. / cure the patient's illness.

QCC 8 29.Brianna is at her physical peak. She most likely is ____ years old.

a. / 12–18 / c. / 30–38
b. / 18–30 / d. / 38–50

QCC 3 30.Which of the following is the correct order of the stages of adjusting to dying and death as defined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross?

a. / anger, denial, bargaining, depression, acceptance
b. / bargaining, anger, denial, acceptance, depression
c. / denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
d. / denial, bargaining, anger, depression, acceptance

QCC 3 31.Alberto believes that his function in life is to help younger generations by passing on his acquired business wisdom. Erik Erikson would say that Alberto is exhibiting

a. / despair. / c. / generativity.
b. / stagnation. / d. / ego integrity.

QCC 8 32.Elderly people have difficulty retrieving information from memory due to

a. / senile dementia. / c. / a loss of fluid intelligence.
b. / a decline in the nervous system. / d. / a loss of crystallized intelligence.

QCC 7 33.Eleanor is struggling through the second stage of dying. This can best be described as a stage of

a. / anger. / c. / acceptance.
b. / denial. / d. / bargaining.

QCC 3 34.Daniel Levinson's theory focused on

a. / adolescent males. / c. / elderly females.
b. / adult males. / d. / middle-aged females.

QCC 7 35.The four most prevalent chronic diseases of the elderly are

a. / heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis.
b. / stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis.
c. / cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.
d. / cancer, hypertension, stroke, and arthritis.

QCC 8 36.Eduardo is in that stage of adulthood where he faces the conflict between the need to explore and the need to establish a stable lifestyle. He is most likely ____ years of age.

a. / 22–28 / c. / 35–40
b. / 28–35 / d. / 40–45

QCC 1 37.Thanatology is the

a. / acceptance of death. / c. / study of dying and death.
b. / study of midlife transitions. / d. / study of depression in the elderly.

QCC 3 38.In Harry Harlow's study, the baby monkeys preferred

a. / the mother that fed them. / c. / the wire mother.
b. / the cloth mother. / d. / all mothers equally.

QCC 1 39.Dr. Jones is a psychologist who explains motivation in terms of underlying physiological states. To which theory does Dr. Jones subscribe?

a. / drive-reduction theory / c. / actualization theory
b. / social learning theory / d. / instinct theory

QCC 1 40.Studies have shown that high achievers prefer to be associated with

a. / aggressive people. / c. / low achievers.
b. / friendly people. / d. / experts who help them achieve.

QCC 1 41.Pleasure obtained from stimulation is overlooked by which theory?

a. / social learning theory / c. / actualization theory
b. / drive-reduction theory / d. / cognitive theory

QCC 3 42.The “hierarchy of needs” was developed by

a. / J.W. Atkinson. / c. / Matina Horner.
b. / David McClelland. / d. / Abraham Maslow.

QCC 7 43.Which of the following is a self-actualization need?

a. / feeling safe and secure / c. / being accepted and belonging
b. / having food and shelter / d. / fulfilling one's own potential

QCC 3 44.Charles Darwin argued that people from different cultures express certain basic feelings

a. / in the same ways.
b. / in different ways.
c. / in the same ways except for different facial expressions.
d. / in different ways depending upon their gender.

QCC 1 45.Studies on obese individuals indicate that

a. / they respond to internal cues to eat.
b. / their psychological realm plays a small part in their eating habits.
c. / they respond to external cues to eat.
d. / they block out external cues.

QCC 3 46.J.W. Atkinson developed the ____ theory to explain goal-directed behavior.

a. / drive-reduction / c. / self-actualization
b. / expectancy-value / d. / incentive

QCC 3 47.Abraham Maslow refers to biological drives, including the need for physical safety and security as ____ needs.

a. / fundamental / c. / self-actualization
b. / psychological / d. / homeostatic

QCC 3 48.The Cannon-Bard theory proposed that

a. / the brain arouses the body and triggers emotions simultaneously.
b. / the body reacts first, triggering emotions.
c. / emotions trigger a reaction in the body.
d. / bodily reactions and thinking work together to trigger emotions.

QCC 3 49.In Maslow's hierarchy, the need to receive and give love is a(n) ____ need.

a. / extrinsic / c. / fundamental
b. / psychological / d. / intrinsic

QCC 7 50.Incentive theory stresses the role of ____ in motivating behavior.

a. / emotional intelligence / c. / needs
b. / the environment / d. / expectancy-value


Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.

QCC 8 51.By choosing abstinence, adolescents hope to avoid unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and a loss of self-respect.

QCC 3 52.Erik Erikson theorized that the conflicts faced during adolescence are never completely resolved, and they may arise again many times during a person's lifetime.

QCC 8 53.In some nonindustrial societies the gender roles of children are similar to those of adults, so the onset of puberty is less stressful in such societies.

QCC8 54.On major issues such as religion, marriage, and future plans parents have significant influence; however, on other matters such as hairstyles and music preferences, peers have more influence on teens.

QCC 7 55.Wrinkles appear as humans lose muscle tone and bone density.

QCC 7 56.Male menopause occurs when the man's sperm count is reduced by at least half, making him less able to father children.

QCC 7 57.An individual's basic character and personality remain stable over the years.

QCC 7 58.During the middle adult era shown in the diagram, generativity or stagnation are likely to occur.

QCC 7 59.The quality of health care for the elderly continues to improve as more people are covered under Medicare.

QCC 7 60.Hospice services include in-home care through visiting nurses, aides, and social workers.

Psychology Midterm Examination

Answer Section


1. ANS: C DIF: E

2. ANS: A DIF: E

3. ANS: A DIF: C

4. ANS: D DIF: A

5. ANS: B DIF: A

6. ANS: C DIF: A

7. ANS: C DIF: A

8. ANS: B DIF: A

9. ANS: C DIF: E

10. ANS: B DIF: A

11. ANS: C DIF: A

12. ANS: B DIF: A

13. ANS: D DIF: A

14. ANS: C DIF: A

15. ANS: A DIF: A

16. ANS: B DIF: C

17. ANS: D DIF: C

18. ANS: A DIF: C

19. ANS: B DIF: A

20. ANS: D DIF: A

21. ANS: D DIF: A

22. ANS: C DIF: C

23. ANS: C DIF: A

24. ANS: B DIF: E

25. ANS: D DIF: E

26. ANS: C DIF: A

27. ANS: D DIF: E

28. ANS: A DIF: E

29. ANS: B DIF: A

30. ANS: C DIF: A

31. ANS: C DIF: A

32. ANS: B DIF: C

33. ANS: A DIF: A

34. ANS: B DIF: A

35. ANS: A DIF: C

36. ANS: A DIF: A

37. ANS: C DIF: A

38. ANS: B DIF: E

39. ANS: A DIF: C

40. ANS: D DIF: E

41. ANS: B DIF: C

42. ANS: D DIF: A

43. ANS: D DIF: A

44. ANS: A DIF: A

45. ANS: C DIF: A

46. ANS: B DIF: C

47. ANS: A DIF: A

48. ANS: A DIF: C

49. ANS: B DIF: A

50. ANS: B DIF: A


51. ANS: T DIF: E

52. ANS: T DIF: A

53. ANS: T DIF: A

54. ANS: T DIF: A

55. ANS: F DIF: A

56. ANS: F DIF: C

57. ANS: T DIF: C

58. ANS: T DIF: A

59. ANS: F DIF: E

60. ANS: T DIF: E